"What about Jae-ho?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"Cut... I laughed! Kim Jae-ho smiled angrily: "What's wrong with me!" Let's see for yourself."

"I can hit you ten, okay!" Li Guangzhu said.

"Yay! Hurry up and put me with him, I'm going to make it easy to advance! Kim Jae-ho said to PD.

"Hahaha! It's really funny enough~" Li Guangzhu sneered, his face full of disdain.

The haha next to him shouted: "Yay! Can you guys go over there and argue?! "

"We don't care at all how you guys are! No care, no concern! Liu Zaishi was also full of boredom.

The two people were directly speechless, and there was a feeling of quarreling into nothingness, and their expressions made the onlookers next to them laugh.

It seems to be just an ordinary daily life, but in fact, several people compete with each other's acting skills, and this dialogue is actually deliberate when knowing the bottom line, because everyone knows how this ranking is conducted.

"Don't you say first, what should you do if you know how to wrestle?" Liu Zaishi asked, after all, it was a girl.

"She can finish in the top three." Haha said.


"I confess that although I don't understand, I seem to be able to win over Brother Shi Zhen." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Yay! You are really..." Chi Shizhen was speechless, he was actually underestimated by girls, how could he not be to that extent, right?

Kim Jae-ho is indeed lined up like this, Song Jihyo vs. Ji Seok-jin, and Song Ji-hyo wins.

"I don't know about wrestling, but in actual combat, there is one thing to say, no one here can fight Zhixiao." Kim Jae-ho said.

Li Guangzhu suddenly said: "Last time I heard someone say that when he passed by the alley, Zhixiao came out of it, and then he went in and looked at it, and immediately fell ten people. "


Li Guangzhu's sincere expression pushed Song Zhixiao far away in the direction where he had mixed, although it was exaggerated, but I don't know why it felt really appropriate.

Lee Kwang-joo's words are false, but Kim Jae-ho's words are true, Kim Jae-ho himself knows that these people have not systematically learned to fight, but Song Zhihyo has learned from the master brother, isn't beating these people the same as hitting his younger brother?

Of course, if it is not a real battle, it is different, Song Zhixiao's moves are the kind that may enter the hospital after fighting, Song Zhixiao is not a bodyguard, and there are rules and restrictions like boxing, you don't need to learn how to subdue others, you just need to learn how to make others incapacitated.

As soon as Liu Zaishi wanted to ask how to fight, PD said: "When you entered the mine just now, you saw that there was a white line under the side, right?" According to the order in which we passed that line, we worked out the matchup. "

Although they made the rules themselves, they looked shocked when they heard them.

"Huh? Is that so? Daihatsu! I didn't even know where the cable was, I didn't pay attention at all! Kim Jae-ho shouted in shock.

After that, the acting skills are exaggerated by Kim Jae-ho.

Everyone almost laughed when they heard it, and haha also said sincerely: "Yes, yes ~ me too!" Daihatsu! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he burst out laughing, and quickly turned his head to put it away.

I really didn't hold back, it was too difficult.

Kim Jae-ho didn't see it, he was attracted by the staff on the side.

"Then now come to the public."

As soon as the board turned, everyone began to make a fuss, and Liu Zaishi walked directly over and shouted: "It's so unspeakable!" How can I compare with the final country! "

Kim Jae-ho laughed silly, how is it exactly the same as I thought?

The Jin Zhiguo in front of them is not important, he watched them go, and the two against two in the back turned out to be exactly the same, and it was too comfortable, right?

The camera gave Kim Jae-ho's bright smile at this time, happy with a super lucky little luck.

Looking at Liu Zaishi's crazy look, Jin was overwhelmed, and Liu Zaishi went to PD and asked why it was him and Jin Zhiguo.

Not only Liu Zaishi, everyone else went up, only Kim Jae-ho was alone in place, and Kim Jae-ho was comfortable when he saw PD being surrounded.

Everyone saw that PD couldn't solve the problem, and came back to look at the board, "Yay! Why did Zaiho win without a fight! "

"Maybe because I'm at the end?" Kim Jae-ho tempted.

"It's obviously me who ended up!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

"Didn't I go to the end?" Chi Shizhen also joined in the fun.

"Don't you all want your faces?" Kim Jae-ho asked, if he didn't know that he was acting, everyone would really think that his reaction at the moment was normal.

Everyone sorted out their emotions, and to be honest, everyone had no opinion except Liu Zaishi.

"If nothing else, there are many people here today..." Liu Zaishi said irritably, "Here I was compared with the final country in the first set, and I was thrown down all of a sudden, what a shame!" "

"I don't want to be so right." Jin Zhiguo touched his conscience and said.

"Brother, you can knock him down in two strokes." Kim Jae-ho-do.

"Does that make any difference?! Yikes! You! "Liu Zaishi exploded, you think you have a good sense of humor?

When a protagonist doesn't even say anything?

However, this also relieved Liu Zaishi and continued to perform hotly.

"What about this?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Isn't it okay for him to trip with his leg?"

Didn't Chi Shizhen think it was very easy?

He used his leg to mix the golden final kingdom without moving, and just wanted to start and immediately stopped, "Ah~everyone watching~"

He kept smiling, and Chi Shizhen was terrified.

"Yay! He wants image management! Everyone laughed.


Kim Jae-ho went directly around Kim Ji-guo and kicked him, and Kim Ji-guk pressed him to the ground with his backhand.

Kim Jae-ho hurriedly shouted: "Image management!" Image management! Everyone watched! "

Jin Zhiguo turned a deaf ear and directly covered his mouth, I put up with you kid for a long time!


Everyone is about to laugh badly, where does this guy have the courage to dare to slide in front of the tiger!

Chi Shizhen was frightened, and the person who almost lay on the ground was him.

Li Guangzhu was envious of the thief, looking at Kim Jae-ho, he wished that the person lying on the ground was him.

It turned out to be like this!

He thought.

Kim Jae-ho just wanted to engage in the mentality of Jin Zhiguo, but he didn't expect that he almost planted it, today's Jin Zhiguo is so angry, usually he is at most to scare himself, not so ruthless, he was frightened just now.

After tidying up your clothes, the game begins.

Everyone began to take off their shoes, and Kim Jae-ho said while taking them off, "Brother Zaishi, you must win, I have weakened Brother Jiguo so much, you can't win this..."

"Yay! How can I win! What a weakening you are! Liu Zaishi smiled angrily.

"You say this, and if you wait for Brother Shi to lose, it will be even more humiliating." Song Zhixiao laughed on the side.

Kim Jae-ho stretched out his tongue and smiled, this is indeed one of his purposes, and it is also a method of provocation, Liu Zaishi may really be able to hold on in the case of extreme anger.

Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo, the battle of fate, one mountain does not allow two tigers, everyone wants to see what the situation of the two people is in the front.

Just standing the two people attracted a burst of applause, and they amplified the move as soon as they came up.

Although Liu Zaishi already knew the result, he still wanted to struggle, the only drawback was that his expression looked very empty, and Kim Jae-ho was heartbroken when he looked at it.

Liu Bao is not easy ah Liu Bao, but I'm sorry, you still have to go, for my plan.

He felt that this was a good play arranged by himself, and he had to be responsible for it.

The two people restrained each other, the atmosphere was very tense, and even the initial preparation posture was done for a long time, because they had to kneel.

Looking at the two people grinding and chirping, Li Guangzhu went up and directly kicked Jin Zhiguo down, which is called learning to apply, Jin Zhiguo glanced at him, Li Guangzhu quickly returned to his position.

Kim Jae-ho directly pulled him back: "Quick!" Elder brother! I held it down for you! Come on! "

But Jin Zhiguo just gritted his teeth and looked at him, and hugged Liu Zaishi without care.

Lee Kwang-joo backhanded a kick, and Kim Jae-ho ran around after dodging it, like a card girl.

It can only be run around the field, and the two people are not wearing shoes and cannot touch the ground.

"Yay! Is it them or you! Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho gave up.

Although there are these two living treasures active atmosphere, Liu Zaishi's expression is still very solemn, without him, when hugging together, he can feel the muscles on the opposite side more truly.

I feel like my waist is cuffed.

Jin Zhiguo stood up, Liu Zaishi was still kneeling, Jin Zhiguo pulled directly, Liu Zaishi stood up with the trend, and there was no ability to resist at all, which already indicated something.

Haha very kindly helped Liu Zaishi take away the glasses, Liu Zaishi was directly in a semi-blind and ugly state, but could ensure his safety.

Kim Jae-ho took the glasses and put them on himself, a little reminiscing to his previous self, when he also had to wear glasses.

Of course, he wore glasses not to say that he wanted to dump the handsome when he was young, purely looking at the computer, and the party was very regretful, but he now knows that there is really regret medicine.

Don't think so much, the game starts, if the blood is hot, the two people will separate, and then bang together to stir up dust, and then the two people snap and then separate, one person said: "It's very good, it can keep up with my speed." "

Another person would say with a sense of war, "This is just the beginning!" "

Then it started to burst, and then it started to pop again.

And the reality is that a whistle blows, and the sound reaches the ears at the same time!

Liu Zaishi was mentioned by Jin Zhiguo like a chicken...

Then Jin Zhiguo carried Liu Zaishi around, not caring about Liu Zaishi's feelings at all.

Kim Jae-ho shouted to the crowd on the side: "Close your eyes! Don't look! It's cruel! "

In the midst of laughter, he grabbed Liu Zaishi and shook him left and right, and then threw him on the ground like garbage.

No dignity!

Kim Jae-ho covered his face with his hands, his eyes looked through the gaps between his big fingers, and there was a little sister next to him who also learned from him, cute and lovely.

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