Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 269 Crouching Dragon Descends from the Mountain [Please vote for me]

The moon is gentle, and the moonlight pours down like running water, covering the earth with a layer of silver frost, and also covering the two people on the ground with a layer of silver clothing.

There was silence between heaven and earth, and suddenly someone broke the silence.

"Why?" There was irrepressible anger in Long Xian's voice, "Is it fun to look at me like a clown?"

"Want to vent your anger?"

Qingkong waved his hand and said: "Come on!"

Long Xian stood up slowly after hearing the words. The scarlet three magatama looked particularly ferocious in the night.

"I'm so grateful to you for awakening the Three Magatama Sharingan in me!"

As he spoke, he pulled out the knife on the ground and said, "In order to repay you, I will also let you feel the severe pain."

Before he finished speaking, the chakra under his feet had erupted, his figure was like a shadow, and his sword was like a white light.

His speed was very fast, but to Qingzora it was like slow motion.


Qingzora easily raised his right hand, and the kunai held behind his back easily blocked his slash.

Long Xian was surprised that the sword he had exerted all his strength was blocked. Qingkong raised his knee and bumped into Long Xian.


A sound like muffled thunder sounded, and Long Xian instantly sunk into the shape of a lobster in the air, flew out upside down, and broke several big trees behind him.

With his hands on the ground, Long Xian slowly leaned his body against the big tree behind him. The overwhelming feeling and burning pain in his abdomen made him unable to stand up.

"What's wrong? You think you're great after awakening the three magatama?"

"Making me feel pain? Who do you think you are?"

"It's dark and the moon is rising. Do you think you can do it?"

"You know how to talk dirty!"

"Don't you know that the harder you act, the worse you'll be beaten?"


Listening to the sarcastic words popping out of Qing Kong's mouth, and watching Qing Kong slowly approaching him, Long Xian suddenly raised his head and looked at Qing Kong.


Qingkong, who was slowly approaching Long Xian, suddenly stopped, and then he saw Zhishui falling from the sky, drawing his sword and slashing at him.

Qingkong shook his head, and the Shisui in the sky became illusory and then disappeared.

Looking at Long Xian who was dripping with cold sweat, Qingkong smiled and said: "Oh, that's good. You can actually pull me into your illusion space. Your three magatama are pretty good!"

While talking, Qingkong had already walked close to Long Xian.

Just when Long Xian was about to be punished by Qing Kong or even killed, Qing Kong suddenly bowed to him.


To be honest, Qingkong also felt that the constructed illusion was a bit too much.

Listening to Qingzong's sincere apology, Long Xian's face was filled with mixed feelings. Now he already knew in his heart that this might be the so-called Sharingan awakening ceremony.

You can imagine the effort required to construct such a real environment specifically for yourself.

However, this environment was indeed too harsh and could never be forgiven, so he turned his head to the other side.

After Qingkong apologized, he turned around and jumped into the tree regardless of Long Xian's reaction.

"Go back to the training base by yourself and don't reveal anything about the Sharingan Awakening Ceremony."

Long Xian looked at Qingkong's disappearing figure and said angrily: "I haven't forgiven you yet!"

On the other side, just as Qingzora jumped from one tree to another, there was a figure beside him.

Shisui still had a look of shock on his face, and asked Qingkong: "Did you awaken the three Magatama Sharingan?"


After answering Shisui's question, Qingzora sighed: "What a pity!"

Zhisui asked: "What's a pity? Didn't your goal be achieved?"

Qingkong said regretfully: "I didn't expect this illusion to be so effective. Hey... I should wait until he has double magatama or triple magatama before using this illusion!"

Hearing this, Zhisui glanced at Qingkong speechlessly and said: "You have such a beautiful idea! Even if the three magatama sharingan can't break my illusion, it will still detect the abnormality."

"You're right." Qingkong nodded lightly when he heard the words.

The three-magatama Sharingan's resistance to illusions is already very high, and it is impossible not to notice any abnormalities.

Once he noticed the abnormality and knew that everything he experienced was an illusion, the emotional power that caused the evolution of the Sharingan disappeared.

However, he was very lucky to be able to use this to help his team members advance to the three Magatama Sharingan. Originally, he thought he could only upgrade Long Xian to one Magatama.

It seems that the script I made up is still excellent!

Thinking of this, Qingzora smiled and said to Zhisui: "Come on, Director Zhisui, let's go to the next set!"

Zhishui said in surprise: "Director?"

Qingkong explained: "This is a new profession. It is very similar to how you use illusions to construct the world. I will take you to learn about it when you have time."

Zhisui asked a few questions with interest, and then asked: "Where should we go next?"

Qingkong smiled and said: "Now let's go to Luoying Mountain to direct a beautiful love story!"

The next day, Uchiha Hiroteru accepted the trial mission of suppressing bandits and headed to Luoying Mountain.

When he rushed to Mount Luoying, he found that someone had arrived first. When he arrived at the village, he found out that they were ninjas from Konoha, including Yuina Ishigaki, whom he had a crush on.

There are many wandering ninjas in the village, but Ishigaki Yuina and others are defeated. Hiroshi shows up as a hero to save the beauty.

However, the owner of the copycat village turned out to be a jounin who had hidden his strength. In an explosion, he killed Konoha ninjas one after another. Finally, Yuuna Ishigaki blocked the fatal blow for him.

Seeing his beloved woman bleeding in front of him, Guangzhao's vision blurred for a moment, and his eyes were filled with scarlet red.

After comforting Guangzhao, Shisui and Qingzora rushed to the next set again.

Zhisui couldn't understand his younger brother and asked, "Qingzora, you are only thirteen years old, how come you are so good at playing with people's hearts?"

Qingkong rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "What is this? It's just a few more tragic novels. You go out to buy them. There are so many novels with this kind of bloody plot."


Shisui had nothing to say for a moment, so he had to shut up and follow Aozora to continue awakening the Sharingan for other team members.

Time flew by and it was more than ten days later.

At the Wolong team training base, Qingkong looked at the aggrieved players in front of him with his hands behind his back.

The twelve members of the Wolong team lived up to his expectations. Originally, only five people had awakened the Sharingan, but now all members have awakened the Sharingan, including two pairs of three magatama and six pairs of two magatama.

There is no doubt that this Sharingan awakening ceremony was very successful.

At the same time, the Sharingan Awakening Ceremony also made them a little resentful, and even disgusted with Qingzora.

Putting his hands behind his back, Qingkong glanced at everyone and said loudly: "In the past half month, everyone has gone through the Sharingan awakening ceremony. You may be confused, why are you being teased like this?"

When everyone heard this, many people immediately focused their attention on Qingkong.

Aozora said with a solemn expression: "I believe you all know that most of our Uchiha's Sharingan are awakened only after experiencing drastic changes and intense emotions."

Everyone nodded silently.

"Many people think this is a curse from the devil..."

Qingkong paused for a moment before speaking, and then said loudly: "But I think this is a gift from God!"

There were more than a dozen pairs of curious eyes off the court.

Qingkong suddenly asked everyone: "How many ninjas in the ninja world see their loved ones die in front of them every day? How many people have experienced huge negative emotions?"

While everyone was pondering, Qingzora had already answered: "The answer is obvious. Tragedies like this happen every day in the ninja world."

The team members who had experienced "dead parents, dead lovers, dead brothers, and dead friends" off the court nodded silently, and they had to admit that Qingzora was right.

A smile slowly appeared on Qingzora's face: "Fortunately, after we Uchiha experience tragedy, it is possible to awaken the Sharingan and become stronger, so that we have the ability to prevent tragedy when we encounter another accident."

Everyone's eyes gradually lit up after hearing this. It was the first time they heard someone interpret the Sharingan in this way.

Is it true that the awakening of the Sharingan is to prevent tragedy from happening?

Everyone doesn't know whether it's true or not, but they believe what Qingkong said more than the cursed eye that was previously promoted in the village!

And where is the curse? None of their relatives or friends were killed or injured this time, but they all awakened and evolved the Sharingan one by one.

This clearly shows that the Sharingan has nothing to do with the curse at all.

Qingkong was quite pleased to see that everyone accepted his theory.

He had previously discovered that there was a tangled thought in the clan. On the one hand, he was proud of the Sharingan, but on the other hand, he believed that the Sharingan represented something ominous.

Because the Sharingan is powerful and proud, this is a concept that has always been instilled in the family.

As for the unknown meaning of the Sharingan, this is the result of the secret propaganda of the Hokage department.

The radical tribesmen don't care about this. The Sharingan is strong enough. How to awaken or whether it is unknown is not important to them.

But for the peace-loving tribesmen, the unknown nature of the Sharingan is like a thorn in their hearts, leaving them in a dilemma and entangled in their hearts.

The prejudice in people's hearts is like a big mountain, which is difficult to move.

Although it is not possible to remove the prejudices in the minds of the villagers for the time being, Qingkong wants to loosen the minds of the clan members first.

Before getting the villagers to let go of their prejudices, Uchiha first had to let go of them himself.

Qingzong then took the time to secretly come up with a set of positive theories for the awakening of the Sharingan. "Awakening because of love, opening eyes to prevent tragedy" is the most important theory among them.

Since he could convince these few people, he would probably be able to convince more clan members, so Qingkong decided to let Fugaku change the family's enlightenment textbooks after he returned to the village, and at the same time slowly promote his own theory.

"Why do you have to go through such a tragedy?"

Qingkong's eyes met with the team members below, and then replied: "Because I want you to have stronger strength during the execution of the mission, so as to avoid tragedies.

I said before that you cannot use the Sharingan during the mission!

There is another half to this sentence: when life or death is at stake, the mission can be abandoned! "

After saying this, Qingkong glanced at a few people one last time and said: "This is the final training, and you will have to rely on yourselves from now on."


Everyone responded loudly, and then each of them turned into black shadows and shot in different directions.

Aozora, Shuichi and others did not send them off. They will have nothing to do with Uchiha after this day, unless the mission fails or the mission succeeds.

Qingkong looked at the crowd's voices and thought to himself: This time Wolong comes down the mountain, I wonder if he can dominate the world?

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