Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 268 Trial Mission [Please vote for me]

In a single room at the Wolong team's training base, Long Xian was about to lie down and sleep.

Suddenly, he felt a special feeling. After carefully sensing it, he found that it was a message from the Ninja Crow Clan who had just made a contract.

"The personal mission the captain mentioned?"

With a thought in his mind, Long Xian had a guess about the purpose of the psychic beast.

The next moment, a burst of smoke appeared in the room.


After the white smoke cleared, a jet-black ninja crow appeared in front of him.

He stood up and lit the candles in the room, and saw the envelope in Ninja's mouth.

"give it to me!"

The ninja nodded slightly, handed the letter to Long Xian, and then said: "Uchiha Long Xian?"

Long Xian smiled and nodded. Ninja beasts that can talk generally represent good strength.

Ninja Crow continued: "Before you carry out the real mission, Lord Qingkong will give you a trial. This is the goal of your mission."

After hearing this, Long Xian opened the envelope directly. The letter only recorded the location, time and goal of the mission, which was very concise.

One special jounin and two chunin were quite difficult for him.

Ninja Crow finally said: "After completing the trial mission, you will be recognized by Master Aozora, and then you can participate in the Sharingan Awakening Ceremony."

Long showed excitement in his eyes, and then said confidently: "I promise to complete the mission!"

The ninja nodded, then disappeared into white smoke with a bang.

"It's really convenient! In addition to transmitting messages, it must be used for reconnaissance and even to assist in combat."

Long Xian laughed when he thought that he could also channel the crows in the future to assist in the battle.

Shaking his head and throwing away his distracting thoughts, Long Xian opened the letter again, carefully checked the mission information on the letter paper and then burned it.

The next day, Long Xian got up early to collect supplies and then went on the road alone.

Traveling quickly, he soon reached his destination at dusk, and then lurked in the nearby woods.

"Who is the target of the mission? Why do you want to kill him directly?"

As a ninja, Long Xian was taught to obey the orders of his superiors not long after he entered the school, but there was still a trace of curiosity in his heart.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker and the moon was slowly climbing into the night sky, Long Xian gradually became anxious.

"If the mission target does not arrive, then won't my mission directly fail?"

While he was anxious, Long Xian suddenly heard a subtle rustling sound, and then he saw three black figures in the distance appearing in his field of vision.

"finally come!"

In the dark forest road, three people wearing gray cloaks without any markings and masks were seen sneaking towards Konoha.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Without thinking too much, Long Xian quickly formed the seal.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

In an instant, a huge fireball rushed out from the dense branches and leaves, and the red fireball lit up the dark night sky like the sun.

Facing this sudden fireball, the three people who were unprepared were at a loss. Only the leader reacted and jumped away. The remaining two were immediately hit by the fireball and sent flying backwards.

After using Uchiha's signature ninjutsu to deal with the miscellaneous fish, the chakra under Long Xian's feet exploded instantly.


After a burst of sound, Long Xian rushed directly in front of the leader with a knife.

The gray-robed ninja held a knife and asked, "Who are you?"

"Kill your people!"

Before he finished speaking, Long Xian had already drawn his sword and rushed towards the gray-robed ninja.

When the gray-robed ninja saw this, he didn't care to speak and had to draw his sword to fight Long Xian.

Clang! Clang! Clang! ——

In an instant, the sword gleamed like snow, sparks flew everywhere, and the sound of metal clashing was endless.

Long Xian became more and more frightened as he fought. He felt a familiar feeling in the swordsmanship of the ninja opposite him.

However, in the life-and-death battle, he didn't have time to think too much, so he could only keep waving the long knife desperately to make his knife faster, so as to gain some advantage.

Soon after dozens of moves passed, Long Xian still didn't gain the slightest advantage. Instead, he was gradually put at a disadvantage by his opponent based on experience.

He knew that he had met a master and would have long nights and dreams, so he opened the Sharingan directly.

Seeing the scarlet pupils and the black magatama inside, the enemy on the opposite side stood stunned for a moment.

As an elite chuunin, Long Xian naturally would not miss this opportunity. In an instant, the long sword turned into a condensed white light and slashed across the enemy's chest.

Wow! Ding!

Under the moonlight, countless blood splashed, and the pendant on the enemy's chest was shattered by Long Xian's long knife.

Under the Sharingan's vision, everything in the world becomes so slow.

The blood beads were crystal clear, and the pendant he shattered also shone with green light in the moonlight.

Long Xian immediately focused his eyes on the pendant, because he also had a pendant on his chest, which was a graduation gift from his mother.

If he remembered correctly, the other pendant was worn by his father and was permanently buried under the battlefield of the Third World War.

Looking at the gray-robed ninja lying on the ground with blood dripping from his chest, Long Xian's white eyeballs had tiny cracks, and his red pupils seemed to be smeared with blood.

He asked tremblingly: "Who...are you?"

The gray-robed ninja lying on the ground ignored him, feeling his body gradually losing vitality, and his words were full of desolation.

"I have been anonymous for eight years... I just want to go back and see my children... Why is this not allowed?"

As he spoke, Long Xian saw the eyes of the ninja lying on the ground turn red, and two black magatama appeared next to the blood-red pupils.

"I didn't betray the family...why did the family treat me like this?"

After saying this, the gray-robed ninja on the ground completely lost his life. Only a pair of Magatama Sharingan stared at the night sky, as if to accuse the darkness of the ninja world.

Listening to the words of the underground ninja, Long Xian's body began to tremble slowly. The long knife in his hand couldn't help but slip off, and his body couldn't help but kneel down in front of the gray-robed ninja.

His right hand tremblingly reached out to the gray-robed ninja's mask, and then he slowly took it off. As expected, the appearance under the mask was sixty-seven times similar to his.

"I...I killed my father?"

At this moment, he understood everything.

Maybe the Wolong team has existed for a long time, and my father may be a member of the previous batch of Wolong team.

The reason why he felt that his father's swordsmanship was familiar was because his father's swordsmanship still had traces of Uchiha-style swordsmanship.

But this time, his father obviously couldn't bear the loneliness and wanted to go back to the village to visit his mother and himself.

However, because he was afraid that his father would have too much information, the new captain of the Wolong team sent himself to kill his father.


In an instant, Long Xian, who understood the truth, wailed miserably, and at the same time, his eyes began to change.

Cold chakra poured into his eyes crazily, Long Xian's eyes were weeping with blood, and his pupil power surged rapidly.

In Long Xian's eyes, a black magatama first appeared in the opposite corner of the black magatama, and then two black magatama slowly expanded and continued to rotate rapidly.

After a few breaths, what surrounded Long Xian's scarlet pupils were no longer two black magatama angled at 180 degrees, but three black magatama angled at 120 degrees.

When the color of three magatama appeared in his eyes, Long Xian suddenly found that the corpse in front of him was somewhat illusory.

He glanced around again, and suddenly found that both the "father" in front of him and the two "miscellaneous fish" he had knocked down felt a little unreal.

In an instant, he realized something and suddenly said: "Illusion?"

Along with his thoughts, the chakra that originally poured into his eyes suddenly stopped flowing, and the three magatama no longer continued to rotate.

"Is it over?"

After a low murmur, Long Xian found that the three corpses turned into black crow feathers and slowly dissipated in the air. The world in front of him shattered into thousands of pieces like glass.

When I open my eyes again, the moon is still the same moon, and the woods are still the same woods.

The difference was that the three corpses had disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was Qing Kong, the captain of the Wolong team.

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