Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 270 The mission of the Xiao organization [Please subscribe]

Time flies, and five months have passed in the blink of an eye.

During these four months, Qingkong never left the gate and practiced in the village with peace of mind.

On this day, Qingkong suddenly felt a spiritual message coming from the ring on his chest.

"Penn has a meeting?"

No one from the Akatsuki organization has been looking for him in the past four months, so much so that Qingkong almost forgot that he was now the Akatsuki Suzaku.

After receiving the notice from Pain, Qingkong did not delay. He directly channeled the incarnation of Taiyi to protect himself, and then mobilized the chakra in his body.

"The Magic Lantern Body Technique!"

Chakra moves in a special way, and the next moment the overflowing spiritual power in the Blue Sky Divine Sea gathers and then attaches to the ring.

After a while, Qingkong crossed the mountains, rivers and seas and appeared in a huge cave.

Looking at the human-shaped stone statue in the dim light, a faint blue light flashed in Qingkong's eyes.

The next moment, the blue sky took full view of the stone statue.

The huge humanoid monster with nine eyes on its face raised its hands to the sky and sat cross-legged.

Qingkong also saw ten protrusions behind it, like ten chopped branches, with very smooth cross-sections.

"It is indeed a heretic demon. Even if the nine tailed beasts are removed from the ten-tailed body, its body still contains huge vitality and natural energy. It is really terrifying!"

His strength has not improved much in the past two months, but he has learned many skills. The skill he just used was the new skill reported in the Book of Heaven - Tongyou.

This technique is the foundation of Taoism for exorcising ghosts and communicating with gods. It can see through illusions, penetrate into the underworld and hell, and communicate with gods and ghosts.

In short, "Tongyou" has two abilities, one is to see ghosts and gods, and the other is to communicate with ghosts and gods.

Both of these abilities are related to mental power, and the first of them is integrated into Qingzora's eyes.

After receiving the inheritance of "Tongyou", Qingkong instantly understood the principle of "Magic Lantern Body Technique".

Everyone did not communicate face to face, but unilaterally communicated with the heretic golem. Then Payne asked the heretic golem to quickly feedback the received information, and this created a scene where everyone was chatting online.

While Aozora was observing the stone statues of outsiders, other members of the Akatsuki organization also appeared one by one.

"Qingkong-kun, did you find anything special?"

Orochimaru's hoarse voice appeared next to Aozora's ears.

Qingkong came back to his senses and looked at Orochimaru, and said calmly: "It's nothing, I just feel a little shocked."

He now knew why Payne showed up last every time.

Because Payne wanted to eavesdrop on people's whispers, he seemed not to be present, but in fact all the people's conversations would enter his ears.

Orochimaru licked his lips when he heard this and said nothing more. He didn't think Qingzora could discover the secret of this mysterious stone statue twice.

After a while, everyone stopped talking, and Payne finally appeared.

Looking around, Pain asked Kakuzu: "Where is Kito Ryuuji?"

"Dead." Kakuzu replied, "He was too weak and was killed during the mission."

Under the pitcher plant, Jueyin said sadly: "He was killed, but he was killed by his own companions."

Kakuzu said coldly: "Who told him to procrastinate?"

Jue glanced at everyone, and then said: "Please judge!"

While speaking, a picture appeared in front of everyone. In the picture, when Kito Ryuuji was holding a big sword and slashing with the enemy, Kakuzu drove Ji Yugen to perform a powerful fire escape ninjutsu from behind him. In an instant, Kito Ryuuji and his Enemies are covered in intense flames.

After watching Juebang’s short video, everyone spoke one after another.

Xie said: "On purpose."

Orochimaru said: "It's intentional."

Kakuzu quibbled: "Isn't it enough to just avoid it? And the mission is completed."

As he spoke, he looked at Orochimaru and said, "Didn't you kill Loquat Juzo last time?"

Orochimaru said: "Loquat Juzo was killed by Qingkong and has nothing to do with me."

Seeing Orochimaru implicating himself, Qingzora said calmly: "That was before joining the Akatsuki organization. Speaking of which, vendetta against each other is not prohibited in the organization?"

Payne asked: "Qingkong, what do you mean?"

Qingkong looked at Kisame and said, "Not long after I left the canyon at the last party, I was attacked and killed by Kisame!"

Kisame polished his shark-like teeth and said: "I just want to ask Qingkong how to kill Loquat Juzo. After all, he was my senior."

Qingkong said calmly: "Then you should wait for my questions next!"

Feeling the threat from Qingzora, Kisame couldn't help but hold the same muscle behind him and said coldly: "I'll wait."

"That's enough!" Payne shouted to end the quarrel.

Kito Ryuji's strength was barely adequate, and he didn't feel it was a pity to be eliminated. However, Qingzora and Kisame were both strong enough and indispensable in future missions. He didn't really want them to live or die.

Payne announced: "I don't care about what happened before, but from now on, official members are not allowed to secretly assassinate each other."

Everyone in the audience didn't take it seriously and just nodded lightly.

When Payne saw this, he did not emphasize it and directly stated the purpose of gathering everyone this time.

"Publish a long-term mission to capture large ninja beasts or strange wild animals."

Qingkong almost couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

The Heavenly Path Payne and the Animal Path Payne were attacked by Miaomu Mountain not long after they entered the psychic world. Both sides were caught off guard during the battle. Tomahiro and Tomatadashi of Mount Myoki were seriously injured, while the beast Dou Pain was destroyed to pieces by Fukasaku and Shima.

Tendo Payne felt the threat coming from the direction of Miaomu Mountain and decisively withdrew from the psychic world.

The new animal path was quickly refined by him, but without the powerful psychic beast, the animal path was like losing its arms and its strength was greatly reduced.

In order to improve the strength of the beast, he had to issue tasks to members of the Akatsuki organization.

"A large ninja beast?"




Everyone nodded in agreement, this was not difficult for them.

After everyone nodded, Payne asked about the intelligence collected recently. Aozora revealed part of Konoha's defense to Payne in exchange for his trust.

Pain nodded, and then said: "I heard that Kumogakure's envoy has entered the Land of Fire and will arrive in Konoha soon."

Qingkong thought about it for a moment and said, "There is such a thing, but I didn't pay too much attention to it."

"It is not in our interests for Konoha and Kumogakure to make peace. You are trying to sabotage their peace talks."

After saying this, Payne pointed his gaze at the blue sky.

Looking at the circles of purple reincarnation eyes, Qingkong nodded slightly and said: "Okay."

Aozora knew that Pain might still doubt his relationship with Konoha.

Compared with other ninjas who rebelled against the village, he did not break up the original ninja village cleanly enough.

Orochimaru looked at Aozora and said, "Aozora-kun, do you need my help? I still have one or two capable men in Konoha."

Qingkong shook his head and said: "After you and Danzo rebelled against the village, do you think there are any of your subordinates who have been exposed? Even if there are, they will only be kept by the senior officials waiting for you to take the bait."

This was just a superficial reason, the real reason was that he couldn't trust Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was silent. In the past, when Danzo was here, he did have many spies in the village. Since Danzo rebelled against the village, he has only a few spies left in the village.

Seeing this, Payne stopped wasting time and directly dismissed the group chat.

In the bedroom, Qingkong woke up leisurely.

After letting his avatar return to the psychic world, he sighed: "The reincarnation eye has too much control over the Ten-Tails!"

He was also very keen on the heretic demons, but he was afraid of Nagato's Samsara Eye and did not dare to use his second ability of "Tongyou" to communicate with him.

Qingzora still has a lot of self-control and knows that it is useless to think too much. He quickly took back his thoughts and began to think about "how to sabotage the peace talks between Kumogakure and Konoha."

The long war has consumed too much of Konoha's manpower and material resources, making Konoha overwhelmed.

In Aozora's eyes, Fugaku will become the Fifth Hokage sooner or later, and Konoha will belong to Uchiha sooner or later, so he does not want to ruin the peace talks between Konoha and Kumogakure.

However, in order not to reveal his identity as a spy, Aozora needs to consider how to show that he is working hard to sabotage the peace talks.

It must be destroyed but must not be destroyed.

It's so hard, being a spy is so hard.

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