Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 267 Cultivating the team [please vote]

The next day, Qingkong came to the Wolong team's training base again.

Sneaking into the village quietly, I saw Xiu Yi and Long Xian sparring on a large flat.

Shuichi was wearing the Uchiha clan uniform, while Long Xian and the five Uchiha onlookers were all wearing tattered samurai uniforms, revealing a lot of skin.

After being exposed to the sun and rain for the past few days, although it is still fair, it has a rough texture.

Nowadays, they are less aristocratic and more reckless. It is obvious that in the past ten days, Xiuyi and the others have also taken others out for internships in addition to training.

Clang! Clang! Clang! ——

The swords flashed frequently in the field, and every fight splashed bright sparks in the air, and every chop was directed towards the opponent's vital point.

The moves are fierce and murderous!

Aozora silently opened his Sharingan, analyzing and dismantling each move.

In the vision of Sharingan, Qingzora noticed that Doryu Xian's moves still had some shadows of Uchiha-style swordsmanship, but they also incorporated sword moves of other styles.

Seeing this, Qingzora nodded slightly. This was enough. After all, not everyone has the insight of the three Magatama Sharingan.

Moreover, Uchiha-style swordsmanship is actually a fusion of many schools of swordsmanship. If not Uchiha himself, who would understand Uchiha-style swordsmanship so well?

Shuichi sensed Qingkong's arrival, so he stopped releasing water, first speeding up his sword frequency, and then suddenly burst out the thunder attribute chakra in his body.

Long Xian and Xiu were fighting each other, but he was suddenly shocked. When he regained consciousness, Xiu Yi's sword had been placed under his neck.

Sheathing the sword, Xiuyi said to everyone: "Practice freely!"

Looking at the sparring of several people at the venue, Qingkong found that the others were not much worse than Long Xian, and most of the traces of Uchiha on their bodies had been erased.

Qingkong praised Xiuyi who rushed to his side: "The teaching is very good!"

Shuichi calmly accepted Qingzora's praise and said, "They still have some habits that they can't change."

"There is no way, after all, many habits are engraved in the bones." Qingkong said with relief.

There is no such thing as a perfect thing. Everything will have flaws. At the moment, everyone's performance has met his requirements.

Qingkong glanced around and asked Xiu: "Where are the others?"

Shuichi replied: "Xuanhuo and the others took the others to perform some low-level bounty missions to experience the daily life of bounty ninjas."

Qingkong nodded, and then said: "Inform Xuanhuo and the others to come back, and I will have other plans next."


Shuichi obeyed the order and then turned into a black shadow and went down the mountain.

Nowadays, the Wolong team is a grassroots team, and communication still uses the most primitive method.

After a long time, Xiu Yi and four others walked into the cottage hall with twelve Wolong team members.

Entering the hall, I saw Qingzora with his hands behind his back, looking at the Uchiha clan emblem posted on the wall.


Hearing the footsteps behind him, Qingkong slowly turned around and swept across the crowd.

I saw that their originally fair skin had become rough, and their once fair faces were now unshaven, and they no longer looked like the children of the wealthy family.

"It seems that you have not been idle in the past ten days and have been training well."

"Now you have washed away a lot of the Uchiha marks on your body, and you will need to continue to practice in the future, but I hope you will never wash away the Uchiha marks in your heart."

Speaking of this, Qingkong looked solemnly and pointed at the clan emblem behind his back.

When working as a spy or an undercover agent, the most important thing is faith in the heart. Without faith, it is easy to drift with the crowd and then fall. Qingkong does not want these tribesmen to forget their mission in the end.

Facing Qingkong's serious gaze, everyone looked at the clan emblem behind him, and a sense of mission suddenly arose.

From now on, they will not only carry out tasks, but also fight for the future of their family.

In terms of their contribution to the family, they are many times better than the police force members who patrol the streets in the police department.

After everyone had deeply carved the clan emblem into their hearts, Qingkong took out a scroll and placed it on the table.

"Everyone must be familiar with the art of channeling, so I won't introduce it in detail."

"I have reached a consensus with the top leaders of the Ninja Clan. From now on, the Ninja Clan will not contract with other ninjas, but only with ninjas that I agree with. Therefore, any future information exchanges will only be made through the Ninja Clan."

"In addition, after performing the mission, write a short report and give it to Ninja every month."


Originally Aozora planned to use the code book, but now that the ninja crow clan has been led by the incarnation, Aozora naturally does not need to use it.

When the twelve people heard the words, they quickly wrote them down carefully, and at the same time looked at Ninja Crow's psychic scroll with enthusiasm.

Although Uchiha has good relations with the Ninja Clan, the Ninja Clan is not prosperous enough and generally only accepts contracts with jounin-level Uchiha. Uchiha below jounin level have no chance unless they have a strong background.

Although we don't know how powerful the Ninja Crow clan is, being able to contract with a clan of Ninja Beasts is an opportunity that most ninjas don't have.

Without any hesitation, everyone lined up and wrote their names on the contract scroll with blood and drew their fingerprints.

Qingkong said to Xiu Yi and the others: "If you are willing, you can also sign a contract."

The four of them had nothing to do with each other. Even Shuichi, who had contracted the Ninja Cat, stepped forward and wrote his name.

Looking at the sixteen people who signed the contract, Qingkong couldn't help but feel a lot more pleased. After all, these people will be his psychics from now on.

Although it is usually useless to channel them, if one of them awakens one or two pairs of kaleidoscopes, he will make a lot of money.

Everyone looked at Qingkong with much more respect. Xiuyi and the four of them stopped talking. The other twelve people had not seen Qingkong for so long, and they had already forgotten their real captain.

But now Qingkong gave everyone a big gift as soon as he appeared, and they instantly felt that they had a bright future following such a generous captain.

"Pay attention to the notifications from Ninja Crow in the next few days. Each of you has important tasks to perform."

After saying that, Qingkong waved his hand and said: "Xiuyi, please stay for a while, and the others can go down first!"


Twelve team members stood up to answer the order, then turned around and left.

Looking at the four people, Qingkong recalled: "How long have we known each other?"

When the others were about to recall, Xuan Yan rolled his eyes and said, "It's just a matter of a few months, Captain, what do you want to recall?"

Qingkong almost lost his breath when he heard this, shook his head and said: "Although we have known each other for a short time, we are already very familiar..."

Xiu Dao said: "Captain, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Being interrupted by Xiu Yi and Xuan Yan one after another, Qingkong couldn't hold on to any emotions anymore, and said depressedly: "You call me captain, and I can't be ashamed to call you that. I want to teach you something."

Although Aozora knew Shuichi and the others not long ago, they had all performed missions together, and after dating for a while, they found that they were indeed trustworthy.

Now that the four of them have become their own psychics, Qingkong wants to train them.

When the four of them heard this, they were surprised at first, and then thought it was completely normal.

Logically speaking, Qingzora is younger than them, so they should teach Qingzora.

However, Qingzora's strength is indeed higher than theirs, and the police department also has the practice of captains teaching subordinates, so Qingzora's behavior is considered normal.

After thinking about Qingkong's powerful strength, the four of them were a little jealous for a moment.

Qingkong looked at Xiu Yi and asked: "Xiu Yi, what is your chakra attribute? Thunder and fire?"

He remembered that Shuichi was good at lightning escape, and most Uchihas had fire-attribute talents.

Xiu Dao said: "That's right!"

"That's quite a coincidence." Qingkong smiled, "I have a secret body-building technique here that is very suitable for you!"

As he spoke, a kunai appeared in Qingzora's right hand. He held the kunai and wiped it on the back of his left hand.



The sound of kunai scraping against stones was first heard in the hall, and then the sound of four people sucking in cold air was heard.

Regardless of their surprise, Qingkong introduced himself: "My secret technique is called Thunder Fire Golden Body. It must have chakra with two attributes: thunder and fire. Successful practice can not only increase physical strength, speed up speed and reaction, but also gain invulnerability." Ability.

Of course, I am talking about ordinary weapons and ordinary strength. "

Shuichi awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan, but because he didn't like illusions, his strength stayed at the jounin level.

Since he wanted to concentrate on swordsmanship, Qingkong didn't stop him. He just provided him with the "Thunder Fire Golden Body" that could make up for his shortcomings.

Improving physical strength, speed, reaction and defense, this is undoubtedly the most popular ninjutsu for melee ninjas.

Shuichi said softly: "Thank you!"

His voice was as calm as usual, but everyone could still hear the tremor in it.

Qingkong handed the cultivation method recording the first level of "Thunder Fire Golden Body" to Xiu Yi and said: "I leave it to you. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. You are not allowed to spread it outside without my permission."

Taking the scroll with both hands, Xiuyi bowed and said, "Yes!"

Zhenwu and Xuanhuo were normal. Xuanyan said eagerly: "Captain, please teach me too!"

He is also a fan of physical combat.

Qingkong asked: "What is your chakra attribute?"

Xuan Yan said: "The main element is earth and the secondary element is fire."

"That's none of your business." Qingkong said, "But I have a secret technique that uses earth escape chakra to increase speed. I leave it to you."

After saying that, Aozora threw the scroll that recorded "Shuchi" to Xuanyan.

Then Qingkong gave the scroll recording the "Nightmare Prayer" to Xuan Huo, and the scroll recording the purified fire attribute chakra to Shingo.

After the four people accepted the scroll, Qingkong warned: "These four secret techniques are my hard work. They are not allowed to be passed on to others without my permission. Even the four of you cannot teach each other. Do you understand me?"

The four of them said in unison: "Clear!"

Qingkong said again: "You go back and practice hard. I hope you can achieve success in your studies and contribute to the Wolong team and the family!"

The four of them nodded, then looked at each other, and bowed to Qingkong at the same time: "Thank you, captain!"

Qingkong nodded slightly and said: "Go down!"

Looking at the retreating figures of the four people, Qingkong felt a little emotional.

The four nameless people in the original work, after accepting their own opportunities, wonder where they will go in the end?

And what kind of deflection will happen to the process of the ninja world after he slowly gets involved?

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