Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 266 Night talk to stop the water [please vote]

At dusk, Qingkong released six shadow clones.

A large number of memories poured in instantly, making Qingkong a little dizzy.

After a while, he came back to his senses, rubbing his brows while combing through the harvest of the six shadow clones.

Shadow Clone No. 1 has shown signs of practicing the magic of the Phantom Lantern Body, but the progress of sealing the Phantom Nine Dragons is a bit worrying. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the Akatsuki organization has not yet started to capture the tailed beasts. After all, it is an S-level sealing technique, and even if it is broken down, it is not that easy to learn.

Shadow Clone No. 2 has mastered the preliminary healing techniques and is learning the Palm Immortal Technique. The future is promising.

Shadow Clone No. 3 got stuck in learning the Earth Release Ninjutsu. The reason was that the Dorado Ninjutsu he chose were all ordinary B-level Earth Release Ninjutsu, but complex Ninjutsu involving Earth Release and Barriers, and Qingzora's knowledge of Barriers Knowledge is somewhat lacking.

Shadow Clone No. 4 is a little confused. There is no wind attribute in his chakra attribute. Although he can learn to use it, it is a bit difficult.

The progress of Shadow Clone No. 5's training was not bad, and he had learned the low-level thunder escape ninjutsu of Thunder Ball, but it did not cause any feedback from the Heavenly Book.

Shadow Clone No. 6 also studied it for a long time without getting started, and believed that the Peacock Magic Technique was developed based on the meteorite from the Star Ninja Village. Therefore, if you want to study the Peacock Magic Technique, you must find the meteorite from the Star Ninja Village.

"It seems that my talent should mainly be in fire escape, but I can't slack off on other ninjutsu because of this. If my talent is not enough, I can use shadow clones to improve my proficiency. Sooner or later, there will be results."

Seeing that there was not much gain, Qingkong was not discouraged. He injected himself with chicken blood and then went to the kitchen to cook.

Qingkong is neither hasty nor slow, because he knows that after a jump in strength, what is needed is sedimentation and a new foundation.

The reason why his strength reaches the shadow level is just because the flame escape chakra that absorbed natural energy is too abnormal.

In fact, his overall quality has not reached the Kage level, his chakra volume has just reached the threshold of the Kage level, and his illusions, taijutsu, defense, etc. are still at the elite Jonin level.

Soon after entering the kitchen, the aroma of meat overflowed from the kitchen.

After a hard day's work, Shisui opened the door and smelled the fragrance, and his face immediately glowed.

"Qingkong, are you back?"

"Nonsense!" Qingkong replied in the kitchen, "You should rest first, the food will be ready soon."

The food was ready. Zhisui looked at the sumptuous dinner and asked, "You cook so many dishes, aren't you afraid that I will go out on a mission?"

Qingkong snorted and said, "What are you afraid of? It's just this little meal. I can handle it without you."

Shisui was stunned, and then he remembered that his brother's belly had never been bloated no matter how much he ate.

Smiling and shaking his head, Shisui picked up his chopsticks and took two bites of the food. The sweet, sour, bitter and spicy taste exploded on his taste buds, and he closed his eyes happily for a moment.

After a while, he opened his eyes and praised: "Qingkong, I feel that your cooking skills have improved!"

Listening to Shisui's compliment, Qingkong rolled his eyes and said, "It's just that you haven't eaten the food I cooked for a few days. Is that all?"

"What a few days, more than half a month has passed!" Shisui said while eating the food.

As he spoke, he asked curiously: "Where have you been these past few days?"

After Qingkong finished chewing the meat, he said casually: "I left the village to do some errands. By the way, although I was deprived of my ninja status by the village, the clan leader still valued me and asked me to help deal with some family matters."

Qingkong didn't lie, but saying these two sentences together could easily make people misunderstand that Qingkong was dealing with family matters in a short period of time.

Sure enough, Shisui misunderstood, and he encouraged happily: "Then you have to do good things for the family."

Although there is no problem in raising Aozora with his income, and Aozora seems to have a lot of savings, Shisui still hopes that Aozora has something to do instead of indulging in the sadness of being deprived of his ninja status.

"Of course!"

Speaking of family affairs, Qingzora suddenly thought of something, so he quickly brought a plate of Shisui's favorite dishes in front of him.

"Brother, brother, I need your help with something!"

After this trip to the meeting, more than half a month had passed. The training of the Wolong group should be almost complete, and it was time to consider letting them participate in the Sharingan Awakening Ceremony.

Fugaku was away, and after searching Konoha, the only genjutsu master Qingzora knew was Shisui. Although Xuan Huo awakened the three Magatama Sharingan through the battle on the front line, he was still far behind Shisui and Fugaku.

Zhisui didn't ask anything and directly agreed: "No problem!"

Seeing this, Qingkong smiled and said: "You are the best illusionist in Konoha..."

"That's not necessarily true. I think the clan leader's illusion skills are no worse than mine, and there are many masters in the village." Zhisui shook his head.

"It's better than me anyway!" Qingkong said, "Now I need an illusion master to give some tribesmen a trial."

"Oh, a trial for the tribe?" Zhishui asked with interest.

Qingkong and Zhisui looked at each other and said seriously: "Brother, you are worthy of the forehead protector on your forehead, but you are a little sorry for the clan pattern on your clothes! This time, I will give you a chance to contribute to the family."

Hearing this, Zhisui thought about it and lowered his head in shame. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Then I should really thank you this time."

"That's not necessary. Then your illusion world will be more realistic!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to eat, Qingkong introduced to Shisui: "This is not a simple task. For each trialist, you have to build a complete illusion space, which also involves many characters..."

Shisui listened quietly, asking for details from time to time.

Then Shisui and Qingzora chatted with each other, during which Shisui introduced Qingzora to the recent situation in Konoha.

Cloud Hidden unexpectedly agreed to Konoha's peace talks, but they were not going to negotiate in Kumo Hidden Village. Instead, they were going to send an envoy to Konoha to discuss directly with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed without much thought.

Seeing this, Iwagakure once again asked his troops to retreat, and now they have retreated to the border of Earth Country.

Seeing that the situation was improving, Hiruzen Sarutobi slowly mobilized the ninjas on the front line of Kumogakure to return to the village.

Each batch of returning ninjas received heroic cheers, and then each ninja who returned to the village received a large amount of rewards, and their consumption stimulated the prosperity of Konoha.

Suddenly, the whole of Konoha became lively, and the faces of the villagers began to be filled with happiness.

After hearing this, Qingkong sighed: "After so many welcomes, when the clan leaders return, who will be willing to take the initiative to welcome them?"

Welcome heroes, once or twice is fine, but if you continue like this three times, four times or five times, sooner or later you will become irritated and bored.

Compared with the northeastern front that resisted Kumogakure, the northwest front obviously achieved more results. However, after Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions, Fugaku's momentum will plummet when he returns to the village.

Zhisui wanted to explain something when he heard this, but Qingkong didn't say anyone was wrong, and was speechless for a while.

Soon there were only clean plates left on the table. Qingkong put away his chopsticks and said, "There is something else I need to tell you."

Zhisui sat up straight and said, "You tell me."

"Didn't the Ninja Crow Clan have a ferocious big crow before?" Qingkong said.

Shisui nodded, "Yes, it's a pity that it has so much chakra."

Qingkong said: "I restored its intelligence by chance some time ago. After it regained its intelligence, it has the strength of an elite Jonin. If you need help in the future, you can channel it..."

Before he finished speaking, Qingkong had already stood up and walked upstairs.

Seeing the mess all over the table, Shisui complained about Sandai for a moment.

If he hadn't deprived Aozora of his identity as a ninja, Aozora wouldn't have become like this. His former brother would have taken the initiative to wash the dishes.

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