Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 245: The Aftermath and Harvests [Ask for monthly votes]

After leaving the Hokage Tower, Qingzora quickly rushed home.

The two Anbu had left long ago and were not under anyone's surveillance. Only then did Qingzora smile.

From now on, he can give himself a permanent vacation.

Moreover, by killing villains, performing tasks, and clearing the black market, he had already earned enough money, and there was no need to worry about income in the short term.

It can be said that now he is truly carefree and has money and leisure.

Back in the bedroom, Qingkong lay comfortably on his big bed.

He first reviewed the high-level meeting.

Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen's credit is basically bankrupt, Fugaku must be allowed to expel Iwagakure as soon as possible, and then use the momentum of victory to fight for the position of Hokage.

The only thing to worry about is that Jiraiya's qualifications and achievements are not inferior to Fugaku's, and are even more prestigious.

The incarnations are attacking the black market one after another, and an order needs to be sent to him first to return to the psychic world to avoid the limelight. The guardian ninja of the daimyo is still quite strong. If the incarnation accidentally bumps into the barrier, it will really be impossible to escape.

As for the daimyo coming to persecute the Konoha Ninja Village because they couldn't find the incarnation?

Sorry, Aozora is now a Konoha villager, not a Konoha ninja.

If he didn't take the initiative to plead guilty, he would not dare to force himself again if he wanted to thicken his skin for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In Aozora's view, the Daimyo's so-called budget reduction was just a verbal outburst.

If the budget is really reduced, Konoha will backhand and let the Konoha ninjas stationed on the northwest and northeast lines return to the village.

Seeing the fall of the country, what did the daimyo do?

In addition, if the Daimyo really reduces the budget and Sarutobi Hiruzen really swallows his anger, then it will be better for the Uchiha.

At that time, the relationship between Konoha and the Daming Palace will be directly at odds. When Fugaku returns to the village, the news that Asuma is serving as the guardian nin in the Daming Palace will be directly revealed, and the Sarutobi family will instantly become traitors to the village.

Of course, Qingzora felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen would not be so unwise.

It is estimated that after being unable to do anything about himself, he will forcefully reject Daming Mansion's request in order to restore his reputation.

After the review, Qingkong felt that there were no big mistakes, so he began to take stock of his gains.

First, clearing the black market brought him a large amount of golden water drops.

Aozora is very good at snatching heads. In the process of clearing the black market, he was "bloodthirsty" and killed many sinful bounty ninjas and black market bosses. This made the book of heaven covered with dense golden water droplets.

Secondly, he was finally freed from the shackles of his identity as a Konoha ninja, and from then on he enjoyed absolute freedom.

Apart from anything else, he could focus on improving his chakra control and meet Tsunade's conditions as soon as possible to learn senjutsu.

In the end, my brother Shisui basically severed ties with the Hokage department after this time.

When Shisui stood in front of him, Qingkong knew that Shisui finally chose himself between Sarutobi Hiruzen and himself.

After this incident, neither Sarutobi Hiruzen nor Shisui could return to a state of mutual trust.

Danzo has rebelled against the village, and the third generation has lost credibility.

Through this series of events, Shisui will no longer be able to easily believe in the Hokage system and repeat the mistakes of the original work.

Uchiha has Fugaku and Shisui in charge. As long as the Akatsuki organization does not take action, Uchiha has basically been away from the disaster of genocide in the short term.

The crisis between the family and his brother has been eliminated, Qingkong's burden is gone, and he can finally practice with peace of mind.

“Let’s try to complete ‘Mediating Creation’ first!”

Although the golden water droplets have other functions, Qingkong still can't resist his curiosity about the legendary Nuwa's magical power to create humans.

With a thought, Qingkong directly visualized the four gray ancient characters "Mediating Creation" on the heavenly book.

The golden water droplets on the heavenly book instantly boiled and rushed toward the four ancient characters.

One after another, the ancient characters were integrated into the ancient characters bit by bit.

However, the color of the gray ancient characters has not changed at all, and it has never glowed with gold.

Seeing that the golden water droplets on the heavenly book were getting fewer and fewer, Qingkong quickly visualized other perfect magical powers.

Looking at the gray and simple four ancient words "Mediating Creation", although it had been expected, Qingkong couldn't help but feel sad.

"It's probably due to the lack of key knowledge and the inability to complete it. The remaining merit should be left to the skills and techniques that will be used as feedback from future cultivation of immortal arts."

Sighing, Aozora calmed down and began to exercise his chakra control through the chakra scalpel.

Time flew by, and soon it was night.

Under the dim light, Shisui hurried back home.

When he opened the door, the warm light put a slight smile on his face, but the next moment he felt a little disappointed.

His eyes glanced around, but he didn't see Qingkong's figure.

My nose twitched slightly, but I didn't smell any fireworks.

Obviously, Qingzora didn't prepare a sumptuous dinner for him as usual.

Thinking that Qingkong loves the village so much, but today he cut his forehead guard in frustration, how can he still have the time to prepare dinner for himself?

Before walking to Aozora's bedroom, Shisui knocked on Aozora's door.

"Qingzong, are you okay?"

There was silence in the bedroom for a long time before a very dejected voice came out.

"I'm fine, don't worry!"

How could Zhisui feel relieved? He wanted to push the bedroom door open, but found that it was locked from behind.

With Shisui's strength, he could easily break open the bedroom door, but he didn't dare.

Zhisui tried his best to soften his voice and said: "Qingkong, have you eaten?"

No sound came from the bedroom.

Zhisui had no choice but to say: "Are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat. No matter what, you can't go hungry!"

In the bedroom, Qingkong pondered for a while before saying hoarsely: "I'm just an ordinary villager. I can't afford you, a member of the Shadow Guard, to cook for me!"

He said this mainly to test whether Shisui had fallen out with the third generation.

Hearing this, Zhisui smiled bitterly and said: "How can I have the nerve to continue to stay in the Shadow Guards after I did something like that today? I have completed the resignation procedures in the afternoon, and now I am just an ordinary Jounin of Konoha."

When Qingkong heard this, he almost laughed out loud, but he still held back his laughter. It took a long time before he regained his composure.

He said guiltily: "I'm sorry...because of my reasons, I made you leave the Shadow Guards! Today...hey...I might as well just die!"

Shisui quickly tried to persuade him in the room: "I don't blame you, you are right. It was the Third Hokage who did something wrong!"

In order to dispel his brother's thoughts of committing suicide, Shisui quickly slandered the Third Hokage.

Listening to Shisui slandering Sarutobi Hiruzen, Aozora had to twist his thighs hard to keep from making a sound. After a while, he said considerately: "It's not easy for you, Hokage-sama. I still contributed too little to Konoha and I didn't get it." His trust!”

"No, you have sacrificed a lot for Konoha, it's not your fault." Shisui comforted.

After saying that, Zhisui asked again: "Qingzora, are you hungry? It's not good to have an empty stomach!"

There was silence in the room for a long time, and then a faint "Oh" came out.

When Zhisui heard this, he felt a little relieved and grinned.

If my brother is willing to eat, he must have given up on the idea of ​​committing suicide!

"Qingzong, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you!"

Qingkong in the room pondered for a while and said: "You can do whatever you want, as long as you can eat it!"


Shisui agreed quickly and ran to the kitchen.

Looking at the various ingredients in the kitchen, Shisui was confused for a moment.

After struggling a lot and wasting a lot of ingredients, he finally cooked a bowl of noodles that was neither salty nor bland and served it to Qingkong.

Qingkong only opened the door halfway, took the noodles in, and handed the bowls and chopsticks out after eating.

Although for the sake of my own stomach, I may have to rely on myself to cook at home in the future.

But Qingzora decided to hand over the responsibility of washing the dishes to Shisui from today on.

For the next period of time, Shisui continued to go out early and come back late to perform tasks.

Although he was disappointed with the Third Hokage, he still loved Konoha deeply.

Nowadays, Konoha is short of manpower, and he works hard to contribute his strength.

Qingzora, on the other hand, stayed at home and silently polished his chakra control.

At the same time, under the "efforts of mediation" of the third generation, the daimyo no longer held the three of Aozora responsible for their crimes.

On the other side, Jin Tai quickly canceled his status as the chief instructor of the Blue Sky Flying Tigers.

The reason is very simple. After all, the Police Department is a department of Konoha. Aozora is no longer a ninja of Konoha, so he does not meet the conditions for being the chief instructor of the Flying Tigers.

Qingkong received the notice and just shook his head slightly, not surprised at all.

Although Jin Tai can let the police department control public opinion and support him when the whole village slanders him.

But when he is no longer in public, Jin Tai will not miss any opportunity to deal with himself, and it is normal to take the opportunity to lose his position.

Qingkong decided to put aside the Flying Tigers matter for the time being and "wronged" himself for a while.

When Aozora put everything behind him and focused on practicing the chakra scalpel, his chakra control began to approach Tsunade's requirements.

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