Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 246 Two kinds of magic [asking for monthly votes]

In the Senju Clan, Tsunade's living room.

Looking at the glass of wine in front of him, Qingkong said speechlessly: "Tsunade-sama, I'm not an adult yet!"

Tsunade's face turned red, and she handed the wine glass to Qingzora's hand and said: "You are already a jounin, just a little alcohol!"


Shizune came in with tea and quickly stopped her when she saw Tsunade urging her to drink.

She quickly removed the wine glass in front of Qingzora, replaced it with tea, and then apologized: "Tsunade-sama drank a little too much, I'm sorry!"

The courtyard here carries many beautiful and painful memories of Tsunade. When staying in this courtyard, she can't help but miss those who have passed away.

Tsunade held her chin with one hand and took a sip of wine with the other, saying, "I didn't drink too much!"

Unable to help but glance at Tsunade's inadvertently exposed breasts, Qingkong felt guilty in his heart and quickly drank tea to cover up his previous offensive gaze.

Qingzora covered it up quickly, but Tsunade was still aware of it.

"Little brat!"

She pulled her clothes a little, trying to cover it up, but there was too little fabric and she couldn't pull it up.

Shaking her head slightly, Tsunade gave up fighting with the clothes and said, "Why are you coming to me?"

Qingkong said bluntly: "Come to fulfill the bet and learn the magic of immortality."

Tsunade poured herself a drink and asked, "Ha, you've already retired, why are you still learning senjutsu?"

Qingzora looked into Tsunade's eyes and said seriously: "Just because I gave up my identity as a ninja does not mean that I gave up my ninja way. If I change my identity, I may be able to realize my dream better."

Hearing this, Tsunade straightened her body slightly, and then slowly drank the wine in the glass.

"I came at the right time. If you don't come back, I will leave."

The wine in the glass had dried up, and Tsunade raised her head and asked, "Have the two conditions been met?"

"Natural!" Qingkong said confidently.

Tsunade's eyes were filled with surprise. She didn't expect Qingkong to meet the conditions for practicing immortality so quickly.

These two conditions are extraordinary. If these two conditions are met at the same time, it means that Qingzora already has qualities close to the shadow level.

As long as he learns a few powerful S-level ninjutsu, Aozora will soon have Kage-level combat power.

Thinking that Aozora had retired, she couldn't help but sigh at Sarutobi Hiruzen's stupid actions.

"A huge amount of chakra and superb chakra control are necessary conditions for practicing senjutsu. Meeting these two conditions does not guarantee that you will learn senjutsu." Tsunade warned again, "But if you don't even have these two conditions If it is achieved, then the result of forcibly practicing immortal arts is death."

Qingkong nodded seriously, "I know!"

"That's good!" Tsunade heard this and said no more.

She first lifted herself up vigorously, allowing Qingkong to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Then, light green chakra appeared in her right hand, and a drop of water slowly appeared on her fingertips.

As the water droplets grew larger and larger, Tsunade's eyes gradually became clearer and the redness on her face disappeared.

Shizune took a glass bottle from nowhere and filled it with extremely concentrated alcohol. It was obviously intended to be used as medical supplies.

Qingzora's mouth moved slightly, he was indeed a Sannin.

Is this how the technique of extracting minor troubles is originally used?

After taking out the alcohol, Tsunade felt a little more awake and would not miss important knowledge, so she was ready to teach Aozora.

"Before I teach you how to practice immortality, I will give you a complete introduction to the knowledge of immortality. Please be sure to listen carefully..."

After hearing this, Qingkong sat up straight and acted like a good student who was listening attentively.

The concept of senjutsu that Tsunade talks about is almost the same as what he learned from watching anime in his previous life, that is, ninjutsu released by consuming senjutsu chakra is called senjutsu.

Senjutsu Chakra is formed by absorbing natural energy based on physical energy and spiritual energy.

Therefore, as long as you learn to refine senjutsu chakra, you have learned senjutsu.

"...The key point of refining senjutsu chakra is to blend natural energy with physical energy and spiritual energy in equal proportions, and then harmoniously integrate them." Tsunade concluded.

Qingkong nodded and said, "That doesn't sound difficult."

Tsunade raised her index finger and swung it from side to side.

"This is not simple. Natural energy is elusive. Let alone controlling it, ordinary people cannot even sense it."

Qingkong feels the same way. He has been unable to master the Tianxin meditation method and fetal breath in "Fetal Transformation" because he cannot sense the natural energy.

Natural energy is like the air that people breathe in every day. Although they are aware of its existence, they cannot perceive the elements in it.

Qingkong asked: "So, how do I study?"

Tsunade raised two fingers and said: "I have two celestial arts here, one is simple but dangerous, and the other is difficult but harmless. Which one do you choose?"

"Ah?" Qingkong said in surprise.

He didn't expect that Tsunade, who didn't know any magic in the original work, actually had two kinds of magic inheritance.

As expected of the Princess of Konoha, she is so awesome!

Thinking about Tsunade's countless ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu, Aozora almost didn't want to work hard!

After being surprised for a while, Qingkong came back to his senses and said, "Can you introduce it to me?"

Tsunade nodded and said: "The first method is the method of practicing immortality inherited from the Shiky Bone Forest, which requires the help of a special liquid created by the Slug Immortal.

As long as the body is smeared with slug liquid, a huge amount of natural energy will flow into the body, so you can naturally detect this special energy. "

After explaining the method of practicing Shiju Forest Immortal Technique, Tsunade revealed the dangers involved.

"However, a huge amount of natural energy can easily change the characteristics of your body. If you do not learn the immortal mode before your body is completely petrified, then you will directly petrify into a slug statue and die."

The first method was not what Qingkong expected, it was the Shiky Bone Forest Immortal Technique, which was similar to the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Technique.

After listening to the Shigu Forest Immortal Technique, Qingkong became even more curious about the second type of Immortal Technique.

Could it be Jiraiya or Orochimaru who passed on the senjutsu from the other two holy places to Tsunade?

Aozora looked at Tsunade curiously and asked, "What about the second senjutsu?"

Tsunade did not answer directly, but asked: "Do you know the chakra of the immortal clan?"

Qingkong frowned and pondered for a long time before tentatively asking: "Temple of Fire?"

Tsunade tapped her chin slightly and said with appreciation: "Not bad. Although you are young, you are quite knowledgeable."

Qingkong recalled Jilu in the original work and Jiu Xin whom he met last time, and wondered: "The previous Jiu Xin used the chakra of the immortal clan, right? Is this the only level of immortal magic?"

Although Chiriku will be very powerful in the future, and may have the strength of an elite jounin or even a kage level, he is still not worthy of the reputation of senjutsu.

Tsunade shook her head and said: "The Chakra of the Immortal Clan is the castrated version of Immortal Technique, and it is not considered Immortal Art."

"The castrated version?"

Qingkong repeated it, then his eyes lit up and he said: "So you have a complete version?"

Aozora remembered that Senju Hashirama's Bokujin no Jutsu and True Thousand Hands were very similar to Fire Temple's Laiying Senju Kill and other skills.

Now it seems that there may be other origins.

Tsunade nodded and shook her head, saying: "It is more perfect than the immortals, but it is not complete. If it is really a complete Buddhist cultivation method, you can't practice it even if you don't understand Buddhism."

"Yes!" Qingkong nodded, "Then why do you say this kind of magic is difficult but harmless?"

Tsunade said: "To practice the second kind of celestial art, you need to have a clear state of mind, be in harmony with nature, and feel the natural energy by yourself. Although there is a meditation method to sense natural energy, it is still difficult to practice it. "

Hearing this, Qingkong probably knew how difficult it was to practice the second immortal technique. He himself had the Tianxin Meditation Method, but after practicing it for several months, he still couldn't sense the natural energy.

After introducing the two senjutsu, Tsunade took some tea to quench her thirst and waited for Aozora to make her choice.

Qingkong lowered his head to measure the difference between the two.

In addition to the advantages and disadvantages mentioned by Tsunade just now, Aozora also noticed other aspects.

Compared with the magic of Shigu Forest, the latter type of magic is obviously more suitable for human cultivation.

However, Qingkong didn't want to waste so much time to understand the world.

After pondering for a long time, Qingkong looked up at Tsunade, stretched out his right hand and clenched his fist and said, "Only children make choices. I want both."

I’m sprinting at the end of the month and I want 2,000 monthly passes!

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