Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 244: Retired at the age of thirteen [Please vote]

Looking at the suspicious eyes in the audience, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that his plan had failed miserably.

He sighed deeply, stooped, and then slowly bent down towards the blue sky.

"Recently, I have been busy negotiating with Kumogakure, and at the same time I have to pay attention to Iwagakure's war, and I no longer have much energy to pay attention to Aozora's affairs.

The reduction of the ANBU staff also caused my oversight of the village to be omitted, making it impossible to prevent rumors from spreading in the village, which led to Aozora misunderstanding me. "

He has a rickety figure, gray hair, wrinkles on his face, and an expression of shame.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's emotional performance is not inferior to Aozora's, and the two sentences he said were a quiet shirking of responsibility.

There is no doubt that Hiruzen Sarutobi and Aozora both delivered performances worthy of a Best Actor Oscar nomination in the room.

After being the Hokage for decades, Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation was undoubtedly huge, but his reputation at this time was already different from what it was before.

His beloved disciple Orochimaru defected, and his best friend Danzo rebelled against the village. These two incidents have consumed a lot of his credit. Although he has not yet gone bankrupt, many high-level officials in Konoha have long been dissatisfied and suspicious of him.

Now, the village's meritorious Jonin has been framed, but as Hokage, he has done nothing.

Although such a Hokage has a gentle temper, he is no longer qualified to serve as the top leader of the five great ninja villages.

Except for the jounin of the Sarutobi clan and the vassal of the Hokage clan who said considerate words to him, the other jounin silently watched Sarutobi Hiruzen apologize.

This is not the first time he has bowed and apologized.

The first time everyone could understand his difficulty, and the second time everyone could give him face because of his many years of contribution.

However, everything can be done once or twice, and everyone's patience is limited.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the silence in the conference room. The Sarutobi clan's superiors spoke embarrassingly and considerately to him, and bowed with an ugly expression.

Aozora knew that if he administered a heavy dose of medicine at this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen might have to resign on the spot.

But considering that Michifugaku was still far away on the northwest border, and the situation in Konoha was indeed complicated, he still let Sarutobi Hiruzen go.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen finished bowing, Qingkong said considerately: "Hokage-sama is old and cannot take care of too many things at the same time. In this case, let other elders share more of the burden!"

After hearing this, Qifeng and Gujie looked at Qingkong, not only because of Qingkong's knowledge, but also because Qingkong actually fought for their interests at this time.

Thinking of Kosuke and Tifeng, who had been running for Aozora and others during this period, the jounin nodded.

"Yes, Hokage-sama is low on energy, so let Tofuu and Kosuke-sama be more involved in the affairs."

"Let Tie Feng and Lord Gu Jie share the burden!"


Hiruzen Sarutobi listened to the speech below, suppressed his anger, nodded in agreement: "I will, but I have to let the two elders get familiar with the affairs first."

Then, he said to Qingkong: "Qingkong, I hope you can understand me!"

As he spoke, he took out a Konoha forehead protector from his sleeve and said: "The forehead protector is a kind of identification, it represents that you are a ninja recognized by Konoha.

If you make a cut on your forehead protector, you will draw a clear line with the ninja village and become a rebellious ninja.

You are young, energetic and ignorant. I forgive you this time, but don’t do it again next time. "

As he spoke, he walked over with a forehead protector, as if he wanted to tie it on Qingkong himself.

Aozora knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to create an image of a magnanimous and tolerant elder.

He didn't cooperate and took two steps back as if he was frightened.

"I am very grateful to Mr. Hokage and all the senior officials for their understanding and forgiving me for this act that was regarded as betrayal of the village.

But having fire escape ninjas attack the black market doesn't prove my innocence. In order not to implicate the village, I'd better not wear Konoha forehead protector! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face froze, he didn't expect Qingzora to be so ungrateful, since he didn't even want the steps he handed him.

Is Aozora really no longer a ninja?

Gu Jie persuaded: "Qingkong, I believe you are not a murderer of civilians. Even if the truth cannot be found, I will not allow you to be handed over."

Tie Feng also advised: "Qingkong, you have become a special jounin at the age of thirteen now. You have a bright future and it is possible to become Hokage!"

Shisui also advised: "Qingkong, don't give up your way of tolerance just because of your temporary anger."

Faced with everyone's persuasion, Qingkong firmly shook his head.

As his strength increased, he already felt Konoha's restraint on him.

In the past, the only attraction of Konoha to him was the variety of ninjutsu, but after entering the secret library, Qingzora no longer had high expectations for this.

He is not a Hokage ninja. Before Fugaku became Hokage, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get access to higher-level ninjutsu, and ordinary ninjutsu was in the Uchiha family library.

He no longer covets ninjutsu and has no idea about power. His identity as a Konoha ninja is only a constraint for him.

In the past, when Fugaku was still in the village, he could rely on Fugaku's indulgence to plan his own time and practice well.

Now that Fugaku was not in the village, he was manipulated by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Kintai and fell into a dangerous situation.

I can escape this time, but what about next time? What about next time?

If you often walk by the river, how can your shoes not get wet?

Without his identity as a Konoha ninja, Sarutobi Hiruzen could no longer play with himself.

As for taking the opportunity to attack Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation and prestige, this was just a side purpose.

Xiaochun turned to bed and said harshly: "Do you really want to rebel against the village?"

Qingkong shook his head when he heard this, sighed and said, "You still don't believe me!"

After hearing this, Xiaochun became so angry that she almost suffered from endocrine disorders.

Why is this the same thing over and over again? Is there anything new?

Can't I still talk about you?

"Please rest assured, senior officials, I will stay in Konoha and wait for the final investigation results. If the truth cannot be found and the village is forced by the daimyo to hand over me, then I will be handed over directly so as not to implicate the village. "

As he spoke, Aozora bowed to Sarutobi Hiruzen and said: "Please, Hokage-sama, cancel my ninja certificate. If you think that I have made great contributions to Konoha and don't want me to become a traitorous ninja, then let me retire." Bar!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless, and after a while he said: "You are the most promising seedling in Konoha today. In the future, you will need to grow into a towering tree to protect Konoha from wind and rain..."

He naturally doesn't want Aozora to retire. If Aozora is no longer a Konoha ninja, then he will not be able to directly control Aozora, nor can he restrain Aozora through ninja rules, so it will be even more difficult for him to deal with Aozora.

Qingkong interrupted him and sighed: "I am thirteen years old, and I have already lost my right eye for Konoha. Do you have to wait until I am blind in both eyes and become disabled all over before I can retire?"

Aozora's words left Sarutobi Hiruzen speechless. There were indeed people in Konoha who were disabled and still continued to fight on the front line, but he could not ask all ninjas to do so.

Gusuke sighed. His left eye and left leg were both disabled, but he did not persuade Qingzora.

He knew from Aozora's rude tone towards Sarutobi Hiruzen that Aozora already had great distrust of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage.

If Aozora continues to be a ninja and gets into trouble with Hiruzen Sarutobi, he might actually rebel against the village.

Rather than doing this, it is better to agree to Qingzora's request to retire.

Qingfeng also saw Qingkong's determination, sighed and said: "Hiruzhan, promise him!"

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen pretended to be sorry and said: "In that case, then temporarily cancel your status as a ninja! I hope you will think about it as soon as possible. We are old and Konoha needs you young people!"

Qingkong nodded, took off the scratched forehead protector on his forehead, wiped it once, and then stepped forward and handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

After saying that, Qingkong turned around and left.

Leaving the Hokage Tower, I touched my smooth forehead and looked at the clear blue sky.

For a moment, Qingkong felt relaxed all over.

He graduated from the ninja school at the age of twelve, became a special jounin at the age of thirteen, and retired in the same year.

This may be a more legendary ninja career than Kakashi!

The legendary ninja career is over, what is waiting for you in the future?

Perhaps, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to jump.

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