Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 243 Qingkong rebels against the village [please vote]

The sky was sunny outside the conference room, but Hiruzen Sarutobi felt a chill in the conference room.

He didn't know how to reply to Gu Jie's question.

He wished he had enough time to think about it at this time, but time was fair to everyone and did not stop for a moment for anyone.

As time passed by, many senior officials off the court gradually became suspicious of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The leader of the village was framed and blamed. As the Hokage, he not only sat back and watched the matter become a storm, but he also did not do his best to investigate the truth.

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen replied: "I sent people to investigate. Maybe the messenger eagle was intercepted?"

"Hahaha, the messenger eagle was intercepted?"

Qingkong seemed to have heard something funny and laughed in public.

After a while, Qingkong stopped laughing, and then said coldly: "The communication eagle flies at high altitudes and can only be attacked when it lands. Could it be that the ANBU can't even let the communication eagle take off to protect it?"

Then Qingkong asked Gu Jie again: "Elder Gu Jie, if I remember correctly, you used the messenger eagle to issue instructions to the three of us, right?"

Gu Jie nodded.

Qingkong then said: "The messenger eagle has already taken off. It stands to reason that it will not land until it finds us. How could it be intercepted for no reason?"

Qingkong glanced around and then fixed his gaze on Sarutobi Hiruzen, saying: "Is it the ANBU's own fault? Hokage-sama, you just seemed to say that you have personally selected the ANBU involved and there is no problem? "

Unless the opponent has anti-air means, the Communication Eagle is indeed difficult to shoot down, and there are only a handful of ninjas in the ninja world who have anti-air means.

After listening to Qingkong's words, everyone couldn't help but whisper.

"Yeah, how can the Communication Eagle be shot down so easily?"

"Is there someone from Danzo in ANBU?"

"Oh, Danzo's people have been selected several times. How could there still be Danzo's people? Maybe..."

"Freeze said!"

"Even Danzo's people have not been selected so many times. I think..."


Everyone in the conference room whispered to each other, and their eyes frequently glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of them.

Everyone present is not a fool. Many people know the contradiction between the Hokage system and Uchiha, and Aozora happens to be the most outstanding genius ninja in Uchiha today.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Sarutobi Hiruzen did have the motive to attack Aozora.

When Koharu went to bed, she noticed that the wind direction in the conference room had changed. In order to relieve Sarutobi Hiruzen's embarrassment, she had no choice but to speak out.

"Youngster Qingkong, don't slander me. You haven't proven your innocence yet! Maybe the three of you will kill the Messenger Eagle directly."

Feeling everyone's eyes moving over, Qingkong controlled his facial expression, looked blankly at Xiaochun who was sleeping, and then shook his head in disappointment.

"I didn't expect that even now, Elder Koharu still doesn't trust me, a Konoha Jonin!"

Qingkong looked around and said: "I am a native Konoha villager. It has only been eight months since I graduated in July last year. During this period, I have completed three S-level missions and killed five enemy Murakami ninjas. There are not many other trivial contributions. explain."

Qingkong pointed to the forehead protector on his forehead and said: "I believe that all my actions are worthy of this Konoha forehead protector on my head. However, with so many contributions, I still cannot win the trust of the compatriots in the village, nor can I get the support of the village's senior officials. trust!"

When Qingzora said these words, his face became sad and his voice became sad. By the way, the "false form" was running and his hair became a little gray, directly creating the image of a loyal minister who was frustrated because he was distrusted by his leader.

"I heard that Konoha's budget will be reduced by half this year because of me..."

While speaking, Qingkong raised his right hand, and green light appeared in his hand.

Seeing this, ANBU from all sides of the conference room also appeared in an instant to block Sarutobi Hiruzen, and many ninjas instantly stood up and shouted at Qingzora.

"Qingzora, no!"

"Uchiha Aozora, what are you doing?"

"You want to rebel against the village?"

"Put down the throwing knife!"


Amid the surprised eyes of the audience, Qingkong wiped his forehead with his right hand.


After a harsh sound, a deep dent appeared on the originally clean and smooth forehead protector, cutting off the Konoha logo on the forehead protector.

"Since neither Hokage-sama nor Elder Koharu trusts me, then use my head, a traitorous ninja, to appease the daimyo's anger!"

After saying this, Qingkong let go of his right hand and let the flying knife fall to the ground.


The flying knife fell on the floor paved with bluestone tiles, making a crisp and sweet sound.

The ninjas in the conference room were stunned and looked at the "Rebel Ninja Aozora" who gave up resistance.

If it were normal, if they saw a Konoha ninja scratching his forehead protector, the Konoha ninja present would have already stepped forward to capture or even kill him.

However, today, most ninjas were unable to make a move when they looked at Aozong, whose eyes were lifeless and his hair was withered.

A thirteen-year-old young man dedicated everything to Konoha, but was continuously suspected by the top management. No one else could accept it!

Not only did they not take action against Qingkong, they also felt sad that the rabbit was dead and the fox was dead.

Although those present were at least jounin, their achievements and achievements may not be as good as those of Aozora.

Heroes like Qingkong cannot be trusted by senior officials. What if one day they are wronged?

In the silence, Sarutobi Toda shouted: "What are you waiting for? Take down the rebel ninja Aozora!"

As he spoke, chakra erupted under his feet, and he held a kunai coated with wind attribute chakra in his hand.

Then the other two jonins of the Sarutobi clan followed suit instantly.

From the corner of his eye, he watched the figures of Sarutobi and Toda getting closer and closer, but Aozora didn't make any reaction.

The speed of Sarutobi Toda and the other three was very fast. Before anyone could react, the three of them had already teleported around Aozora. The kunai was aimed at Aozora's neck, heart and lower back respectively.

Seeing that Qing Kong was about to die, a black shadow suddenly appeared next to Qing Kong, and then the figure was divided into three.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A moment later, Sarutobi and Toda were kicked backwards.

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up Sarutobi Toda who was flying towards the front desk. He stared at the cat-faced ANBU who had taken back the phantom clone and said word by word: "Uchiha Shisui, what are you doing?"

Although he had long suspected Zhishui, he never expected that Zhishui would actually betray him.

Zhisui stood in front of Qingzora, knelt down on one knee, and said: "Lord Hokage, Qingsora was just angry for a moment, his intention was never to betray Konoha!"

Although he thinks Qingzora's choice is irrational, Shisui still understands Qingzora's choice.

For Konoha, Qingzora has made so many contributions, and even lost his right eye for this.

However, even so, he was still suspected by Konoha senior officials one after another.

It is understandable that the young and energetic Qingkong would behave in such a reckless manner after being treated like this.

At this time, Qifeng also recovered from a series of changes. He announced loudly: "Don't do anything, Qingkong is not a traitor!"

Kosuke also said: "If this kind of ninja who is willing to sacrifice for the village is also a traitor, who else in the village is not a traitor?"

Sarutobi Toda covered his chest and said: "Severing Konoha's forehead protector is equivalent to betraying the village!"

Toifeng glanced at the whole audience coldly, and then said: "If Konoha heroes like Aozora betray the village, then this can only be the dereliction and incompetence of our senior leaders!"

Thinking that Orochimaru and Danzo had rebelled against the village, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Koharu were a little embarrassed.

Qingkong seemed to have come back to his senses at this time, he bowed gratefully to Tori Feng and Gu Jie, and said with a forced smile: "Thank you, Grandpa Tori Feng and Gu Jie. Rumors have been rampant recently, and you are the only one who is still willing to believe me. "

Aozora's thanks instantly caused everyone to look at Koharu and Sarutobi Hiruzen with suspicion.

While the rumors were raging, only Toufeng and Kosuke, two newly appointed and powerless elders, tried their best to stop them. The powerful Hokage-sama and Elder Koharu did not take any action.

With such high-level officials, no wonder Qingkong was disheartened.

However, even so, at the last moment Aozora wanted to sacrifice his own life in exchange for the village not being angered by the daimyo. What kind of noble sentiment is this?

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