Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 242 I don’t believe in Naruto [please vote]

Friday, the sky is clear and clear, it is a good weather.

Because of the grounding, Aozora didn't wear a Konoha forehead protector for a long time.

Today Qingkong took it out, touched the lines on it, wiped it and put it on his forehead seriously.

After getting dressed, Qingkong walked out of the house.

"Stop! Uchiha Aozora, you are grounded now!"

The two Anbu crossed their arms and stopped in front of Aozora.

Qingkong said calmly: "I was grounded before because I believed in Hokage-sama, but now I no longer believe in him."


"What do you mean?"

In the angry gazes of the two people, the pupil of Qingkong's left eye was filled with blood, and the three magatama were spinning rapidly.

"Magic-Nightmare Prayer!"

While the two were in a trance, the blue sky turned into a black shadow and wanted to fly away from the Hokage Tower.

Hokage Tower.

The high-level meeting has not yet begun, but many ninjas have already arrived on the third floor of the Hokage Building in advance, gathering in twos and threes to communicate.

"Have you not found out the truth yet?"

"The truth? Isn't it because Uchiha Aozora and the others failed to control their ninjutsu when they cleared the black market and killed the villagers?"


"Is there anything impossible! It is said that their team is murderous when performing tasks, and there are not many left alive!"

"That's to deal with the enemy!"

"Don't make excuses for them. If they can, they will come up with evidence!"

"Stop talking about this, did you hear that today's meeting is mainly to discuss the plan issued last week!"

"What are we discussing? If we really want to implement it, we won't be able to survive! I really don't know why the village is so willing to protect Uchiha Aozora and the other three!"


Not long after they started chatting, Sarutobi Hiruzen arrived early.

Today, he seemed a little impatient to start the meeting.

As Sarutobi Hiruzen settled down, others entered the room one after another, and the conference room was quickly filled with people.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to announce the start of the meeting when Aozora opened the conference room door.

"Uchiha Aozora?"

"Why is he here?"

"Isn't he grounded?"


When Koharu goes to bed, he wants to ask the Anbu to take down Qingkong, but Gusuke and Zifeng disagree.

Amid the uproar, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and scolded: "Uchiha Aozora, why did you leave home without permission?"

"Let me ask Hokage-sama a question?" Qingkong replied, "I wonder if Hokage-sama remembers that he once said that he would wrong the three of us for a while, and you will return the truth to us as soon as possible."

Kosuke, Tifeng and others were all there. Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't deny it and could only say: "I said..."

"That's good!" Qingkong immediately answered, "Now the three of us in the team have been wronged for eight days. I want to ask you the truth about your promise?"

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but look at the third generation after hearing this. All the recent disturbances in Konoha were caused by "the three people of Qingzora massacred civilians", and they also wanted to know the truth.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette and said slowly: "Nothing has been found yet."

Qingkong sneered and asked, "Is it because I can't find it, or because I didn't check it?"

"Be bold!"

After turning to bed, Koharu immediately interrupted: "Uchiha Aozora, do you still take Hokage-sama seriously? Come on, take down Uchiha Aozora!"

"Wait!" X3

Jin Tai, Gu Jie and Qiu Feng spoke to stop them at the same time.

After turning to bed, Koharu glanced at the three of them and scolded: "Uchiha Aozora violated the grounding order, what are you waiting for?"

Qifeng said: "The blue sky has made great achievements!"

Gu Jie said: "Qingzora is a ninja with the 'will of fire'. He must have his own reasons for coming here."

Jin Tai said: "Qingkong is just suspicious."

"Grounded?" Qingzora sneered, "We have been grounded for eight days, you can't ground me for the rest of your life because of Hokage-sama's incompetence!"

Koharu turned to bed and said, "Uchiha Aozora, do you still have a sense of superiority and inferiority?"

"Of course!" Qingkong replied, "If I didn't respect and trust you, would I have accepted the grounding without any resistance? Would I have allowed a group of ignorant villagers to slander me?"

Then, Qingzora sneered, and then said; "I lost one right eye just last month to defend the Konoha camp, and now the village allows rumors that slander me to spread!

Is this Konoha?

It is difficult to spread the heroic deeds of village ninjas, but rumors that slander their achievements are pervasive! "

Listening to Aozora's ridicule and questioning, and looking at Aozora's pale right eye, all the Konoha executives present were silent, and many of them also spread rumors.

Even Gu Jie and Qiu Feng, who had stopped the rumors, felt ashamed that they had not succeeded in stopping the spread of the rumors.

It was Sarutobi Hiruzen who broke the silence. He said: "The villagers are ignorant and have been taken advantage of. I apologize to you here."

When Aozora faced Hiruzen Sarutobi's hypocritical apology, this time he did not forgive hypocritically, but sneered.

"The villagers are ignorant? Are the higher-ups also ignorant? Why did the plan spread so much the same day? Are there spies from other villages here?"

Qingkong said casually, then shook his head and said: "That's all, my reputation is like a floating cloud."

Then he looked directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen and asked again: "Excuse me, Hokage-sama, are you really looking for the truth?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were filled with coldness, he stood up and said word by word: "Are you questioning me?"

He sensed that there was a trap waiting for him in Qingkong's words, so he talked about him left and right, wanting to overwhelm Qingkong with his years of momentum.

At this moment, the amiable old man who used to be warm and affectionate once again showed the aura of a forbearing hero of his generation, and his majestic and domineering aura swept across the entire venue like a hurricane.

However, Qingkong is not a fledgling. After fighting several shadow-level masters, he is basically immune to the aura of the shadow-level.

He looked troubled and said calmly: "Yes!"

The two words "Qing Qing" appeared clearly in everyone's ears, making all the high-level officials of Konoha stunned and their expressions changed drastically.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also became angry and flushed his face.

As a Hokage, being questioned by the ninjas in the village was definitely one of the most embarrassing scenes since he took office.

In the silence, Qingzora said: "The Jounin can give a vote of confidence to the Hokage, but can't I question the Hokage?"

Everyone who was originally shocked thought of the vote of confidence, and for a moment they felt that what Qingzong said seemed to make sense.

After turning to bed, Koharu said coldly: "Don't change the concept secretly. A vote of confidence is completely different from questioning the Hokage! If everyone is like you, then what authority does the Hokage have?"

"I already trust Hokage-sama enough!"

Aozora sighed, then he looked directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen and asked: "Hokage-sama, please speak frankly, what did you find out? Is our team innocent?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Flies don't bite seamless eggs! Your team happens to be right there..."

Following Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, many ninjas immediately agreed.

"Yes, why did you happen to be encountered?"

"Perhaps you are the ones who slaughtered civilians and are still complaining about injustice!"


Qingkong shook his head and said: "Hokage-sama still hasn't replied to my words! Even if you haven't found out the truth, you should find out something, right?"

Hearing this, Tofeng and Kosuke frowned and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Aozora has asked three times in a row now, but Sarutobi Hiruzen did not answer directly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the suspicious looks of Tofu and Kosuke, and said calmly: "The Akiba Collection left too few clues, and nothing was found.

As for the ANBU personnel involved this time, I personally selected them and there were no problems.

Among them, the Anbu Lynx suddenly attacked Aozora and the others. After verification, it was found that he was suppressed by Uchiha when he was in the Ninja School, so he held a grudge. "

Qingkong said: "That's all?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent.


Qingkong sneered and said: "Hokage-sama doesn't know that there are fire escape ninjas attacking the black market?"


"How can it be?"

"Aren't Qingzora and the others grounded?"


Kosuke did not ask questions with his eyes this time, but asked directly: "Hiruzhan, do you know about this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent. At this time, neither "know" nor "don't know" were good answers.

When Aozora and the others were banned, there were fire escape ninjas attacking the black market, which at least showed that Aozora and the others were not the only suspects.

If the answer is "I know", then how do you explain why you didn't arrest him when there were other suspects, but instead held a meeting to discuss the plan?

If he answers "I don't know", doesn't it mean that he has not tried to find out the truth?

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