Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 241 I Believe in Naruto [Please vote]

The hustle and bustle in the world is all for benefit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is all for benefit.

The truth becomes insignificant when vital interests are at stake.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the faces of all the people in the audience and took a comfortable puff of his cigarette.

Uchiha had previously built momentum for Fugaku through storytelling. He knew that Uchiha also had the ability to influence public opinion, so he never thought that he could defeat Aozora with a few rumors.

However, no matter how Uchiha publicizes it, it cannot change the fact that the interests of the whole village will be harmed because of Aozora and the others.

As long as the villagers and ninjas can feel the damage to their own interests, there will be countless people looking forward to the death of Aozora and others without him taking action.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said calmly: "The daimyo will give his account next week, and I have asked the Anbu to step up the investigation of the truth. But... everyone must also be prepared to reduce the budget."

After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and left the large conference room without waiting for anyone to speak.

The ninjas in the conference room did not leave the meeting because of Sarutobi Hiruzen's departure, but started discussing with the people around them.

"The commission from the Ninja Village has been directly increased from 30% to 50%? What are we going through life and death for? If this continues, we won't even have enough money to buy ninja tools!"

"The Ministry of Intelligence has reduced its budget by 60%. Does it mean that espionage is no longer done? No money is given to the intelligence points? Are the informants allowed to be self-sufficient?"

"And the taxes have been increased by 20%. Why don't these villagers rebel?"

"The ninja income of the Ministry of Education is already very small. If the budget is further reduced, will the teachers still survive?"


At first, there were normal complaints. I don’t know who said something: “I’m surprised, how could Uchiha Aozora and the others show up at the crime scene and be directly bumped into by the daimyo guardian nin! They said they were unjustly accused, is there any evidence? "

Although this discussion was quickly stopped by Gu Jie and Qiu Feng, many people could not help but complain about Qingkong and the others.

Shortly after the meeting, the plan proposed at the high-level meeting quickly spread throughout the streets of Konoha.

Afterwards, the news spread throughout Konoha that the three of them killed people and angered the daimyo. According to the descriptions of those with ulterior motives, the three of them seemed to be big demons who did all kinds of evil.

Rumors are as pervasive as running water, and they begin to spread in various places and from all walks of life.

After seeing and hearing the news about the plan, most of the originally hesitant villagers began to get angry at Qingkong and the three of them, and slandered them with unequivocal words.

The police department now stopped arresting people. Even if they went to warn them, they were scolded by the people around them for being complicit in the Qingkong trio.

Standing against the interests of everyone, Uchiha finally lost in this war of public opinion.

Seeing the one-sided public opinion, Kosuke and Toifeng stabilized the situation in the village while urging Hiruzen Sarutobi to find out the truth as soon as possible.

As Qingzora's eyes, Kudai quickly reported the village's public opinion situation to Qingzora.

"Since the plan leaked out, the three of you have been directly accused by thousands of people, and now we Uchiha have also been implicated. Many people are talking about asking the three of you to die to apologize, so that the daimyo will not reduce the budget."

Qingkong didn't lose his cool because of the villagers' slander, and just gave a soft "hmm".

"Um, what?" Jiudai was even more anxious than him, "Qingzora, aren't you usually the most resourceful? Come up with something quickly."

Qingkong just nodded and said: "I know!"

When he saw the daimyo guarding the ninja, Qingzora guessed the Hokage system's method of dealing with him.

As one's own strength increases, there are not many ways to get rid of oneself.

After White Fang's death, it was not difficult for Aozora to guess the Hokage's plan.

As expected, Hiruzen Sarutobi's efforts aroused strong public opinion and posed a multiple-choice question to all the villagers.

Either the three of them, Qingzora, were sacrificed to eliminate the daimyo's anger, or the whole village tightened their belts and lived together.

Normal people know how to choose this multiple-choice question.

The villagers who had harmed Tao's interests would condemn the three people and continue to maliciously slander them.

If the three of them had the "will of fire", they might take the initiative to commit suicide like White Fang and die to thank the world.

In that way, Sarutobi Hiruzen got the results he wanted effortlessly. All he had to do was shed a few crocodile tears afterwards, and maybe he could win another wave of praise for it.

If the three of them had strong minds and refused to admit guilt and committed suicide, Hiruzen Sarutobi would not have had to take the initiative to kill the three of them.

As long as the Daimyo reduces the budget, the whole village will be hostile to Aozora and the others, which will also implicate Uchiha, and then Uchiha will never have a chance to touch the position of Hokage.

It can be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen's strategy this time has basically forced the three of them into a desperate situation.

Of course, this just seemed like a desperate situation. During this process, Sarutobi Hiruzen had slowly revealed his face.

Aozora decided to let the bullets fly for a while, running the "false form" to make his expression darken.

"At this point, there is nothing we can do! I believe that Hokage-sama and the others will find out the truth and find a solution."

Jiudai said: "You are confused!"

Qingkong did not argue, but said to Jiudai: "I want to ask you for a favor!"

Jiudai hurriedly said: "Say it!"

Qingkong said seriously, "Please pay attention to Metkai recently. Junpei and I are both in the clan area, so the villagers can only curse in secret. But Kai is different. I'm afraid he will be forced to commit suicide by the villagers."

"It's about time..."

Looking at Qingzora's serious eyes, Jiudai sighed and finally nodded.

After that, Gu Jie, Qi Feng and others also came to visit Qingkong one after another.

Aozora continued to say sadly that he would believe in Hokage-sama, the village's senior officials, and his fellow Konoha people.

As time passed and the dates set by the daimyo arrived, the villagers were no longer satisfied with spreading rumors.

Under the leadership of each "opinion leader", they prepared to attack the house of Qingzora and the other three people.

However, because Aozora and Junpei's residences were in the Uchiha clan, in the end they had no choice but to go to Kai's residence together.

Fortunately, Qingzora asked Jiudai to pay attention to it beforehand, and it didn't cause much consequences.

However, their behavior was a very clear signal. At this time, the villagers had already acquiesced that Qingzong and the three of them were the real culprits who killed the civilians.

At the same time, Shisui finally rushed back.

As soon as he finished his report, he rushed home without stopping.


Hearing Shisui's call, Qingzora instantly used his "false form" to make himself look more haggard.

Seeing the dejected look of his young brother, Zhishui felt a pain in his heart and quickly stepped forward and asked, "Are you okay?"

Qingkong shook his head and forced a smile: "I'm fine!"

After speaking, he looked forward to it and asked, "Brother, with the wisdom of Hokage-sama, we must have found out the truth, right?"

Zhishui paused when he heard the words, and was silent for a moment before saying, "It's almost time! Lord Hokage is investigating!"

Qingkong sighed in disappointment when he heard this, and asked Shisui: "If...if the truth is not found out in the end, what will the Hokage do to us?"

"Lord Hokage promises me that I will not harm your lives in vain." Shisui said: "However, the entire Konoha may reduce expenditures because of this..."

Qingkong smiled bitterly and said: "Then you might as well let me die!"

Zhishui said quickly: "Qingkong, don't think too hard!"

"I'm not overthinking it!" Qingkong shook his head, "I just didn't expect that after such a long time, with the wisdom of Hokage-sama, he neither found out the truth nor came up with any solution!"

Zhisui frowned when he heard this and asked: "Qingkong, what do you mean?"

Qingkong said bitterly: "It's nothing, I shouldn't doubt Lord Hokage!"

After saying that, Qingzora stopped talking to Zhisui and turned back to his bedroom.

Seeing this, Shisui also went back to the house to rest.

His exhausted body lay on the bed, but Shisui didn't feel sleepy at all.

He thought of Hiruzen Sarutobi's hint when he described the village's difficulties, and also thought of Qingzora's aggrieved and sad look.

Was it true that nothing was found?

With the wisdom of the Hokage and the power of Konoha, no clues would be missed. How could nothing be found?

This time, he became suspicious of Naruto.

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