Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 240 Returning to the Village and the Poisonous Plot [Please vote for me]

In early February, the cold winter has not gone away, but the mood of spring has already begun to appear.

Following the green buds sprouting in the wilderness along the way, Kosuke led Aozora and his party back to Konoha.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, Gang Ziti and Shenyun Chuyue, who had been transferred to guard positions, stopped everyone.

Seeing the three people in Qingkong who were not bound by anything, Gang Zitie and Shenyun Izuyue were a little surprised, but they still said: "Hokage-sama is waiting for you at the Hokage Tower!"

Everyone quickened their pace again and soon arrived at the Hokage Tower and entered the small conference room.

Kosuke went straight to his seat and sat down. Sarutobi Hiruzen, Koharu Koharu and Akimichi Tifeng were already seated.

Seeing the three people in Qingkong without any restraints, Koharu turned to bed and looked at Gusuke in confusion.

A trace of surprise flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes, but he calmly took a puff of his cigarette and then said: "Report in full the process of your mission."

Qingkong nodded, and then told the entire mission process.

After Qingkong finished speaking, Sandai said calmly: "You should step aside first. We will deal with the results for you after discussion."

After being thwarted by Qingkong several times, he knew that Qingkong's words were sharp and leaving Qingkong alone would only lead to bad things.

Although Aozora was unwilling, he was not qualified to participate in the discussion of Konoha's high-level officials, so he had no choice but to retreat outside the door with Kai and Junpei.

After leaving the door, Qingzora immediately input chakra into his right eye, but the ability of the yin and yang eye was blocked by the barrier in the small conference room.

After Qingzora exited the conference room, Gusuke said directly: "That's what happened. Qingzora and the three of them were framed."

Toufeng on the side also echoed: "Qingkong and the three are all jounin of Konoha. Qingkong lured Orochimaru away to protect the camp. Kai's father killed four of the seven Ninja swordsmen. Junpei has been standing for so many years. They have also contributed a lot, and the three of them are worthy of trust."

Xiaochun went to bed and listened to the two people's speech. Although he didn't agree, he nodded slightly.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was smoking a dry cigarette while listening to what others were saying, covering his face with the curls of green smoke.

After everyone else had finished speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen put down his pipe and said slowly: "Fousuke, I am willing to believe in you, and I am also willing to believe in Aozora and the others.

But the problem is that the area Aozora and the others are responsible for is near Kyoto City, and the daimyo's guardian nin saw Aozora and the others with their own eyes and concluded that they were the ones who attacked the Akiba Collection. "

Speaking of this, a tangled look flashed across Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, then he took out a document and put it on the table, saying: "In the past two years, we have to rebuild Konoha while dealing with Kumogakure's invasion. The village's finances are already in dire straits. This year's enemy has another Iwagakure... If the daimyo reduces half of the village's budget..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed as he spoke, his words full of embarrassment.

The document was circulated among the three people in Fengfeng.

Looking at the major expenditures and the meager income above, the senior management of Konoha in the small conference room were suddenly speechless.


A loud banging on the table broke the silence in the conference room. He Feng glanced at the three of them and said, "The top priority is to find the person who framed Qingkong and the others! Qingkong mentioned that ANBU falsely conveyed Kosuke's instructions, and then another ANBU attacked them. "

After a pause, Tifeng looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said, "Hiruzhan, have the ANBU been cleaned up? Could there be Danzo's spies among them?"

Gu Jie nodded and said: "Especially the Shanmao who was seriously injured by Qingkong, check his details carefully!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "I will carefully select ANBU again, and at the same time, I will carefully investigate who framed Aozora and the others."

Then he paused and asked: "So, how to deal with the three Uchiha Aozora?"

Qiu Feng said: "They didn't make any mistakes. How should they be dealt with?"

After returning to bed, Koharu shook his head in denial of Feng Feng's words and said: "Based on reason, we should indeed trust the three of Uchiha Aozora. But knowing people and faces but not knowing their hearts, they are the most suspicious now, how can we not deal with them?"

"What Koharu said makes sense!" Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed.

After pondering for a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen took the initiative and said: "According to the rules, they should have been imprisoned, but considering their achievements, I think they should be temporarily grounded and subject to ANBU surveillance. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the three people from Fengfeng pondered for a moment and finally nodded.

The four people reached an agreement, recruited the three Qingkong people, and announced their disposition.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the three of them gently and said: "I will wrong you for a while, and I will return the truth to you as soon as possible."

Kai heard this and said immediately: "No aggrievement, I believe in Hokage-sama!"

Qingkong was silent for a moment, then looked at the four senior executives, and then said: "I believe in Konoha, I believe in you adults!"

Hearing this, Junpei said the same as Qingzora: "I believe in Konoha and all of you!"

After announcing the results, the three members of Qingzora, each followed by two ANBU, left the Hokage Tower.

As soon as he got off the Hokage Tower, Aozora saw Kudai and Itachi already waiting for him.

Looking at the two ANBU behind Qingkong, Itachi asked worriedly: "Master?"

Qingzora smiled and said: "The bodyguard assigned to me by Hokage-sama!"

But before Itachi and Kyushiro could feel Aozora's humor, an ANBU said: "We were ordered to monitor you!"

Qingkong shrugged helplessly, and then returned to his home with them.

Seeing the hesitation on Jiudai's face, Qingkong said directly: "Whatever you say, it doesn't matter. I can tell people everything!"

Seeing this, Jiudai talked about the recent public opinion situation in Konoha.

Qingkong shook his head slightly when he heard this. Could it be that Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to force himself to death like he forced White Fang to death?

The problem is that he has already mastered the first level of "Thunder Fire Golden Body", and his face can block knives!

However, Aozora naturally would not let public opinion ferment. Aozora thought for a moment and said directly to Jiudai: "It is forbidden for villagers to spread rumors. We do not want to suppress it, but we must guide public opinion."

When Jiudai heard this, he immediately realized: "Shall we publicize your achievements?"

Aozora nodded and shook his head: "We want to promote it. In addition to promoting the three of us, we also need to promote the deeds of Matt Dai and Hatake Sakumo. In particular, we should focus on promoting Hatake Sakumo. We will help him clear his name!"

Hatake Sakumo was forced to commit suicide by public opinion in the first place. Now that it is publicized again, it is easy for smart people to think that someone wants to use public opinion to kill people, and it can also make neutral villagers show mercy.

Kudai and Itachi left quickly, and at the same time, the two Anbu also spread what Aozora said to Sarutobi Hiruzen's ears.

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and chuckled, without any reaction.

The next day, rumors spread in the streets of Konoha that Aozora and his companions had massacred civilians, and at the same time, rumors of Aozora and his companions' achievements were spread.

For a while, the villagers couldn't tell the truth from the false.

Soon the time came to Friday, and Konoha's high-level meeting was held as scheduled.

At the end of the meeting, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked his assistant to distribute a document to all the jounin.

"Jounin Metkai, especially jounin Uchiha Aozora, and Uchiha Junpei are suspected of killing civilians. The daimyo is very angry and may reduce this year's budget, so I made a plan."

Everyone took the document, which contained many details, including villagers' taxes, infrastructure plans, ninja welfare, department budgets, etc.

The people present were all ninjas. They first turned the file to the share of the mission bounty.

Seeing the Ninja Village's commission above increased from "30%" to "50%", the conference room instantly went into an uproar.

The top management of each major department saw their department budgets cut by more than half, and their faces became ugly.

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