Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 239 Rumors are spreading [please vote]

Without the ANBU blocking the way, Qingkong and the three of them had an unimpeded journey. They soon arrived at the temporary command post and met Fushiki directly.

Qingkong instantly made a judgment in his heart. Although Kosuke was the elder elected by the three generations, he was not from the Hokage line, at least he was not involved in the conspiracy to frame him.

Aozora didn't wait for Fousuke to ask questions and spoke directly the moment he saw Fousuke.

"Elder Gu Jie, why did you ask the ANBU to send an order for us to take no prisoners and directly attack and destroy the black market?"

Hearing this, Gu Jie raised the question in his throat without saying anything, and said in surprise: "When did I issue such an order?"

"You haven't posted it?"

Qingkong showed surprise on his face, and then muttered to himself in confusion: "We also find it strange. We must know that the area our team is responsible for clearing is within the radiation range of the Daming Mansion, and it can easily cause misunderstandings by the Daiming."

Gu Jie frowned when he heard this. Since Qingkong and the others knew the sensitivity of the area they were responsible for, how could they continue to liquidate the black market and kill civilians?

Qingkong continued to ask: "Elder Gu Jie, have you sent other personnel to the area our team is responsible for?"

Gu Jie shook his head in astonishment.

Qingkong wondered: "Then why did we receive a distress signal from Konoha when we returned, but they cleared the black market and destroyed the market?"

Qingzora seemed to be asking, but in fact he was giving a brief report on the status of his mission.

Compared with being questioned by Fuzhi, Qingzora can eliminate Fuzuke's doubts about his team to a greater extent by asking questions.

Sure enough, Gu Jie frowned in thought after hearing Qingkong's inquiry.

Just as he was about to speak, Qingkong asked again: "Elder Fousuke, the three of us carried out the mission according to your instructions. Why did Deputy Commander Yamato lead the ANBU to attack us?"

"What? Yamato attacked you?" Fousuke's head was turned into a mess by Qingzora's continuous questions.

"Uchiha Aozora, you are talking nonsense!"

Yamato led the team and arrived at the command post just at this time.

Qingkong sneered and asked, "Are you going to make the first move?"

Yamato was speechless, while Qingkong said disdainfully: "Thanks for trusting you so much, we never expected that ninjas from the same village would attack our unprepared backs!"

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Kosuke's eyes. He looked at Yamato sternly and said, "The task I gave you is to recall Aozora and the others. Can you explain to me why you attacked Aozora and his team?"

Yamato couldn't explain it, and he didn't know why the lynx's brain was broken.

After being speechless for a while, Yamato reluctantly said: "Qingkong and the three people did not cooperate with our work, but provoked us. Shanmao was so angry that he couldn't control himself for a moment!"

Saying that, Yamato quickly accused Aozora: "Uchiha Aozora dealt a fatal blow to Yamamako and almost killed Yamato!"

Gu Jie looked at Qingkong, who briefly described the scene at that time, and then said: "The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn't grasp the balance at the moment.

Besides, I only used the Go Fireball Jutsu. Anyone who is familiar with me knows that I was already proficient in the B-level Ninjutsu Go Fire Dragon Jutsu when I was a genin!

If I really want to kill him, why don't I use my most powerful fire escape? "

Gu Jie nodded and warned: "Next time, remember not to hit your companions hard!"

Kosuke then reprimanded Yamato and his team for their attitude in carrying out the mission and acted as a peacemaker.

After scolding Aozora and Yamato, Kosuke said: "You were too hasty just now. Now tell me the truth about your task of clearing the black market!"

Qingkong didn't say anything, and directly told the process of their mission from an objective perspective without any concealment.

During this period, Kosuke interrupted from time to time, asking Kai and Junpei some details, and both of them answered truthfully.

The three of them didn't lie, so there was naturally no flaw.

After listening to the report, Gu Jie fell into deep thought. After a long time, he said: "It seems that there is a force that is framing you."

Because of the second generation, Kosuke had a bad feeling towards Uchiha, but he didn't have any dislike for Aozora. On the contrary, he admired Aozora very much.

Because his eagerness for quick success and quick success had killed his companions when he was young, Kosuke has great kindness towards any Konoha ninja who protects his companions.

He believed that Aozora, who took the initiative to lure Orochimaru away in order to guard the camp, would never be a thug who killed civilians.

Yamato interrupted: "This is just a one-sided statement by Qingzora and others."

Qingkong glanced at him and said with a desolate expression: "We are also ninjas from Konoha, but you actually choose to trust other people and doubt us Jonin who have made great achievements. Alas..."

Junpei looked calm when he heard this, but Kai felt the same way, and his originally energetic face also dimmed.

Gu Jie quickly comforted him: "I will definitely find out the truth and pay you back..."

While they were talking, the three of them heard the cry of an eagle, and then an ANBU came in and handed over a secret message.

After reading the secret letter, Kosuke frowned and said: "The daimyo has sent officials to the village and ordered the murderer of the Akiba Collection to be handed over as soon as possible, otherwise the village's budget for this year will be reduced by half! Lord Hokage asked me to escort you back to the village immediately."

Aozora looked at Junpei and Kai and saw worry in their eyes.

Gu Jie obviously also thought of this, looked at the three of them seriously and said: "I believe you, let's go back to the village and explain clearly."

Qingkong knew that this was not something that could be easily explained, but he still nodded.

After saying this, Gusuke ordered the other teams, and then took Qingzora and the three of them back to the village.

When Aozora and the others returned to the village, rumors began to spread in the streets of Konoha.

"Did you hear that? I heard that some ninjas in the village were killing civilians during their missions!"

"No way, the ninjas in the village are very kind!"

"How can I lie to you? I heard that this matter reached the ears of the daimyo. The daimyo was very angry and threatened to cut half of the budget for Konoha! Without the financial support of the daimyo, the village will definitely increase taxes!"

"What? Is this possible?"

"The murder of civilians by ninjas has a huge impact. The daimyo must teach the village ninjas a lesson!"

"Speaking of which, you are so well-informed, do you know who killed the civilians?"

"I heard they are Uchiha ninjas. They are murderous. Their original mission was to deal with ninjas. They are capable of killing even civilians!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Isn't Uchiha the ninja clan who founded our Konoha?"

"That doesn't change the fact that they are cold-blooded! In my opinion, such people are not worthy of being ninjas of Konoha, and they should be executed directly to make amends to the daimyo!"

"If it is really Uchiha who did it, he must be held accountable, but he must find out first!"

"What are you checking for? The Daimyo's guardian nin saw it with his own eyes. How can this be false?"

"Don't get excited, keep your voice down, Uchiha is in charge of the police department, be careful to take you back, you will suffer when the time comes."

"I'm not afraid!"


Having said that, the civilians who were whispering immediately shut up when they saw the police ninja patrolling the streets walking by.

However, the five senses of a ninja are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The police ninja patrolling the streets walked straight towards the villagers who had just slandered Uchiha.

"Don't you have a long memory? You wantonly slandered Konoha's meritorious Jonin. I now suspect that you are a spy sent by another village. Come with us."

The man quickly argued: "Why are you arresting me? What's wrong with me saying a few words? I also listened to what others said!"

The police officers ignored him, took out the rope, tied him up easily, and blocked his mouth with linen cloth.

After restraining the villager who spread the rumor, the police officer warned another villager: "Don't spread rumors, don't believe rumors, but believe in the ninjas of the village."

After saying that, the police officers escorted the villager directly to the police department.

Jin Tai sighed softly as he watched the patrolman return with each villager.

The villagers arrested more and more people, and the rumors spread more and more widely.

If this continues, not only will public opinion fail to be suppressed, but it will also put Uchiha into an embarrassing situation.

After pondering for a long time, he finally gave the order: "For the villagers who spread rumors, the main thing is to warn them, and we cannot continue to arrest them!"

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