Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 231 Customized Flying Sword [Please vote for me]

On this day, Qingkong came to the private room on the second floor of Fushan Weapons Store.

Fukuyama glanced at the energetic Qingkong and nodded secretly in his heart. It seemed that Qingkong was not depressed because of the matter with his right eye.

Fukuyama smiled and said: "Congratulations, you have been promoted to a special jounin at a young age!"

Qingkong heard this and shook his head, saying: "What the hell, that guy Kakashi was promoted to Jonin at the age of twelve."

"Haha!" Fukuyama said, "No one will probably break Kakashi's promotion record. There are many factors that led to his promotion to Jonin at the age of twelve. Unlike your promotion, the merit is real."

Qingzora didn't take it seriously. His strength and achievements had indeed arrived, but he believed that there must be other unknown reasons for his promotion to special jounin.

Putting this matter aside, Qingkong took out a scroll from his arms and unsealed it.


After a burst of white smoke, a beheading knife as big as a door panel appeared in Qingkong's hand.

"Decapitating sword?!"

Fukuyama's eyes shone. As a master craftsman, he knew all the famous magical weapons in the ninja world.

Qingkong nodded and said: "Yes, it was seized from Loquat Juuzang. Please help Fushan Dashu to smelt it and make a weapon for me."

"Qingkong, you really want to waste all your natural resources and melt the decapitating sword and refine it again?"

When asked, Fukuyama had already received the beheading sword and was banging it, thinking excitedly about how to smelt the beheading sword.

"Yeah! I don't know how to use a machete, so why do I keep it?"

Qingkong affirmatively answered, and then asked curiously: "Uncle Fukuyama, I'm actually quite surprised. This beheading sword is neither sharp nor hard. Why is it ranked alongside Kirigakure's other famous swords?"

After receiving Aozora's affirmation, Fukuyama nodded with a smile, and then replied: "The reason why the decapitating sword is among the seven great ninja swords of Kirigakure is mainly because of its blood-sucking properties."

"Sucking blood?" Qingkong was a little surprised.

Fukuyama nodded and said: "The core chakra metal of the decapitation sword can absorb the enemy's blood and cause greater damage to the enemy.

At the same time, the decapitating sword can use the enemy's blood. On the one hand, it replenishes the host's physical strength, and on the other hand, it condenses the iron in the enemy's blood into shape.

Without the decapitation sword to replenish physical strength, even a talented person would not be able to wield such a sword and slash on the battlefield for a long time. "

Qingkong suddenly nodded. From this point of view, the decapitating sword is indeed a good ninja sword.

Let’s not talk about the damage caused by blood-sucking to the enemy, but restoring physical strength is indeed a magical skill for ordinary ninjas, but I don’t know if it has any side effects.

Fukuyama put down the beheading sword and asked Aozora: "Tell me, what kind of ninja tool do you want to make this time?"

Qingkong looked at the beheading sword as big as a door panel and said, "I want to make four double-edged swords."

The sword in the ninja world is a sword, and a sword is a sword. What Qingzora wants to create is a flying sword, and a double-edged sword is more in line with the style of a flying sword.

His flying sword is intended to be used as a sword. In addition to wielding the sword, Qingkong is also preparing to use it as a melee weapon.

Although his physical strength is very good, due to the ever-changing battles, there will always be times when his physical strength is exhausted. At that time, the flying sword that absorbs blood and converts physical strength may be able to work wonders.

Fukuyama shook his head and said, "I can't do this!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Qingkong was quite speechless. It was the same last time. When he made a request, he said he couldn't do it.

Fukuyama looked at Qingkong with the eyes of a fool and said: "Do you think such a big beheading sword is covered with chakra conductive metal?"

"Huh?" Qingkong expressed doubts.

Fukuyama sighed and explained: "The core of the decapitation sword is the handle and the front part of the blade. The rest of the blade is made of iron."


Qingkong felt a little disappointed, but quickly nodded in understanding.

The decapitating sword has been broken many times. If the restored front blade is made of chakra conductive metal, then it means that the decapitating sword can produce chakra conductive metal in batches.

If it really has such an ability, the strategic importance of the decapitating sword will rise sharply, and it is impossible to use it as a weapon for jounin.

In addition, if the entire blade of the decapitating sword is made of chakra conductive metal, then the decapitating sword will not break easily.

Qingkong asked: "How much chakra conductive metal does it contain? How many double-edged swords can it hit?"

Fukuyama knocked the beheading sword and said: "If it is a double-edged sword the size of a normal samurai sword, I can probably make one."

"So few?" Qingkong was a little disappointed.

Fukuyama snorted and said, "Don't believe me? You can watch me build it and see how much chakra metal is left after smelting such a large decapitation sword."

Qingkong waved his hands repeatedly, and then said: "Just one handful!"

Then Qingkong said his requirements: "Maximize the chakra transmission efficiency, the sword blade is sharp, the sword body is long and narrow, the hilt does not need any unnecessary modifications, just wrap it with a bandage and it can be used. Also, the design should be more beautiful..."

"Understood!" Fukuyama nodded, "I'll come with 50,000 taels in a week to pick up the weapons."

When Aozora was customizing his second spiritual weapon, each ANBU ninja went to the major ninja clans in the village with a summons order signed by the Third Hokage himself.

Looking at the order from above to recruit elite jounin, the heads of the major ninja clans all looked sad.

Even among the major ninja clans with their long heritage, the number of elite jounin in the clan is very rare, not to mention that the elites in the clan have already rushed to the two camps in the northeast and northwest of the Fire Country.

Nowadays, except for Hinata and Uchiha, the other elite jounin of the ninja clan are basically stretched.

While other family leaders were looking sad, Jin Tai was also in a dilemma with the summons order.

With Uchiha's background, there are naturally elite jounin, and there are quite a few of them.

However, the elite jounin in the clan are basically the captains and deputy captains of various police divisions, and all of them hold important positions.

Asking them to participate in the task of liquidating the black market is no different from asking a general to give up his power and become a special forces soldier.

I wonder who is willing to do such a thing?

If tasks are forcibly assigned, it will only offend the top brass of the police department and make them lean towards Fugaku.

While frowning, he thought that the ANBU who had given the order had said that as long as he was strong, he could be a special jounin.

"Special jounin?"

Thinking about the special jounin in this family who has the strength of an elite jounin, Jintai has a candidate in mind.

Soon, Jintai summoned Aozora and Junpei to his office and announced that they would participate in the task of clearing the black market on behalf of Uchiha.

Junpei nodded in agreement, but Aozora couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

Clearing up the black market will bring a lot of benefits to Qingkong. Among other things, at least a large amount of golden water drops will be indispensable.

If he does not participate in the task of clearing the black market, then facing a "clean" Fire Nation in the future, Qingkong is afraid that it will be difficult for him to have such an opportunity to obtain a large number of golden water drops in the short term.

But the front leg promoted himself to a special jounin, and the back leg summoning order came, and it was difficult for Qingzora not to suspect that there was something fishy.

Moreover, going out on missions will delay your ability to improve chakra control and delay your opportunity to learn magic.

While Qingkong was weighing it in his mind, Jin Tai said: "I am announcing the results, not asking for your opinions. Nowadays, many of the elites in the family have gone to the border, and the remaining capable ninjas are all in important positions. If they leave their posts for a moment, it will affect Operations of the Police Department.

The Hokage issued a summons. We Uchiha cannot afford to lose our prestige, so we have no choice but to wrong you two. "

Qingkong was speechless. There was a day when he was oppressed by someone's righteousness.

Considering that if the black market was liquidated, it would be difficult to obtain golden water drops in the future, Qingkong finally nodded.

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