Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 230: Pull out the ANBU【Please vote for me】

In the crowd, seeing that the police department was about to take Mahiro Dohashi away, someone spoke up again.

"Isn't it just a normal quarrel? Why do we have to go online?"

"Yes, it's just a simple quarrel. If you Uchiha lose the argument, you will rush to kill people. If you fail to kill people, you will slander them as spies!"

"Uchiha is so domineering!"


Seeing Jintai's eyes gleaming with blood and burning with anger, Qingkong quickly grabbed him and said, "Master Jintai, trust me!"

Jintai tried his best to break free, but felt Qingkong's huge strength.

Without breaking free for a moment, Jintai looked at the firm look in Qingkong's left eye, snorted and said, "Okay, I'll see how you handle it! If you lose our Uchiha's face, I'll make you look good."

"rest assured!"

Aozora finished his promise to Jintai, then glanced at the crowd and said with a smile: "It seems that Mahiro Dohashi has many accomplices!"

As he spoke, he named the people who had secretly spoken out one by one.

"The people in the second row are wearing gray clothes, the third row are wearing white clothes, the fifth row are wearing cyan clothes, and there are people walking back wearing black clothes. Please four ninjas stay and assist the police department in the investigation!"

As Aozong finished speaking, the villagers and ninjas around the four people immediately distanced themselves from them, exposing them to the gazes of all directions.

Unless they are shadow-level experts, or dare to attack the Konoha villagers and cause chaos, they will not be able to escape from this place even if they are given a pair of wings.

The mastermind behind the scenes wants to borrow the power of the people, but who is not a Konoha villager?

The man behind the scenes can be borrowed, and so can Aozora.

As long as you are a wave player, you can fight the waves at any time on the vast ocean.

The four people who were pointed out were extremely surprised. They had obviously hidden themselves very well, and the Uchiha present had not opened their Sharingan just now. How could they still be discovered?

Naturally, they didn't know that when Qingzora arrived at the scene, he had already injected chakra into his right eye to observe everyone.

The four of them had no idea of ​​escaping. Just the focused gazes of the surrounding ninjas made them feel heavy pressure.

The man in gray tried to get away with it and said, "What are you doing? My family has been from Konoha for generations. What's wrong with me saying a few words? I..."

Qingzora shook his head and said: "Hinata and Uchiha are all here! You can't hide the abundant chakra in your body."

When the man in gray heard this, his face became a little ugly, and he said, "What's wrong with me being a ninja? Ninjas must wear vests and forehead protectors? I'm also a villager, why can't I be among the villagers?"

"I didn't even ask, what's your explanation?"

Qingkong chuckled, "The explanation is the cover-up, and the cover-up is the fact."

Hearing this, the surrounding villagers and ninjas couldn't help but savor Aozora's words.

Indeed, if he doesn't feel guilty, why is this ninja talking so much?

The man in gray clothes was speechless by Qing Kong's words, his eyes widened, and he couldn't explain, or not.

Seeing the man in gray in a dilemma, the villager in blue said calmly: "He is just afraid of causing misunderstanding!"

"What a fear of causing misunderstanding!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ——

Qingkong applauded him, and then his face turned cold.

"Then when Mahiro Dohashi slandered Uchiha just now, did you stop him?

He slanders a big family at will and destroys the unity of the village. You don't step forward to stop him and let him talk nonsense! Do you not know Uchiha's achievements, or do you not know the sacrifices Uchiha made for Konoha?

You didn't speak up just now. You will speak up when we Uchiha want to investigate Mahiro Dohashi.

You are either an accomplice of Mahiro Dohashi, or spies sent by other ninja villages. "

As soon as these words came out, the people present thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed reasonable, and they started talking about it one after another.

"This Uchiha makes sense."

"It was this guy in gray clothes who was beside me just now encouraging everyone!"

"The one in blue was also very active just now!"


Qingzora finally began to respond to the questions raised by the three people at the beginning.

"Why did a quarrel end up going online?"

"Because their quarrel has slandered Konoha's achievements, the Uchiha clan, and destroyed Konoha's unity."

"If you don't kill someone, you don't want to slander someone as a spy?"

"I believe that the eyes of the masses are sharp. If I hadn't taken action, Dohashi Mahiro would have been killed by Nobuo's sword at this time."

After explaining to everyone, he said: "Take it!"

The other three people quickly looked at the villagers in blue. The man looked at the Konoha villagers around him, closed his eyes and shook his head.

Now surrounded by ninjas and villagers, they cannot expose their identities, otherwise they will damage the reputation of Lord Hokage.

He believed that the Hokage would not give up on them afterwards.

After taking down the three people, Qingzora looked around again and said loudly: "Konoha belongs to our Uchiha..."

The scene was in an uproar, and before everyone could recover, Qingkong's words continued to reach everyone's ears.

"It also belongs to everyone. Every ninja clan and every villager is an indispensable member of Konoha. As a Konoha villager, we should trust our companions and contribute our own strength to Konoha.

Even if you are temporarily unable to contribute to Konoha, please don't follow others' opinions and be led by malicious people to slander the heroes who sacrificed for Konoha. "

Qingzora paused for a moment and continued: "I admit that there may be some misbehavior among Uchiha, but everyone can erase the achievements of other Uchiha heroes who have dedicated themselves to Konoha and slander Uchiha just because Uchiha has a bad person. Devil?"

Hearing this, the audience was silent for a moment, and then someone slowly started to speak up.




Gradually, the voice of one person turned into the shouts of everyone.

Qingkong nodded and said: "Of course not, just like we can't deny the Hokage's character because Orochimaru used villagers for human experiments, and say that all ninjas in Konoha are demons. We can't do it because of one person's mistakes. Denying the character of a group of people.”

Everyone sounded a little weird, but they didn't notice anything was wrong and they all agreed.

Qingkong finally announced: "Everyone disperse in an orderly manner, be careful not to cause trampling!"

Looking at the crowd slowly dispersing, Jin Tai stepped forward and said, "Your mouth is sharper than a sword!"

Qingkong said to himself: "It's okay! Compared to using a knife, I think it's safer to use your mouth."

Jin Tai said: "With a knife, you have the opportunity to use your mouth."

Qingkong nodded and said, "What Lord Jintai said is absolutely true."

Jintai looked at the well-behaved Qingkong, a little envious of Fugaku for finding such a useful assistant.

He is powerful, intelligent, sharp-tongued, obedient and sensible, making him the perfect assistant.

He couldn't help but said: "Qingkong, how about you help me?"

Qingkong was stunned when he heard this, and after a while he said: "For Uchiha, I will naturally help Lord Kintai."

Jin Tai felt disappointed for a moment, then put it down and asked, "Is it the Hokage type?"

Qingkong said: "It should be the ANBU. I guess someone will come to pick him up later."

The ANBU was not under the control of the police department, and they had to hand over the people when Hiruzen Sarutobi sent orders.

Moreover, the four of them did not commit any crime.

Jintai nodded, and then led Aozora and the others to escort Dohashi Mahiro and the others towards the police department.

Hokage's office.

After hearing Elephant's report, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked angrily: "The plan failed, why are the ANBU still staying?"

Xiang was silent for a while and said: "They just said a few words. Uchiha had no reason to hold him accountable."

It stands to reason that the people who eat melons will not take responsibility. After all, the law does not hold the public accountable.

But Aozora isolated them, and then deepened the suspicion of the four ANBU through words.

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen took two deep puffs of his cigarette before calming down a little, and said coldly: "Uchiha Aozora!"

He thought of the questioning when Danzo was forced to rebel against the village. There was obviously no evidence, but Uchiha Aozora used his words to make everyone doubt Danzo.

Xiang said: "Lord Hokage, in order to prevent the ANBU's intelligence from being leaked, we need to rescue the Lynx and the others as soon as possible."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and said, "Didn't you ask Jin Tai for someone?"

Xiang said awkwardly: "I told Jin Tai who Shan Mao and the others were on the way, but Jin Tai must have a document signed by you personally, otherwise they will not be released."


Upon hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen slammed the table angrily.

After a while, he signed a document impatiently and said: "Go to the police department to file a request."


Xiang immediately took the file and left the office.

In the office, Hiruzen Sarutobi smoked a cigarette and whispered Aozora's name.

He discovered that Uchiha was no longer the violent and brainless Uchiha he knew.

And Uchiha's current head is undoubtedly that of this thirteen-year-old boy.

If Aozora is not eliminated, it will be difficult to defeat Uchiha.

After thinking for a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a letter of appointment as a special jounin.

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