Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 232 Clearing up the black market [asking for monthly votes]

Aozora went home, prepared all his ninja tools, and hurried to the meeting point.

When they arrived at the meeting point, Qingzora glanced at the faces and found that Konoha was indeed empty now.

There were not many well-known ninjas present, and the only one who appeared in the original work was Metkai, who was wearing a green tights.

Qingkong took the initiative to say hello: "Kai, I didn't expect you to participate in this mission!"

"Haha! I was finally promoted from Special Jounin to Jounin recently, so I was entrusted with important tasks by Hokage-sama."

Kai explained, and then praised Qingzong: "Speaking of which, you are still awesome. You were a genin a few months ago, and now you are a special jounin. You are truly a genius of the big family!"

Qingkong happily accepted his compliment, and then replied: "To each other, you are also the strongest physical genius I have ever seen, and at the same time, you are also the hardest-working genius I have ever seen! It is really great to be able to work with Senior Kai on this mission. It’s inexplicably reassuring!”

Of course, don't worry. If you are in danger, just call Kai.

Although Kai should not be able to open the eight gates now, since he has been promoted to jounin with his taijutsu, it is estimated that Kai can open the six gates by now.

Kai in the six-door state is already a good shadow-level combat power.

Hearing this, Kai was encouraged. Although the two had only practiced martial arts together a few times, Qingzora's humble and hard-working attitude was very popular with Kai.

As the tail end of a crane, he never expected that a genius from a wealthy family would respect and admire him so much, allowing him to become a senior.

While chatting with Kai, Junpin and other ninjas with elite Jonin strength also arrived, and among them Aozora saw a familiar person.

The person who came was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with brown hair, a face protector on his face, and a fluffy black combat uniform with a green vest on the outside.

Yamato, or Tenzo!

Aozora didn't need to open his eyes to check, but he knew the person coming was Yamato.

Seeing Qingkong look at Yamato, Kai said in surprise: "Who is this? I remember there was no such person in the same period!"

Although Kai has the appearance of an uncle due to excessive exercise, he is actually still a young boy of fifteen or sixteen years old now.

Yamato was aroused by the gazes of the two people. He looked over and saw Qingkong at a glance. Then he looked away as if nothing had happened and walked straight to a corner to wait quietly.

Without keeping everyone waiting, Gu Jie slowly walked over with a spatula and a ninja sword on his back.

He walked up to everyone, his kind face gradually turned serious: "I don't know when, black markets were all over the Land of Fire, and bounty ninjas were rampant.

A few days ago, a bounty organization named Akatsuki was even more audacious and attacked our camp in the northwest of Konoha.

Faced with the blatant provocation of bounty ninjas, we will never condone it. We must use thunderous means to establish our authority and let these bounty ninjas know the consequences of offending us, Konoha. "

The ninjas in the audience were all closely related to Konoha. When they heard this, they were all filled with indignation and echoed loudly.

Kosuke lowered his hand and said: "This time the mission is to clean up the black market of the Land of Fire and crack down on the evil bounty organization. I am the commander of this mission Maruhoshi Kosuke. I hope everyone can work together and obey the instructions. .”

Then Kosuke waved to Yamato, and then introduced: "He is Yamato, the deputy commander of this mission. Regardless of Yamato's young age, he has already been the captain of the ANBU, and his strength is far beyond that of ordinary jounin. It is known as 'Wooden Heavenly Hidden'."

Everyone in the audience listened to Maruhoshi Kosuke's introduction and looked at Yamato without surprise.

"He is the 'Wood Release Tenzo'? The only person in Konoha who can use Wood Release now?"

"I have heard of him. It is said that the survival rate of the team members he leads is outstanding among all missions."

"Have you become the captain of the ANBU at such a young age? His talent is amazing. Is he another person like Kakashi and Aozora?"


Listening to the discussion around him, Qingkong was secretly glad that he didn't use Tenzo's affairs to discredit the third generation.

Presumably, after Yamato entered the ANBU directly under the third generation, he had his own identity and did not hide it in secret. The matter of his wood escape should have been sorted out by the third generation.

After all, Yamato was originally an orphan from Konoha, so even if he had been Orochimaru's test subject, it was not a stain.

Yamato became the deputy commander, which made Qingkong secretly vigilant.

Yamato stepped forward and smiled gently, and then said hello: "Hello everyone, I am Yamato. Please give me your advice in the future!"

After Yamato finished introducing himself, Kosuke led a group of ten people out of Konoha Hidden Village and rushed to the nearest black market stronghold.

Gu Jie has a stooped figure, a disabled left leg, and wears a prosthetic leg, but it does not affect his speed at all, and he can easily lead the people to run wildly in the forest.

Soon, everyone arrived at a black market stronghold.

Coincidentally, this was the black market Aozora visited for the first time.

Crouching on the roof, looking at the familiar izakaya, memories flashed in Qingzora's eyes.

From now on, I'm afraid the past is like smoke, and I can no longer collect golden water drops in this house.

"This place is an izakaya on the surface, but underneath it is a huge black market."

After the introduction, Gu Jie glanced at Rigao and said: "Rigao, do some investigation."

"White eyes! Open!"

Hidaka gave a low drink, and then his veins were exposed, and he looked around the izakaya, inside and out.

"I am reporting to you, Mr. Kosuke, that there are three ordinary people in the izakaya, one chuunin, one jounin below, and a dozen chunin."

Gusuke nodded and arranged in an orderly manner: "Hidaka, you are on guard outside. Yamato, you protect three ordinary ninjas. The other ninjas will follow me to open the entrance to the black market and subdue the bounty ninjas in the black market. The main thing is to subdue, But when in danger, don’t hold back!”

In the past, two companions were killed because of his eager command, so Gusuke is now very conservative when facing such a simple enemy.

Although everyone was a little indifferent, they still responded in unison: "Yes!"

In fact, Gu Jie was a little worried.

Aozora entered the house first, turning his Sharingan in his left eye, and the Chuunin in the izakaya fell down directly. At the same time, three vines instantly took the three ordinary people away from the izakaya.

After that, everyone without any worries swept through the underground black market.

Because the opponents were too weak, even the slower jonins didn't even have a chance to take action.

While everyone was collecting money and files from the black market, Yamato approached Fousuke and said: "Sir Fousuke! The ordinary black market is weak and a small team of elite jounin can be destroyed. There is no need to spend so much effort.

And with our actions, other black markets will inevitably receive the news. At our current speed, most of the bounty ninjas will definitely be let go. "

Gu Jie nodded upon hearing this. He found that his prudent approach did hinder efficiency.

Glancing at Yamato with admiration, Kosuke asked, "What do you mean?"

Only then did Yamato reveal his purpose: "I suggest dividing the elite jounin into five teams, with three people in each team, and then clear the black market as a team."

Gusuke nodded. It was indeed a good arrangement to have three elite jounin in one team.

First of all, three elite jounin are enough to destroy ordinary black market strongholds.

Secondly, the three elite jounin can persist in providing support in the face of most dangers.

Soon, Fousuke and Yamato finished their discussion, and then called everyone together to announce that they would start to carry out the task in separate teams.

Everyone agreed with the team's decision to carry out the mission, and the ninja who had not taken action just now applauded.

Most jounin are quite enterprising, and few like to be lazy.

Although the detachment was conducive to Qingzora's golden water droplets, Qingzong felt something was wrong. He saw Yamato walking up to Gusuke before Gusuke made a decision.

However, in the subsequent teaming up, Yamato did not play any tricks. Aozora, Junpei and Kai formed a team easily.

After dividing into teams, Gu Jie began to assign tasks to everyone.

After being divided into teams, the fifteen elite jonin, excluding Fousuke and Yamato, were divided into five teams, with each team responsible for clearing the black market in an area.

If you encounter a powerful black market, you can let it go first and then concentrate on clearing it up together.

Fousuke and Yamato are responsible for coordination and support.

Holding the black market distribution map of the team's area, Aozora left with Junpei and Kai full of doubts.

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