Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 200 Taking the sword with bare hands

After the referee announced the start of the competition, he retreated to a corner of the ring, leaving the vast stage to the two of them.

It was the first time to hear so many cheers and cheers. Maki was a little intoxicated, and there was even excitement in her eyes.


The long knife cut through the air and pointed diagonally at the ground. A faint chakra enveloped the long knife, and the surging chakra boiled in Maki's body.

He did not rush towards Qingkong immediately, but said calmly: "I have heard some things about you! You were promoted to Chuunin three months after graduation. It seems that you killed four Jonin, and even awakened the three Magatama Sharingan... Yes The new genius in the family!

However, what Uchiha does not lack most is genius! "

Qingkong laughed when he heard this and said: "Is that so... So you were called a genius before? When? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Qingzora's three consecutive questions were like three sap sticks, instantly knocking Maki out of control, and the surging chakra in her body almost lost control.

Uchiha's genius is not a cabbage!

Seeing that Maki was speechless, Qingkong opened his eyes wide and said in surprise: "No way! No way! You are not a genius? From your tone, I thought you were a senior genius, so tell me about your experience!"

Shaking his head, Qingkong sighed: "Hey..., I thought anyone who was an Uchiha would be called a genius! After all, my brother is a genius, I am a genius, my friend Tiehuo is also a genius, and my apprentice Itachi is still a genius. ...I really don’t understand how you ordinary people think! After all, the people I know are all geniuses!”

Qingkong's words were like knives piercing into Maki's heart, making him understand again what it means to speak like a knife.

Lord Jintai really didn’t deceive me. Words like knives are not metaphors, but true descriptions!


He interrupted Qingkong's nagging with a loud shout, and then said: "Only when the sword is disadvantageous, the tongue is advantageous! Come on, let me see you play with kunai and throwing knives!"

"Haha——" Qingkong chuckled.

He was obviously the one who fired first, okay?

He's not good at oral skills, but he still dares to imitate other people's pre-war provocations.

Qingkong said gently: "Then please give me some advice, Brother Clan!"

Although the opponent provoked him many times, Qingkong never lost his words, so Dadu forgave the opponent.

Who would have thought that Maki would forget about food and not fight, and once again spoke rudely: "I will not teach you, I will only expose your weak strength under your false reputation, and let everyone see what a waste you are!"

Qingkong's eyes gradually became colder, and his voice also became colder: "Am I acting too gentle, so that even an unknown person dares to provoke me again and again!"

Although they belong to different factions, Qingzong has repeatedly tolerated it for the sake of being members of the same clan.

But he didn't expect that Maki didn't plant a tree in her heart!

Since the other party keeps provoking you again and again, then just obey him!

Zhenxi said angrily: "You..."

Qingkong interrupted him directly and said: "If you can't speak, don't speak! Because if you don't speak, you won't offend people you can't afford to offend!"

Maki said with a smile: "Who can't afford to offend? Is it you?"

"it's me!"

Qingkong said seriously. As he spoke, his right hand had already grasped the flying knife of killing immortals.

With the influx of chakra, the Immortal-Destroying Flying Knife let out bursts of soft moans, and the green light showed slightly, making Qingkong's hand holding the handle of the knife feel stinging.

"Is this your toy knife?"

Maki shook her head, "If you hide it well, maybe you can scare me! Now..."

At this moment, the referee couldn't help it anymore and said loudly: "Do you want to fight or not?"

As the referee spoke out, the audience in the stands also shouted. They came to watch the competition, not to listen to the two people's bickering.

"Give you a good time!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Maki didn't say any more, quickly formed a seal, and used the fire ball technique to test Aozora, and used it to block Aozora's sight.

Although he said he was dismissive of Qingkong's flying knife, in actual combat, he would not easily test whether the flying knife was sharp or not.

Looking at the flying fireball, Qingkong looked indifferent, put away the throwing knife, made a hand seal with his hands, and the next moment a bigger fireball spurted out of his mouth.

Aozora's powerful fireball smashed Maki's powerful fireball, and instantly burned a shadow clone following the fireball to ashes.

He did not specifically use Flame Release Chakra, but the larger amount of Chakra, the purer Chakra, and the more precise Chakra control allowed his Fire Ball to exert far more power than C-level Ninjutsu.

Facing the two figures attacking from the left and right, Qingkong straightened his sleeves unhurriedly.

Seeing Qingkong's calm appearance as if no one was around, the audience in the stands instantly became quiet, with disbelief in their eyes.


This is the audience’s opinion, and it’s also Maki’s opinion!

The two figures couldn't help but speed up their pace again, completely blending into the wind and becoming invisible to the naked eye.

Almost in the blink of an eye, two figures appeared on Qingkong's side, one on the left and one on the right. Two long knives also slashed at his throat and stabbed at his heart.


Seeing such a dangerous scene, the audience couldn't help but their faces changed drastically. Many girls turned pale and couldn't help but cover their eyes with their hands.

However, the ninjas on the field were not afraid of seeing blood, nor did they think that the competition would end so soon.

They stared at the field and the sky to see how this pretty boy would react!

Under the gaze of countless eyes full of various emotions, the blades of Maki's two shadow clones have reached Qingzora's neck and Qingzora's heart.

However, the next moment, the blade seemed to be frozen in space and could no longer move forward an inch.

Maki's long sword that killed countless enemies was held by Qingbai's fair and slender hands!

Take the sword with your bare hands!

This weird scene made the audience in the stands instantly uproar!

In everyone's understanding, a ninja will bleed if cut, and will be injured if stabbed by a ninja tool. This is an eternal truth.

Why can Qingkong take the sword with his bare hands without bleeding?

The taijutsu ninja who had made such arrogant assertions before had his faith collapsed on the spot!

Why can his fair and slender green hands be able to pick up a white blade with bare hands, but he still gets bloody after being cut after years of hard training?

Kai, who had previously supported Qingzora, was stunned when he saw this. He had been sparring with Qingzora for a while and knew that this weak appearance contained powerful strength and unexpectedly tough muscles.

However, even he didn't expect that Qingkong would be so hard!

Hinata Hidaka and Nisshin Hizu opened their eyes wide at this time, with veins on their foreheads exposed, and their eyes focused on Aozora's palm.

Seeing the thin chakra on Qingzora's hand and a little blood flowing from his palm, the two of them felt a little relieved.

But immediately a new question appeared in their minds: Can such thin chakra withstand a sword?

Holding two long knives, Qingkong chuckled, curved the corner of his mouth into a smile, and said softly: "Too weak!"

While speaking, Qingkong threw the two figures towards the middle.

In an instant, the two figures collided heavily, and the huge interaction force caused the two figures to flatten and lose their human shape.

Almost at the same time, a black shadow emerged from the ground and put a long knife on Qing Kong's neck.

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