Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 199 Qingkong appears again

In the ring, Nobuo and Liang fought each other before jumping away.

The noisy beginning suddenly became much quieter, and everyone watched with bated breath as the two men rested in harmony.

Nobuo looked solemn, threw away the broken kunai in his hand, and took out another kunai from his knife bag to hold. At this moment, there were cracks in the police department vest on his body, and many red clouds appeared on the green vest.

Apart from being ugly, the wounds on his body did not damage his muscles and bones. What made him feel difficult was that he had very little physical strength left.

At this moment, he could clearly hear his violent and rapid breathing, and also felt the pain all over his body, as well as his slightly trembling legs.

Opposite Nobuo, Ryoichi felt equally uncomfortable. He dragged his long knife and looked at Nobuo coldly, his face ferocious.

There were two deep blood holes on his body. At the same time, his chest was hit hard by Nobuo's knee, and there was a dull pain when he breathed.


Taking a long breath of cold air, Ryoichi stopped waiting and said, "Let's decide the winner!"

After saying that, he directly raised the knife and rushed towards Nobuo.

Nobuo hadn't recovered yet, but he had no choice but to hold on to his body, hold the kunai behind his back, and wait for Ryoichi's attack.

The two of them were at the end of their strength, and both sides were desperately squeezing out the little energy and chakra they had left.

For a time, the fighting level on the field dropped from jounin to chuunin level.

The decline in combat level does not detract from the excitement of the battle. Even for ordinary viewers, this kind of competition is the competition they are willing to watch.

In the field, Ryoichi turned into a black shadow, constantly flashing around Nobuo, and from time to time he found the right opportunity to attack Nobuo's vitals with his long sword.

Nobuo's strength was exhausted, so he had no choice but to hold a kunai and guard the vital points of his body.

Nobuo struggled to hold on. If it weren't for the blood spurting from Ryoichi's body, he might have chosen to admit defeat.

As he persisted and persisted, he felt more and more tired, his vision became increasingly blurry, and Ryoichi who rushed towards him in a daze turned into two figures.

He was startled, but when he reacted he had a long knife on his neck.

Nobuo looked at his opponent, whose eyes were still scarlet, and realized that he had already consumed so much chakra that he subconsciously closed his Sharingan.

Ryoichi said slowly: "Nobuo, a year ago you were still stronger than me, but the comfortable life has corroded you, and the blood and fire have tempered me! This is why you are defeated by my sword now!"

Nobuo was silent, he didn't lose unfairly.

The strength of the two is almost the same, and their own strength is even slightly stronger. But Ryoichi, who had just come off the battlefield, carefully calculated every bit of chakra during the battle, and would rather be injured than waste it. This allowed Ryoichi to maintain a certain level of combat effectiveness until the end.

"In the third game, Uchiha Ryoichi wins!"

As soon as the referee's decision came down, Jintai looked at Fugaku proudly, and then smiled: "Thank you for leaving Ryoichi to me!"

Fugaku was secretly annoyed when he saw Sandai looking at him as a joke.

Jin Tai did not pay attention to the occasion and even provoked himself one after another in front of senior officials.

Despite this, Fugaku still managed his expression well and said without changing his expression: "As long as you like it!"

Unexpectedly, Jin Tai did not let him go, but continued: "What do you think if Maki wins again later? But that's fine, Qingkong is young, what kind of instructor should he be! If he loses, he can grow up He has learned a lot, and he is welcome to listen to Ryoichi and Maki’s lectures in the Flying Tigers in the future.”

When Fugaku heard this, instead of being irritated by Jin Tai, he smiled and said: "If Maki really wins, I will let Qingkong go to the Flying Tigers to attend classes every day!"

He has personally weighed Qingzora's strength and is truly an elite Jonin.

If Ryoichi is on board, Aozora may capsize in the gutter.

But if his opponent is Maki, he really can't find a reason for Aozora to lose.

Jintai frowned when he saw Fugaku's confident eyes. Is there no trace of Qingzong's record?

But killing four jounin just one year after graduation is too exaggerated!

After cleaning up the ring for a while, the referee announced without stopping: "The fourth match: Uchiha Aozora vs. Uchiha Maki!"

As soon as the referee finished speaking, Maki jumped directly onto the ring, then looked straight at the blue sky with excitement in her eyes.

In the audience, Zhisui encouraged Qingzora's female fans before they went crazy: "Qingzora, come on!"

Qingkong hummed, and then said easily: "I'll be right back!"

As he spoke, he had already lightly swept into the field with his hands behind his back. His cool and unrestrained posture made the girls scream and made many ninjas shake their heads slightly.

Ninja's running and jumping have always focused on speed and concealment. In their opinion, the blue sky's flying is useless.

Two people, one black and one white, stood opposite each other on the field, which made the ninjas off the field marvel.

Chakra has many uses. Basically, female ninjas have one or two secret techniques to maintain their skin and appearance, but male ninjas rarely do these.

They don't believe that Qingkong's skin is natural.

A burly Taijutsu ninja immediately asserted: "This Uchiha Aozora will definitely lose! Not to mention other things, the physical strength of the two of them is different! Look at Uchiha Maki's rough skin like gravel, even if it is cut with a knife, , may also need to roll up a hole.

But what about Uchiha Aozora? His skin was maintained with secret techniques. Let alone being cut by a knife, he would probably bleed if he was poked by a needle! "

He used an exaggerated statement, but it was recognized by most of the Taijutsu ninjas around him.

Compared to the fair-faced Aozora, they felt more familiar with the dark-skinned Maki.

However, a Taijutsu ninja shook his head and retorted: "You don't understand! Under his fair skin are rock-hard muscles and surging strength! Taijutsu is not measured by appearance!"

Hearing different opinions, everyone was about to refute.

When he looked back, he saw that it was Kai, a martial arts fanatic, and the others fell silent for an instant.

Bowing to Kai's power, they did not retort, but they all stared at the two people on the ring, ready to see Aozora make a fool of himself.

On the stage, Maki showed cruelty in her eyes and said coldly: "I've finally waited for you!"

Qingkong smiled and said: "You really want to lose?"


As if she heard something funny, Maki couldn't stand up with laughter and slapped her thigh.

After a while, he stood up and said, "Are you worthy? When someone calls you a genius, do you forget how much you weigh?"

Qingkong shook his head and was about to reply when the referee interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said loudly: "Ascending the barrier, the competition begins!"

As the referee finished speaking, bursts of sharp cheers came from the stands.

As the girls cheered, some male compatriots who were watching the excitement were unhappy and cheered for Maki one after another, building up momentum for him.

Among the male voices cheering for Maki, Tie Huo's shout was particularly abrupt.

"Aozora! Teach Maki a lesson for me!"

Py: From Pirates to Reincarnation in the Land

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