Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 201 The genius among geniuses [asking for monthly votes]

"it's over!"

Seeing Qingzora focus on the two shadows, Maki showed a trace of ridicule on her lips.

He is indeed a genius who has been touted. Although he has some strength, a simple trick can fool him around.

After casting the Fireball Technique, he did not stop moving. Instead, he used the Shadow Clone Technique to create three identical shadow clones, while his own body sneaked into the ground.

Aozora's fire escape is very powerful, and he is also very good in close combat, but that's all.

Real battles only involve life and death, victory or defeat, and strength does not mean anything.

"Genius~" Maki mocked, "He's just a sharp-tongued rookie!"

While speaking, he looked up and down at Qingkong, and when he saw that his hand was empty, he continued: "It seems that you are quite self-aware! You put away your toy knife long ago."

The knife was placed on his neck, but Qingkong's expression did not change at all, and he chuckled softly: "Do you think you can win with this little trick?"

Hearing this, Maki's face changed drastically. She glanced around and said coldly: "Pretend to be a ghost! There is no cover in this arena!"

Suddenly, his pupils narrowed and he looked down at the ground.

However, he reacted too slowly. He only felt a lightness under his feet, and then heard Qing Kong's voice coming from beneath him.

"Earth Release-The art of beheading in the heart!"

In an instant, he was pulled to the ground by Qing Kong and buried, leaving only his head on the ground.

Two figures in the blue sky squatted on the ground, looking at Maki who was gritting his teeth, playing with stones and mocking Maki.

"Why are you called Maki? Not Mina!"

"I think it's okay to call it naive!"

"It makes sense! It makes sense! As expected of me!"

"That's right! I think 'real food' is okay, but it's a bit insulting. 'Innocent' is better!"

"That's right! That's right!"


The two figures exchanged words with each other, holding and teasing each other, without taking Maki seriously at all.

After chatting for a while, Qingkong waved his hand to dismiss a figure, then crushed the stone in his hand into powder and sprinkled it on Maki's head.

"I'm paying you back for Tie Huo! Be more polite next time!"

After saying that, he turned around and waved to the referee and asked: "Can the game be declared over?"

The referee was about to come over, but found that Maki had not closed her Sharingan until now. Her eyes were full of unwillingness, so she stopped.

"You think you won?"

"Turong-Tulong Spear!"

Accompanied by a low roar, the ground shook rapidly. Under the gaze of countless surprised eyes, cracks appeared in the arena, and countless sharp earth thorns rose from the ground and stabbed into the blue sky.

Seeing that Maki might turn defeat into victory, Jin Tai was not happy, but rather angry, and cursed in a low voice: "Trash!"

After saying that, he turned to Fugaku and said: "Maki's talent is not enough to serve as the instructor of the Flying Tigers. You can appoint the remaining instructor!"

He can accept Maki's failure, but he cannot accept Maki's victory in this way.

When Aozora buried Maki in the soil, Maki had already lost.

During this period, Qingzora not only mocked Maki, but also made Maki admit defeat.

Maki pretended to be confused and used this time to break away from Aozora's ninjutsu.

Fugaku nodded to Jintai after hearing this, and then said calmly and firmly: "Don't worry, Maki can't win!"


Hearing this, Jin Tai began to look at the field seriously, and then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Not only Jin Tai was surprised, but other viewers were also stunned.

On the ring, earth thorns flew around, and the originally peaceful land became the most dangerous place. No one could guess where the earth thorns would fly out from in the next moment.

However, Qingkong was leisurely wandering around the stage. No matter where the earth thorns flew from, he would lightly move around, or turn around and turn slightly to one side, and he would dodge the flying earth thorns. Pass.

Tu Ci is always one step behind him!

Tofeng looked at the free and easy Qingkong on the field, turned to ask the third generation: "Hiruzhan, how did this kid avoid this earth thorn? It seems that he predicted all the earth thorns cast by Uchiha Maki."

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard the closeness to Qingkong in Tifeng's tone, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, but his face remained gentle.

After thinking for a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen replied: "The deep soil layer blocks the chakra, and even the Byakugan can't see the location and direction of the soil spurs. I'm afraid only those who have extremely deep research on earth escape or are special Only a perceptive ninja can predict the attack of the Earth Thorn as easily as Aozora."

After finishing speaking, he paused and said to Fugaku and Jintai: "Aozora is such a talented boy! I remember that during the Chunin exam, I was also very surprised by his throwing sword and fire escape. Now it seems that he is so good at earth escape." His attainments in Ninjutsu are also very profound!"

Fugaku replied: "Hokage-sama is ridiculous! Maybe he is just lucky!"

He was actually very surprised. He didn't know when Qingkong learned Earth Release, and he didn't know why Qingkong didn't use Flying Knife and Flame Release?

If used, the competition would have lost its suspense long ago.

After a long while, Maki stopped her ninjutsu after trying in vain.

Standing in the middle of the arena filled with dirt and thorns, Maki looked a little pale.

Although he did not experience a fierce battle, first the three shadow clones, and then the earth spikes that consumed so much chakra, left him with so little chakra that he felt that his physical strength had been reduced a lot.

Qingkong casually stood on a huge earth thorn, looking down at Maki.

In a small arena, Maki's Earth Thorn may achieve good results against other Jonin.

But he was unlucky and met Qingkong.

Qingzora's research on Earth Release Ninjutsu is not deep, but "Shutchi" makes Qingzora particularly sensitive to the chakra on the ground.

Knowing in advance where the soil thorns came from, coupled with the insight of the Sharingan, allowed Aozong to pass through thousands of soil thorns without being contaminated by any dust.

The breeze blew the corners of Qingkong's clothes, and he regretted not wearing a white robe.

Despite this, Qingkong, who dodged the earth thorns with ease, still received a lot of screams.

Seeing Qingkong standing unstained by dust and facing the wind, Tiehuo regretted supporting Qingkong.

Seeing Tie Huo's depressed look, Dao Huo instead of comforting him, instead said sarcastically: "Look at Qingkong, if it were you up there, you would probably be disgraced again! Hey, we are both called geniuses, why is the gap so big?"

Tiehuo frowned and was speechless for a while, then asked: "You and Shisui were once called geniuses! But what about now? How many of you can beat him?"

Dao Huo was also silent.

Brothers are in trouble, brothers are in trouble, why does the elder brother bother the younger brother, and why does the younger brother hurt the elder brother?

On the field, Maki already knew that she had no chance of winning. She sighed and said, "Let me see your flying knife! I want to see what kind of flying knife can kill multiple jonins one after another."

Standing on the stone thorn, Qingkong shook his head slightly, and then said lightly: "I'm sorry, you don't deserve it!"

You don’t need to kill an immortal with a flying sword, but you shouldn’t use the sword just for a mere Jonin!

Besides, there was a Tsunade in the stands.

He had called the other person "breasted brother". If he was recognized, wouldn't it be social death?

Qingzora's faint words hit Maki's heart hard and stuck in his heart.

Instantly, he became angry and said angrily: "Arrogant! Why can you beat me without using a flying knife?"


Qingkong chuckled lightly, and then formed the same hand seal as before.

"Turong-Tulong Spear!"

In an instant, the arena was rolling like an earth dragon and dust was flying.


The arena collapsed, and cracks spread rapidly.

The earth and rocks flew, and thorns of earth rose from the ground.

Maki was not someone who could be easily captured. Although he was shocked because Qingkong had copied his famous ninjutsu, his reaction was not slow either. When a sharp thorn attacked, he jumped away from the place without hesitation.

He can accept failure, but he will never accept such a humiliating failure!

As a ninja, it would be a lifelong shame to be defeated by one's own ninjutsu!

Maki doesn't have Qingzora's sensitivity to Earth Release Ninjutsu, so he can only rely on experience to constantly change his position.

However, Qingkong did not predict it. Most of the time, he used his strength to suppress others, and rock thorns rose up in rows, which soon caused many scars on Maki's body.

Exactly the same ninjutsu, exactly the same scene.

In the first competition, Aozora gave the audience a mirror competition, and this time Aozora allowed the audience to see an imitation show.

But this imitation is even better than the original!

Ordinary people were eye-opening and started talking excitedly.

"Do Uchiha know the Earth Release Ninjutsu?"

"Probably not! But they both know the same ninjutsu!"

"It feels different! Qingkong's gun seems to be thicker, bigger, and harder!"

"Well, although you're right, it feels a little weird."


Hinata Hidaka opened his Byakugan to observe Aozora's chakra, and immediately said in shock: "Why does he still have so much chakra? He is only thirteen years old!"

Hearing this, Hinata Hizu also looked at the meridians all over Aozong's body.

The chakra in Qingkong's meridians surged like a tidal wave. Compared to ordinary jounin, his chakra far exceeded others in both quality and quantity.

Rizu's face became even heavier.

Ever since Fugaku exposed the Mangekyo, although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, he knew that Hinata was no longer worthy of being called the Uchiha. Perhaps Hinata would have to wait until Fugaku died before Hinata would have a chance to catch up with Uchiha again.

And looking at Aozora, who now has the strength of an elite jounin at the age of thirteen, Hizu felt the slightest bit of despair.

He was an elite jounin at the age of thirteen, but would he be a shadow-level powerhouse as an adult?

Hizu knows that the Kage level is not that easy to enter, but at least there are members of the Uchiha clan who have the opportunity to step into that field, and what about the Hyuga clan?

Even he doesn't have much confidence.

Do you want to watch Hinata being gradually pulled away by Uchiha?

Rizu no longer had any intention of watching the game and was completely immersed in his own world.

On the field, Qingzora has become familiar with the operation of the ninjutsu of Tulong Gun through a lot of experiments.

After Maki ran away for a long time, she realized that Aozora's chakra could not be consumed, so she changed direction and rushed towards Aozora.

Maki's speed was quite fast, as fast as the wind, but under the vision of Sharingan, it slowed down.


As soon as Qingkong finished speaking, a rock thorn rushed out from Maki directly in front of him, forcing him to stop and fly upside down.



A huge rock thorn rose into the sky, blocking Maki who was flying upside down.


Bang! Bang! Bang! ——

Before Maki could react, one rock thorn after another rose up from the ground and stabbed Maki.


The cruel scene was about to be staged, and many female spectators screamed and closed their eyes.

Of course, many ninjas had their eyes widened, but to their disappointment, the dust brought up by the rock thorns blocked their sight.

So much so that they could only listen carefully to the sounds in the smoke to identify the extent of Maki's injuries!

"Ah——! Huh? Hiss——"

In the smoke and dust, rock thorns passed through Maki's ears, neck, armpits and even crotch. The cool breeze and the fear of death made Maki scream out in shock.

The smoke slowly fell, and on the ring, Maki was trapped by a prison composed of rock thorns, and was unscathed.

No, there are wounds too, but they are all from before.

Seeing Maki unable to move, a moment of silence fell in the stands.

It's hard to defeat a jonin, it's even harder to kill a jounin, and it's even harder to capture a jounin alive.

If one were to use the ninjutsu that a jounin was proud of to capture the opponent alive, this would no longer be difficult, it would simply be a fantasy!

Looking at the blue sky blowing in the wind while standing on the rock spur, everyone couldn't help but feel in awe!

Aozora has already competed twice, and both opponents were jounin-level experts.

Judging from the process and results of the fight, anyone who is not too stupid can see that Aozora's strength far exceeds that of ordinary jounin!

In this case, his strength can only be that of an elite Jonin!

Even with the power of Konoha, elite jounin can be considered absolutely strong and the best among Konoha ninjas.

And Qingkong is only thirteen years old!

"So...so strong!"

Inuzuka Yu opened his mouth slightly and looked at the boy in the field who was only as tall as his chin with a confused expression.

He originally wanted to be obedient and wait until the registration was over to tell the clan leader that Cai had forgotten the registration time. Looking at the dazzling young man now, he suddenly felt that letting Cai join the police department was a very wise choice.

The other families also strengthened their inner choices because of Qingkong's performance.

Whether a force is strong or not depends not only on the present, but also on the future.

Uchiha now has Fugaku who has awakened the Kaleidoscope, and in the future there will be unparalleled geniuses such as Shisui and Aozora, so they have no worries in their hearts.

Tiehuo slowly recovered from the shock and suddenly asked Daohuo next to him: "Brother, are you sure you can defeat Qingkong?"

Dao Huo was silent for a long time, then shook his head with difficulty, "The flying knife he used to kill the enemy has not been shown yet, I am not sure!"

After a pause, Dao Huo sighed: "Even with the strength he has shown, it is difficult for me to defeat him! His chakra control ability is so strong that he can copy ninjutsu so quickly, but the amount of chakra is very large. If you can't defeat the enemy with one move, you will most likely be defeated by him using the same move!"

Tie Huo couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard that Da Huo was not confident either.

He was the Uchiha genius before Aozora, but now he can't even see Aozora!

Seeing his brother's loss, Dao Huo comforted him: "Tie Huo, although we are also geniuses, you have to know that the gap between geniuses is sometimes wider than the gap between geniuses and ordinary people!

Shisui and Qingzora, they are geniuses among geniuses, our talents are indeed not as good as theirs.

But that doesn’t mean we can never catch up with them! "

Tiehuo's eyes lit up and he asked, "Brother, what do you mean?"

Seeing that Tiehuo had regained his fighting spirit, Inohuo explained: "On the road of ninja, talent can make people win at the starting line, and it can also make people go faster!

But the road of ninja is not smooth sailing. There is a huge chasm in front of all ninjas - the shadow level, which cannot be overcome by relying on talent.

Therefore, no matter how talented Shisui and Aozora are, they can only stand still in front of the shadows for a long time, waiting for us to catch up with them. At that time, we will be on the same starting line again, and at that time talent is no longer the decisive factor, and the competition is more about our own understanding of Ninja. "

Tiehuo nodded solemnly upon hearing this, then glanced at Qingkong and Shisui, and said to Tiehuo: "Brother, I will improve my strength to an elite jounin as soon as possible, and then stand on the same starting line as you."

On the ring at this time, Qingkong called the referee at the edge of the ring and said with a smile: "Can we announce the result of the competition now?"

The referee nodded affirmatively and announced the result of the competition loudly.

"The fourth match, Uchiha Aozora wins!"

Have you seen the flag planting activity on 515?

Xiaodao has established a FLAG, which requires updates at least seven days within 15 days, and requires 1,000 monthly votes.

Xiaodao will do his own thing well, and I also hope that book friends will support me!

Without further ado, there will be an update on May 1st!

4,000 words are all the manuscripts saved by Xiaodao. Let everyone take a look first. The other 4,000 words may need to be updated in the afternoon or evening!

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