After they were speechless for a while, they actually continued to play cards with Ryubana casually.

"Ryubana sama, red-haired is coming."

Ryubana did not remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs until Lao Sha brought red-haired to Ryubana's face. Patted his hand to his feet and stood up.

Seeing that Ryubana despised herself so much, neither the red-haired person nor the two cadres who came with the red-haired person took seriously.

The entire red-haired pirate group is such a temperament that is not surprised and unrestrained.

Obviously has an extremely powerful strength, but even if he is bullied by a villain like a ant, he doesn't care.

Ryubana really appreciates this.

"Magic eye Ryubana, you look younger than in the picture."

It was not until Ryubana got up that the red-haired gazed Ryubana and beat Ryubana with a smile. A hello.

"Shanks, please sit down."

Ryubana greeted the red-haired at this time, and both parties sat down in the reception area on the deck.

After a few simple greetings, Ryubana said directly: "Okay, red-haired, you definitely didn't come to compliment me specifically, just tell me if you have something."

"Although I am a bit rude to ask, you probably won't answer me, but I still want to try to ask."

"Magic Eye Ryubana, I don’t know your goal this time , Is it Malin Vandor or the Four Emperors? What is your purpose?"

The red-haired stared at Ryubana and asked.

"Actually, I also have a question I want to ask you." Ryubana also showed interest on her face, and she asked instead, "What is the relationship between you and the draconian?"

The red-haired man who was sitting on the opposite side of Ryubana comfortably changed his complexion suddenly.

Although the faint trace change was only a flash, and was quickly covered by red-haired, it still did not escape Ryubana's eyes.

"It's a strange question, I have nothing to do with the draconian." Red-haired then resumed his calm posture to answer.

But that is only on the surface.

In my heart, the red-haired set off a stormy sea, and the fear of Ryubana suddenly rose to a peak.

The relationship between him and Tian Draconian is an extremely secret thing. Except for himself, not even one of their Pirates knows about it.

Who would have thought that the magic eye Ryubana seemed to know something.

"But, why do you ask?" red-haired asked immediately after seemingly random, but with great concern in his heart.

"Just ask." Ryubana shrugged, said casually.

Naturally, I don't believe this red-haired.

But since Ryubana didn't talk about it, the red-haired could only give up, but he no longer dared to talk nonsense in front of Ryubana, and immediately began to talk business to Ryubana.

"I received reliable information, Guy is coming over to deal with you! You two are pivotal existences on the ocean. If you two conflict, the entire ocean will be plunged into turmoil."

"So for the sake of the stability of the sea, Ryubana, the magic eye, I hope you can give me a face, and don’t have more meaningless fights with Guy."

"We all sit together Come down, he he good wine, eat good food, isn't that bad?"

red-haired said to Ryubana with a serious face.

The faces of Nami and Nicole Robin on one side could not help showing weird colors. Ryubana sama is really accurate, and red-haired is really going to save face.

"hehehe, Shanks, then I can only say sorry to you, your face is with me, it's worthless!"

Ryubana couldn't help it. Laughed.

"Well, that's a bit nerve-wracking." The red-haired rubbed her temple and said with a helpless expression.

"Since it's troublesome, don't use your brain, just do it!" Ryubana stood up at this time and said, "If you beat me, I will give you face!"

"Is this really necessary?" The red-haired shook the shaking ones head, sighed.

"Whether it is necessary or not, you have no choice!"

Ryubana finished this sentence very aggressively, and she shook her body and used Body Flicker Jutsu to stand there. Above the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the power of Ice-Style was activated.

ka ka ka!

The sea was frozen at a speed visible to naked eye. In a blink of an eye, the sea surface of more than ten kilometers has become a boundless ice surface .

The red-haired and the two cadres he brought were stared wide-eyed in shock and couldn't believe it.

Isn't frozen fruit the ability of Green Pheasant General?

Chapter 212 More Guys? clown nothing!

"What an amazing ability!"

Seeing that Ryubana has even built a battlefield, the red-haired also knows that this battle between him and Ryubana is inevitable.

After letting out a sigh, the red-haired didn't make any meaningless excuses, and jumped directly onto the ice.

"I heard that you defeated Hawkeye with a single sword. I thought you were also a big Swordsman, but I didn't expect that you were actually a capable person."

"Sword This is the first time I have seen Art with such an outstanding ability. It really deserves to be the magic eye Ryubana!"

The red-haired mouth let out a sound of admiration, and then directly touched his Fen pulled out, turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards Ryubana.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Ryubana, slammed a sword, carrying an incomparable sword qi, and slashed towards Ryubana.

"so fast!"

Nami and Nicole Robin both had a slight look, in the heart secretly exclaimed.

Even Lao Sha, who was the former king of Qiwuhai, has a surprised expression and grave expression on his face.

red-haired is worthy of being the four emperors, and it shows the strength of its Peak expert with a casual shot. Not to mention, the speed alone makes it extremely difficult for Lao Sha to keep up.


But when the red-haired Griffin was about to smash Ryubana, the Ryubana in front of him suddenly disappeared.

"What! This speed!"

Red-haired startled, the opponent's speed has reached a terrifying level.

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