Because of that location, it’s about the same distance from Guy, Auntie, and even Malin Vandor .

They can't tell who the magic eye Ryubana is for.

Not only that, but also according to the demon-eye Ryubana's style of action, he beats the king under the seven martial arts, the navy, and the four emperors. All the influence on the sea seems to have been done by him.

It is even harder to judge the purpose of the magic eye Ryubana.

"Whatever his purpose, Guy is more sama, let me meet him!"

Jin, one of the three plagues, immediately stood up and made a proposal, "Let Let me see what qualifications he has to rank above Guy Dosama!"

Guy is slightly muttered, but waved his hand: "In any case, he also defeated the white beard, or Let me... go in person!"

Speaking of this, a light flashed in Guy Duo’s eyes, "In this boring world, I hope the magic eye Ryubana can bring me some Surprise!"

Guy Duo always thinks this world is very boring, meaningless, it's best to destroy it, so he has nothing to do with courting death or even committing suicide all day long.

Just go to the navy headquarters and be caught and executed by the navy more than forty times, which is totally a psychological abnormality.

But no one can kill him in this sea, including Guy Duo himself!

Until the magic eye Ryubana rises to fame on the sea.

In fact, Guy has long wanted to go to Ryubana to find a courting death, but he has never had a chance.

But now, the opportunity is finally here.

Guy will naturally not let it go.

"The order goes on, all the ships, turn the course, to intercept the magic eye Ryubana!" Then, Guy gave one more order.

Guy is mostly one of the four emperors, and he is also in a critical period of provoking the navy. He is naturally being watched by the whole sea all the time.

He had stopped at the periphery to confront the navy headquarters, but suddenly changed his course. This action immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Soon, everyone discovered that the direction of Guy’s multi-pirate group was actually the direction of the magic eye Ryubana!

So, the whole sea boiled again, and the pot was blown up directly.

Did Guy Duo Pirates go to Ryubana?

There are so many beasts Guys, are you going to take a shot at the magic eye Ryubana?

One is an absolute overlord who has been entrenched in the New World for many years, and the other is a recently gradually raised superstar. What kind of stormy sea will the collision of these two set off?


The red-haired pirate group, on the main ship.

"Captain, the purpose of Demon Eye Ryubana is temporarily unknown, but Guy Duo is likely to deal with Demon Eye Ryubana!"

Deputy Captain Ben Beckman looked very dignified. Said to the red-haired.

"Remove the words that may be possible." Jesus shrugged, with a very positive tone, "The'courting death madman' must have gone to the evil eye of Ryubana's courting death!"

"I'm afraid Guy Duo will really die this time!" Lakilu said vaguely after taking a bite of a chicken leg.

"If it is the magic eye Ryubana, it should be able to kill Guy more?" Another cadre also said enthusiastically.

Although Guy is often known as the "strongest creature" and is recognized as the strongest in heads-up, Ryubana's record is also too sturdy.

If there are people in this world who can kill many Guys, then Ryubana is the magic eye.

red-haired Shanks rubbed his temple, showing an extremely headache.

"These guys are so true, why can't they stop for a while, if they do this nonsense, the sea is really messed up!"

red-haired smiles helplessly and sighs .

Then he stood up and casually ordered, "Ready for the boat! I hope they can see my face and stop these meaningless struggles."

... …

"A pair of preserved eggs, Robin, it's your turn."

"I have a pair of tips, crushing you to death, Ryubana sama."

" I am a pair of kings! Hehe, Ryubana sama, I am avenging you."

"Nami, do you have a pit in your brain? A pair of kings that you used to beat others?"

On the deck.

Ryubana, Nami, and Nicole Robin are fighting the landlord in a frenzy. As for the poor tool man, Lao Sha, he is still sailing with his hard work.

How can it be a tragic word.

It's not Ryubana's exploiter, it's Lao Sha that is too in deadly earnest, except for work, other things are not interested.

In fact, Ryubana also wanted to see what the reserved old sand looks like playing cards with a cigar in his mouth. That must be very interesting.

But it was rejected by Lao Sha.

"Ryubana sama, there is a ship coming up ahead." Several people were fighting vigorously, and Lao Sha suddenly turned his head to face Ryubana with a serious face.


"Let's make an order, an eight!" Ryubana dropped a card on the floor and asked without looking back, "Who? "

"It seems to be ship." Lao Sha replied. He looked at it again with a telescope and confirmed it again.


Nami raised her brows, showing a slight surprise and excitement, "Isn't that one of the four emperors? I wonder if he came to Ryubana What is sama doing."

"Maybe come to me and ask for some face." Ryubana laughed, not taking it as the same thing, "Don't worry about him, let's continue."

Nami: "..."

Nicole Robin: "..."

Both girls were speechless for a while.

A person who can ignore the Four Emperors so much, I am afraid that besides Ryubana sama, there will be no second one in the entire sea, right?

However, the two girls have been around Ryubana for so long, and seeing Ryubana's sturdy record one after another, their horizons have gradually improved.

For the Four Emperors, there is not so much awe.

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