Even if it is red-haired, there is a feeling of inadequate response.

"Not good!"

next moment, the red-haired instinctively swings the sword diagonally to his right side and slashes.

But I saw Ryubana's fist, already carrying an unmatched powerful force, like a meteorite from the outside world, and beating him fiercely.

"Nice reaction speed!"

Seeing that the red-haired reacted in time and responded, Ryubana let out a voice of approval.

But he didn't change his actions, and continued to smash the red-haired with such a thunderous force.

"Is he crazy!"

The red-haired face is in astonishment. His blade is smashing against the fist of Ryubana with the magic eye.

Is this person not afraid of being cut off by his own sword?

Immediately after the red-haired, I found that the fist of the magic eye Ryubana began to turn black. Obviously, the other party was entwined with domineering.

But just like this, do you dare to firmly resisted your own Griffin with your bare hands?

This magic eye Ryubana is too arrogant, right?


Immediately afterwards, the red-haired felt that her Griffin was hit by a crushing force, and it was quickly transmitted to him.

In the crisp sound of the incomparable golden-iron strike, the red-haired person was like a cannonball, directly knocked out by Ryubana.

It's like a ping-pong ball on a ping-pong table, and it’s just like a ping-pong ball thrown off by someone, and it shoots back more than 30 meters away!

deng deng stare!

Not only that, but the red-haired stepped back several steps after landing, stamping out several cracks in the ground.

This is just the appearance that everyone can observe with naked eye, and what everyone doesn't know is that the whole arm of the red-haired sword holding the sword at this moment is sore!

The qi and blood in the chest are constantly surging, like ten thousand horses galloping.

"What! How could it be!"

The red-haired split second showed an extreme look of shock, and I couldn't believe anything. The magic eye, Ryubana, is so powerful. Point?

It's simply crushing!

He subconsciously looked at Ryubana's domineering fist, but saw that the other fist was intact.

Don't say it was stabbed by Griffin, not even the slightest scar.

"What a terrifying body this is!"

A stormy sea is set off in the red-haired heart.

Although domineering can increase the hardness and strength of fist, it is not this too ridiculous?

Even Iron Fist Karp’s fist is insignificant compared to the magic eye Ryubana.

"The captain was...flies away with a single punch!"

"The magic eye Ryubana hammered the captain with bare hands! What kind of monster is this!"

The two red-haired cadres almost opened their eyes even more and let out a cry in exclamation.

Although the captain lost an arm in the Eastern Sea that year and the strength has declined, the strength is still four Sovereign levels.

But in front of the magic eye Ryubana, it is so impossible to withstand a single blow.

"Magic Eye Ryubana, really the name is not in vain!"

"There is a rumor in the sea that you defeated the entire Whitebeard Pirates. I thought it was an exaggeration. Rumors!"

"But now it seems that you really have this kind of strength!"

The red-haired admiration sounded, and he both eyes firmly stared Ryubana said.

"Facing a monster like you, if I don’t use full strength, it seems that it won’t work!" Red-haired talking about this, thoughts move, and armed domineering began to be released. .

The Griffin in his hand became pitch black as ink.

Armed color domineering can not only be used to deal with natural elements, but also can increase attack power!


Immediately after the red-haired body shook, the person turned into a stream of light again, and the imposing-manner rushed towards Ryubana endlessly.

Sword shadows of black were cut out by him.

The formidable power is almost doubled.


The result is no different from the original. Ryubana still does not use any other fancy styles. It only relies on a pair of Iron Fist to red-haired Suppressed to death.

That is called a difficult situation.


It didn't take long for the red-haired to be hammered by Ryubana again with a punch, and this time it was also batteryd and exhausted and rolled on the ground a few times before she got up.

"Is this, this is the magic eye Ryubana? Only by relying on Taijutsu, the captain can't be beaten!"

"terrifying, too terrifying! This is simply a monster! !"

The two cadres brought by the red-haired look like a cold sweat, and they sucked air-conditioning.


The gasping voice sounded, but it was red-haired gasping for breath, both eyes staring at Ryubana.

Then he mobilized the strength of the whole body, waved Griffin with one hand, and struck Ryubana with a sword in the air.


A sword glow burst out, and a sword glow that was so bitter to the extreme burst out.

ka ka ka!

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