Waves of gas swept through!

The armor, bones, and Susanoo that had been shattered and even melted flew upside down in the direction of Naruto's body!


Tens of meters away immediately appeared between the thousand hand pillars,

Then put your hands together!

Mu Dun Mu Ren no Shu!


I saw huge trees breaking out from the ground under the feet of the thousand hand pillars,

In the blink of an eye,

Condensed into a huge wooden man, and caught Susano,

Immediately, a huge force came, and it was impossible to slide backwards for thousands of meters before unloading the impact force.

Senju Zhuma breathed a sigh of relief and was about to inquire about the status of Madara,


The Susanoo in front of him turned into a blue chakra and scattered in the air!

The pupils between the thousand hand pillars shrank,

Immediately controlled the wooden man to catch the falling Uchiha spot,

Then, he quickly jumped down from the top of the wooden man's head, came to the wooden man's giant palm, and lifted Uchiha up:

"Madara! How are you! "

Looking at the pillars, Uchiha opened his mouth,

Suddenly, the blood qi surged, and he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Suddenly, a lot of smooth spots:

"I'm okay!"

"That's good."

Hearing this, the Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Madara's eyes could no longer maintain the kaleidoscope, he switched back to Sangou Jade.

Two blood stains slipping out of the corners of the eyes are also quite scary,

But it can also be hard-mouthed, and full of breath,

That means the injury is not very serious.

In the past, he and Madara had many big battles, but the injuries were much more serious than now.

At this time.

The space on the sides of the two people fluctuated, and a figure between the thousand hands appeared.

Seeing this, the inter-column said:

"Takema, why are you here?"

Kuruma glanced at Madara lying in his eldest brother's arms,

Then he pouted, don't overdo it, and said with his arms folded:

He said there was still something to do, and left first.

When you're done, you'll just leave here and say no more goodbye to us. "

"Still have something to do?"

The pillars were suddenly stunned,

The eyes looked around.

I saw that the figures of Naruto and the Nine Tails had disappeared.

Immediately, the heart of the Thousand Hand Pillar moved, and he guessed:

"Is it Ichio?"

"It should be."

Senjuma thinks the same way.

Uchiha frowned:

"Who are they?"

"They are people from the future."

Senjukuma did not hesitate and directly revealed the identities of Naruto and the Nine Tails from the future.

Grab frowned, but didn't say anything.

He also knew that his eldest brother couldn't hide it.

Even knowing that Madara would betray Konoha in the future, his eldest brother would only find a way to change.

Maybe now, his eldest brother already has an idea.

"From the future?"

Uchiha couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Can the future travel through time and space?

No wonder there is another Nine-Tails!

But why the Nine Tails have a kaleidoscope and reincarnation eyes, Madara still can't figure it out.

"What are they here for? Just to take away the tailed beast? "


The Thousand Hand Pillar shook his head thoughtfully.

'I knew it wouldn't be that simple'.... Uchiha's gaze froze!

How do you know, the column between the openings said:

"They also have a purpose to teach you a lesson."

"Between the pillars!"

Uchiha was suddenly furious!

Skinned a little,

The words between the thousand hand pillars turned around:

"Madara, don't go, okay? We in Konoha need you. "


Uchiha snorted coldly, don't overdo it, and said:

"You talked to that young man for so long,

I'm afraid I know a lot about the future. "

Thousand Hand Pillar nodded:

"We do know a lot.

In the future, the ninja world will continue to fall into war.

We, Senju, you Uchiha, and many other families will gradually disappear into history.

Madara, the establishment of the village failed to bring the ninja world to peace.

We need to change, and we need your help. "

Uchiha frowned.

Uchiha exterminated the clan, he expected.

But didn't you think that the thousand hands were also extinguished?

What exactly is happening in the future?

He wanted to know, but because of his personality, he didn't ask,

Instead, his face was full of disdain:

"Change? How else would you like to change? Do you rule the ninja world? "

"That's right!"

Thousand Hand Pillar nodded:

"Since war is destined to break out, instead of being invaded by all countries,

Let's take the lead.

Bringing countries into our Konoha's territory.

At that time, the ninja world will be unified, and naturally there will be no more war! "

Uchiha narrowed his eyes and said:

"Are you serious?"

Thousand Hand Pillar nodded with a serious face,

Then he stretched out his hand and said:

"Madara, I need your help,

Our brothers are fighting side by side again,

Fight for your dreams again, okay? "

Uchiha stared at the Senju pillar with flickering eyes,

Finally stretched out his hand and held it tightly with him.



The other side.

"Why are there two Nine-Tails?

Why does this nine-tailed tail have reincarnation eyes!

How is this possible!

The Nine-Tails is just Chakra separated from the mother's body,

It may open the eye of reincarnation! "

Konoha residential area direction,

On a large tree a few kilometers away from the wooden people between the thousand hand pillars, Hei Jue muttered in disbelief.

Dormant for thousands of years,

I finally found the reincarnation of Indra's Chakra who has the potential to open the eye of reincarnation.

So as to see the hope of unsealing the mother!

Uchiha is also secretly guided by it, and is about to leave Konoha in order to find a way to make peace.

Just let him "stumble" discover a few more ancient texts,

It is discovered that Senju and Uchiha are descendants of the Six Dao Immortals,

Then he will know how to open the eye of reincarnation!

As long as Uchiha opens the eye of reincarnation, he will definitely look at the stone tablet of Nanga River again,

Then, he will see the method of infinite monthly reading,

And unswervingly believe that reading the infinite moon can make the ninja world peaceful!

Everything is proceeding methodically towards the plan it envisions.

But now!

But a nine-tailed tail with reincarnation eyes appeared!

Will this affect its plans?

Kuro never knows!

And there is also a blonde teenager!

He chatted for a long time with the Senju brothers.

What was the chat, Hei definitely didn't know either!

Because it doesn't dare to come closer!

It can only watch from afar, carefully lurking!

At last

The blond boy and the Nine Tails disappeared before it dared to pop its head.

None of the above matters!

The important thing is.....


Where the hell did he take the tailed beast?

If I can't find the tailed beast, how can I save my mother! "

Hei is about to vomit blood!

But there is still a chance!

Now Uchiha and the Senju brothers are talking about something.

Maybe he will know the whereabouts of the tailed beast!

The nine tailed beasts are gathered together, which is more conducive to planning, and the remaining effort to collect the tailed beasts is left!

Thinking about it this way, Hei Jue felt that it was not a problem again!

Just keep guiding Uchiha Madara and that's it!

However, the other nine tails who suddenly appeared have reincarnation eyes,

There is also a blonde boy who does not know the depth!

Is Uchiha really an opponent when he opened the eye of reincarnation?

Kuro never knows!

But now, I can't let it think too much!

"If Madara doesn't work, then find that blonde boy and guide him to the Infinite Moon Reading!

However, it is necessary to understand his demands before we can make the right remedy. "

Hei Jue's eyes flickered and whispered.


"You want to guide me?"

A mocking voice came from behind!


Hei Je's heart burst out!

It didn't look back and immediately launched the ephemera technique!

Just the moment it is about to merge into the trunk!

Laugh at~!

A long sword formed by flames pierced its chest!

Hei Ji lowered his head blankly,

When it saw clearly the long sword formed by the flames that penetrated its body, it was suddenly horrified!

"Ten Fist Sword! Who are you! "

Naruto teased:

"Silly child, I'm your father!"


Black is dumbfounded!

"What a silly child.

Still want to guide me to unlimited monthly reading? "

Naruto shook his head speechlessly,

Then sneered:

"So fond of making people dream,

You will always dream slowly in the drunken dream world of the ten-fist sword. "


Didn't pay any more attention to the bleak blackness,

Naruto controlled the flaming ten-fist sword, wrapped in a black body and poured into the gourd-like "hilt".

After observing for a while, there was no sign of breaking the seal.

Naruto nodded in satisfaction.

The idea of using the ten-fist sword to seal Hei Jue had been around for a long time.

Before fighting Payne, he also tried to use the ten-fist sword to deal with Hei Jue,

Judging from its reaction at the time, the probability is effective.

But does it work at all?

It has never been confirmed.

When he was chatting with the Thousand Hand Pillar just now, he had been secretly sensing the location of Hei Jue.

Naruto believed it must be nearby.

In order to test the effect of the ten-fist sword on it.

The result was very good and Naruto was very satisfied!

It's time to leave.

Putting away the ten-fist sword, Naruto took out the plow.

"Plow, take us back to the original time and space."



Whirlpool Village.

In the training ground in Naruto's backyard, a dazzling light lit up.

Not for a while.

The light dissipated and Naruto's figure appeared.

He closed his eyes, opened his arms, felt the air of the Vortex Village, and felt a pang of comfort in his heart.

Although only left for a few days,

The time set for returning was only five o'clock in the afternoon on the day of departure.

But from the future, to the past,

Spanning two eras separated by nearly eighty years, Naruto always felt out of place.

Now it's back.

I can't help but feel like a world away.

Suffice it to say, it's good to be back!

Or is it comfortable in your own time and space!

'Let's get the matter of the nine tailed beasts first.' ’

Think so,

The space around his body suddenly twisted in a spiral, and Naruto's figure disappeared in place.


Kamui Space.


Seeing Naruto's figure, the Nine-Tails of another time and space grinned.

Naruto smiled and said:

"Nine Lamas, I have returned to the time and space where I am.

And our thoughts have been clearly understood by the Nine Lamas of our time and space.

So I'm not going to beat around the bush and say it bluntly.

I need to extract some of your strength,

And the rest, I hope you can merge with the Nine Lamas of our time and space.

What do you think? "

"No problem."

The Nine Lamas of another time and space answered very cheerfully.


Tailed beasts are not the same as people,

They don't have too many complicated ideas.

Having received the memories of the Nine Lamas of this time and space, they are already indistinguishable from each other.

In my heart, I even feel that integration is what it should be.

"Okay then."

Naruto is also not polite,

Directly switched to the six-hook jade reincarnation eye, and a suction force burst out.

It directly absorbed half of the Nine Tails' Origin and condensed into a crimson pill.

Then, he patted his abdomen.

"Come out of the Nine Lamas."

A burst of red chakra surged out, converging into the shape of the nine tails.

It says to Naruto:

"What should the old man do?

Absorb? Or just blend together? "

Naruto pondered for a moment and said:

"If you can integrate directly, you can directly integrate into one."

The Nine Lamas nodded.

The other has its own, it also has,

It is indeed not necessary to use the power of the eye of reincarnation to make many moves.

It grinned at the corners of its mouth and looked at the other self and said:

"Come on!"


The Nine Tails of another time and space also grinned at the corners of his mouth and nodded.

And then it turned into a burst of red chakra,

Pouring into the Nine Tails of this time and space.

Not for a while.

The two Nine-Tails have completely fused and truly do not distinguish each other.

Then, Naruto looked at Ni to Yao, who was still in control and looked dull:

"Let's do it."


The Nine Tails answered,

Absorption begins with the two tails.

Ten minutes later.

The Nine Tails, who had absorbed the origin of the rest of the tailed beasts, suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum, and a huge wave of qi swept out!

'It's done! ’

Naruto's eyes flashed!

I saw that the Nine Tails turned into gold, and there were obviously black lines on their bodies.

On the forehead, a nine-hook jade reincarnation eye appeared!

Looking at the current form of the Nine Tails, Naruto couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw that the nine lamas who had completed the transformation spread out their nine tails like peacocks!

Then looked at Naruto and smiled:

"Naruto, how is the old man's image now?"

A stinky look,

Naruto couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth:

"Your current image,

In addition to the addition of a six-hook jade reincarnation eye on the forehead,

Isn't it that I used your power to enter the form of a fully tailed beast? "

The Nine Tails laughed:

"That's right, what do you think?"

Naruto smiled and said, "Very handsome!" "


Now who dares to say that the old man is crippled! "

The Ninetails raised his head confidently.


Hearing this, Naruto couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that when Jiu Xinnai said that the Nine Tails were crippled, it had been lingering!

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