Is the ten-tail strong or not?


But the ten tails in the original work did not have too bright a performance,

It exists only as a battery throughout the process.

Ordinary ninjas against the ten tails,

Just like the soldiers of Naruto's previous life in the Cold Weapon Era against cannons, one shot killed a pile.

But because of the lack of intelligence, it can only attack with the instinct of a beast.

Some ninjas with special abilities can also slightly affect it.

For example, Ino once used the Heart Change Technique to control the Ten Tails for two seconds, making it ready to bombard Naruto, Kakashi and the others' tailed beast Jade.

This is also the peak and brightest moment of Ino in the original work.

Of course

The value of the Ten Tails is not here, but in the Ten Tails Pillar Power.

As long as you become a ten-tailed human pillar force, and Kakashi's single-reincarnation eye belt earth (funny), you can also enter the six realms in seconds.

And now the Nine Tails has absorbed half of the origin of the Nine Tailed Beasts,

Plus Indra, Asura Chakra, and the Eye of Samsara.

Naruto estimated that it was infinitely close to its destructive power alone, even if it was not as good as the Ten Tails.

And IQ-wise, the nine-tailed is better than the ten-tailed.

So if you are against the Ten Tails, the Nine Tails can definitely crush the Ten Tails!

With a rough assessment of the current strength of the Nine Tails, Naruto looked at the Nine Tails again and said curiously:

"Nine Lamas,

Can the golden light on your body converge?

And the eyes on your forehead, can you close them? "


The Ninetails nodded,

When the golden light on his body converged, the eyes on his forehead were also closed, leaving only an eye slit.

Then the body shrank and became the size of a pet fox.

The Nine Tails turned his head and looked at the other seven tailed beasts:

"How are they placed?"

Naruto thought for a moment and said:

"Now the tailed beasts in the ninja world, except for the three-tailed Xuanjie, have not been resurrected,

The rest of the tailed beasts were all sealed in the body of the human pillar force.

It's not the right time to let them out and merge with them.

It's not good to throw it in Kamui space like this,

Let's raise them in the village of Whirlpool.

In the future, wait for the tailed beasts of this time and space to break the seal, and then let them fuse together. "

The tailed beast brought over from another time and space was absorbed by Naruto and the Nine Tails,

It's not as big as it used to be.

Now it's like a human being.

And the words of strength,

A tailed beast with one tenth of the power left...

It is estimated that the upper patience will be the upper tolerant to the elite.

Yao may be stronger, and it is estimated that there is a level of elite Shinobi.

Anyway, there is so much strength left,

Even if the tailed beast jade is released, the destructive power will not be too strong, and there is no need to worry about them messing around.

Just enough to keep it as a pet for a while.

If Hinata likes them, they can also be used as psychic beasts.

As for whether they can persuade these tailed beasts to agree, it is up to them.

"Okay, so be it."

The Nine Tails had no problem with Naruto's arrangement.

After discussing the placement of the tailed beast, Naruto opened the eyes of the six jade reincarnation and unlocked the control of the tailed beast.

The seven tailed beasts looked stunned, and immediately regained their clarity.

They first looked around blankly at the environment of the Shenwei space.

Then his eyes flickered to stare at Naruto and the Nine Tails.

Naruto's six jade reincarnation eyes, they had seen when they were controlled.

While the eight tailed beasts were horrified in their hearts, they had a deep fear of Naruto.

And the Nine Tails, they found that the Nine Tails were different!

In addition to the appearance changes,

They also feel a dangerous aura from the Nine Tails!


Although the Nine Tails are the strongest among them, they do not feel dangerous.

But now!

The Nine Tails seem to be their natural enemies, but with some kindness!

This contradictory feeling makes them very puzzled!

Naruto ignored them for the time being,

He took out the tea kettle that sealed Ichigo Moritsuru, and then unsealed it.

Then, a stream of chakra gushed out of the tea kettle!

"Haha! Uncle Ben has finally broken the seal!

Stinky monk!

Uncle Ben must kill you all! "

Before Chakra could form a form, Shouzuru's excited voice had already sounded!

Shouzuru, whose memory has been erased, is just as it was then!

"Huh? What about people? "

Without seeing the monk, Shou Heleng was stunned.

Immediately noticed that the other tailed beasts were there, and it was even more confused.

You must know that since the death of the Six Dao Immortals, for nearly a thousand years, their nine tailed beasts have not been together again.

'Am I dreaming? ’

Shouhe rubbed his eyes and looked at it seriously!

"Huh, stinky fox?


Do you think that if you become like this, Uncle Ben will not recognize you? "

The chubby Shouzuru held his head high, crossed his waist with one hand, and pointed at the Nine Tails with the other.


The other seven tailed beasts were suddenly speechless!

Didn't you notice that the Nine Tails had become different except for the appearance?

The Nine-Tails rolled his eyes, not bothering to take care of Shouzuru at all.

"Hey, stinky fox,

Are you actually with humans? "

It's just that Shouzuru, who has been sealed for an extremely long time and regards the Nine-Tails as a lifelong enemy, did not let the Nine-Tails go!

It looked at Naruto and then at the Nine Tails standing on Naruto's shoulder.

"Haha! I know.

You must have been kept as a pet,

In order to please the owner, so shrink the body and change the shape! "


The Nine Tails suddenly became angry,

A tail burst out, directly binding the crane heel and hanging it upside down in midair!

"Haha, I said it, I was embarrassed and angry!"

Shouzuru laughed while struggling!


It noticed Naruto's eyes and couldn't help but exclaim:

"Six hooks of jade reincarnation eye? Who are you? "


The other seven tailed beasts suddenly rolled their eyes.

Found out now?

What a nerve!

At the same time, after Shouhe stirred it up,

The seven tailed beasts that were originally worried suddenly felt that the atmosphere was much more relaxed.

Naruto smiled and said:

"Okay, what's the problem,

Let the Nine Lamas explain to you first,

I'll tell you about the rest of the story. "

Hearing this, the seven tailed beasts looked at each other,

Then the bull ghost hesitated for a while, looked at the Nine Lamas and said:

"Where is this?

You brought us all here? "

Nine-tailed Road:

"This is Naruto's pupil space,

And we have brought you into the future,

It was the 61st year of Konoha's founding. "

"The future?"

"The 61st year of Konoha's founding?"

"Through time?"

The seven tailed beasts, including the crane that was hanging upside down, also stood up.

Immediately, the cow ghost asked:

"That is to say, your future people,

From the future through time to our time,

Brings us back to your time, doesn't it? "

Ninetails nodded.

At this point,

Shouhe, who struggled again, noticed that its strength had weakened significantly, and it couldn't help but say angrily:

"Damn it! Nine Lamas!

What about Uncle Ben's power?

What have you done to us? "

The rest of the tailed beasts reacted one after another and glared angrily at the Nine Tails!

They get it!

The Nine Tails should have absorbed their power, which is why it has changed now!

But they didn't do it.

With a small amount of power left, how could they be opponents of the Nine Tails?

Not to mention,

There is also a ruthless person with six hooks of jade reincarnation eyes next to him.

I saw the Nine Tails raise their heads and say:


I saved you, how about absorbing a little power! "

The four-tailed Monkey King said angrily:

"This is a little?"

Don't save one in ten, a little?

The Ninetails pouted:

"After you were captured by the Thousand Hand Pillar, a lot of things happened, let's talk about it."

After speaking,

Eight golden fists appeared on the body of the nine tails, stretching out in front of the eight tailed beasts.

The eight tailed beasts immediately stretched out their fists and collided together.

The Nine Tails immediately took over the years, their general experience,

And what it and Naruto thoughts,

Transmitted to them by means of memory sharing.

A few minutes later,

The cow ghost who digested these memories said angrily:


A thousand hand pillars actually gave us to various countries?

Do nations also seal us in the human body? "

The rest of the tailed beasts shouted one after another!


The Nine Tails stopped them, and then grinned:

"Now I have saved you from 60 years of suffering,

It's not too much to absorb a little of your strength, right?

And in the future, we will let you and the body of this time and space reunite.

You've earned it. "

The eight tailed beasts looked at each other again.

The Nine Tails seemed to say... Makes sense!

Directly brought them to the future, saving them the pain of being sealed for 60 years.

and promised to fuse them with the body of this time and space.....

If the other self of this space-time is 10, they are 1.

Then after fusion, it is 11!

So calculated... It's really earned!

The Nine Tails knew that they probably had no opinion, and teased:

"If you don't like it, I can give you back the power.

But like that...

Naruto and I can only send you back. "


The six-tailed rhinoceros coughed twice and laughed:

"No thanks, I think that's fine."

The rest of the tailed beasts nodded one after another.

Tailed beasts are different from people,

Whether it is the past self or the future self, they are considered one.

They don't resist integration, and they don't feel anything wrong with it.

Instead, I felt that it should be so.

Now they all know that they will be sealed for sixty years,

Still stupidly go back to suffer?

Isn't that silly?

What's more, sixty years of sealing is not the end!

Now this time and space self is still sealed!

That is, going back will be sealed for at least sixty years,

And if you say more, you will never be able to regain your freedom!

Niao and the road:

"After the future allows us to merge with our selves in this time and space, can we be free?"

Hearing this, the rest of the tailed beasts pricked up their ears one after another and stared straight at the Nine Lamas.

The Nine Lamas looked at Naruto.

The tailed beasts immediately set their sights on Naruto.

Seeing this, Naruto pondered for a while and nodded:


However, there are some restrictions.

For example, the range of activity, and the inability to actively attack humans, and so on. "

"The range of activities should also be limited?"

King Mu of the Five Tails couldn't help but frown.

Without attacking humans, they have no opinion.

As long as humans don't bother them, they don't bother to care about what humans aren't human.

But the range of activity ....

The five-tailed Mu King likes to run around the most,

It's a bit hard to accept if he stays in one place all the time.

In addition, what if the fixed range does not fit with its own phase?

For example, the Shouzuru, which prefers dry deserts and does not like wet places,

Wouldn't it be difficult for it to limit its survival in the Land of Water?

Probably understanding their concerns, Naruto:

"Of course, we will choose your preferred location.

The range will not be too small, you can rest assured of this.

And the restrictions are not limited, just get a vaccination with you first.

Whether you want to limit or not depends on your performance.

If only you could live in peace with mankind,

I will not limit your range of activities.

But if I can't, I'll have to take coercive measures. "

Hearing this, all the tailed beasts breathed a sigh of relief.

Three-tailed Xuanji said:

"I don't care, give me a lake anyway, I'll not go anywhere."

It's better not to have anyone disturb me. "

The rest of the tailed beasts rolled their eyes.

Damn the house beast, just know to sleep.

The four-tailed Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes and said:

"What if a human messes with us first?"

Naruto laughed:

"Then it depends on this mess, what kind of provocation it is."

If someone wants to capture you, or attack you,

Then you kill them, and I will not trouble you.

But if you first destroy human villages, or cultivation or something,

If they attack you, that's another story.

You have lived for thousands of years, and I believe that some of the right and wrong will be clear to you.

If it's not clear, we'll come up with some details in the future for you to refer to. "

Hearing this, the tailed beasts nodded.

They replied to Naruto, they were more satisfied.

If there is no distinction between right and wrong,

If they were to be the bottom of the beast, they would definitely not be able to accept it.

At this time, Nanao Shigemaki said:

"I wonder when we will be free?"

Naruto smiled and said:

"Your selves in this time and space are basically sealed in the human body.

I also don't want to unblock them, causing several people to die.

The shared memories that the Nine-Tails give you, you should also be clear,

There are people in the ninja world who are collecting tailed beasts in a vain attempt to revive the Ten Tails.

They will naturally pull the tailed beast of this era out of the human pillar force.

Don't worry, I will solve them and release the tailed beast from the Ten Tails body.

At that time, I will let you integrate with the self of this era.

I believe you won't want to fuse into the Daoist Pillar Force body and wait a few more years, right? "

The tailed beasts laughed,

They naturally do not stupidly fuse into the body of human pillar force.

Yao Cow Oni Road:

"So until then, what will you arrange for us?"


"We are Whirlpool Village.

You should know about our Whirlpool Village from the Nine Lamas. "

The tailed beasts nodded.

They have learned from the Nine Tails the process of the destruction and reconstruction of the Vortex Village,

He also knew that the Nine Tails could live peacefully with humans in the Vortex Village.

They have some disdain in their hearts, scoffing, and at the same time there is a vague yearning in their hearts.

Seeing this, Naruto asked:

"Well, what's the problem?"

Shouhe Road:

"The other I'm in your Vortex Village, how do I arrange it?"

Naruto muttered for a moment and said:

"Shouhe, don't fuse into my Ai Luo's body for the time being, I have a mission for you in the future.

As for going out, you can choose to stay with my Airo, or you can join the rest of the tailed beasts. "


Shouhe clasped his arms with both hands, don't overdo it:

"Then Uncle Ben will communicate with the other me before making a decision."

Naruto smiled and looked at the other tailed beasts:

"What about you, are there any more questions?"

King Mu of the Five Tails:

"For the time being, our range of activities is only in Whirlpool Village?"


Naruto nodded.

He was not worried about the news of them coming out in Vortex Village,

At most, it would be nice to explain an artificial tailed beast.

Anyway, their strength is not strong, and Chakra is only one tenth left,

No one will believe that they are legitimate tailed beasts.

"Can't you just go out?"

King Five-Tailed Mu seemed a little immortal.

Naruto rolled his eyes and said with a smile:

"If someone in Vortex Village is willing to take you out, I don't mind.

But only for the upper echelons of Whirlpool Village, as well as my family. "

Want to get out?

Just please them as much as you want.

As for whether they will run after they go out?

Naruto believed they wouldn't be that stupid.

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