Is it the right thing to do to set up villages?

Big pillar This is falling into self-doubt?

Huh, interesting.

Naruto smiled and said:

"Why do you ask that?"

The thousand hand pillars fell lonely:

"The cruel Sengoku did not crush the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki tribes,

However, in just a few decades since the establishment of Konoha, the bloodlines of the three races have been on the verge of extinction.

I know that it should not be limited to one family.

But peeping leopard in the tube,

I don't expect the other ninjas to end well.

Because of the establishment of the village, the ninja clans of various countries were unified, and their military strength became unprecedentedly strong.

There is no peace in the ninja world,

Wars, also from small wars between ninjas,

Rise to village and village, big battles between nations.

And the village, which was supposed to be a harmonious blind date, also fell into the vortex of intrigue and power struggle.

Now I don't know if building a village is the right thing to do. "

After listening to the words between the thousand hand pillars, Naruto pondered for a moment and said:

"You think too much,

Calm the chaotic times, end the Warring States, and establish the ninja god of unearthly achievements.

Descendants speak highly of you.

Building villages also has more advantages than disadvantages.

At least after every war in the ninja world, there has been more than ten years of peace,

Compared to the precarious Warring States period, it is already much better. "

"Is it..."

He muttered, and the Thousand Hand Pillar was not happy because of the evaluation of posterity, but shook his head and said:

"But the future development is contrary to my original intention of establishing the village.

This is not the future I dreamed of. "


Naruto raised his eyebrows and said:

"What do you want the future to look like?"

Thousand Hands Pillar Road:

"No intrigue,

People in the village can live in harmony and children can grow up healthy.

No need to fight each other, no war,

Ninjas can help each other regardless of borders,

Uniting as one.

This is my heart, the dream for the future. "

(What the original Senjukuma said.) )


Naruto shook his head and smiled:

"I really didn't expect the legendary ninja god to be so naïve.

Everyone's desire is different,

Satisfying one person at the same time will inevitably harm the interests of another.

So where there are people, there are fights.

People are still like this,

How can countries coexist peacefully and help each other? "

Thousand Hand Pillars said sincerely:

"I know my dreams are indeed naïve,

But I still aspire to, and hope that one day it will happen. "

Naruto shook his head and smiled, and asked instead:

"Do you know why Konoha will bear the brunt of the next three ninja world wars?"

Senjuju frowned.

The first thing that came to his mind was that Konoha was the strongest.

But he quickly vetoed it.

Naruto's question stemmed from whether countries could understand each other, coexist peacefully, and help each other.

And Konoha is the strongest, and countries cannot understand it, so they want to attack Konoha, which is obviously impossible.

At this time, the thousand hands on the side who held their arms spoke:

"Because Konoha was built on the rich lands and kingdoms of the ninja world."

"That's right."

Speaking of the point, Naruto took a deep look at Senjuma.

It seems that he also knows that there can be no peace in the ninja world.

It's just that he never poked his eldest brother's dream.

Maybe it's in my heart, I also have a trace of expectation.

Putting away his thoughts, Naruto continued:

"I won't talk about small countries and villages.

But the environment of the five major countries and the five major ninja villages in the ninja world should be very clear to you. "

"Sand Ninja Village is built in the desert, with a harsh environment, scarce water resources, and poor national strength.

Iwa Shinobi Village is built on a desolate rock wall and has a dry climate.

The rocky mountains block the communication between Tsuchinoku and other countries, resulting in a low domestic economy.

When the north wind blows high mountains, it blows small rocks off, forming a phenomenon of rock rain.

Kiri Ninja Village is surrounded by the sea, covered in dense fog all year round, and the climate is humid, which is easy to breed germs.

It is also because the sea climate is changeable, and there are constant storms and tsunamis, so trade is inconvenient.

The climate of Yunnin Village is hot, and the thunder echoes in the towering mountains, which keeps people awake at night. "

Explaining the environment of the five great ninja villages, the Thousand Hand Pillar probably realized something, but he could not catch this aura.

I saw Naruto:

"Yes, the environment is very harsh in all countries.

There is no worst, only worse.

But the Land of Fire occupies the richest land in the ninja world,

The climate is mild, comfortable and pleasant,

It is also the richest country in the ninja world.

Konoha, founded in the Land of Fire, has a large military appropriation every year,

And in a good economic environment, ninjas do not worry about task commissions.

Because there is no better environment, better land, richer country in the ninja world than you.

You yearn for peace, for understanding, because you already have the best of ninja.

But other villages are different.

They live in harsh environments, poor countries.

Everything that is most feared is contrast,

In their eyes, you Konoha are heaven.

Do you think they will be content with the status quo? "

After a pause, Naruto looked at the Senjuku pillar:

"Lord Pillar, think differently.

If you were born in the village of Sand Shinobu in the Land of the Wind,

With great strength, will you be content with the status quo?

You want the people of the village for the rest of your life... No

Do you want the people of the village to live in harsh conditions for generations? "

Straight to the heart, the soul asks.

The lips between the thousand hand pillars twitched,

He wanted to say no.

But these two simple words can't be said.

He understood,

Actually, he will!

Even if not for yourself, but for the village, for future generations.

For them to live a better life!

At the same time, he also understood what Naruto meant, and said with a lonely face:

That is, war is inevitable and is destined to break out.

Countries that are not content with the status quo need to use war to break the inherent pattern of interests and redivide the resources of the ninja world.

And the richest and richest country of fire is the goal of all countries!

Therefore, in future wars, the Nation of Fire will bear the brunt of the attack.

So, my dream of knowing each other and helping each other regardless of borders...

It's impossible, is it? "

Naruto nodded silently.

The Thousand Hand Pillar still seemed unwilling, and asked:

"Not at all?"

Seeing this, Naruto shook his head and said:

"I don't think there will be eternal peace.

Throughout the history of the ninja world,

It was also a short period of peace for three eras.

One of them,

It was the era when the goddess of the goddess existed thousands of years ago.

There was no war in the world.

And the other,

It was the era when the Six Dao Immortals were alive and established the Ninja Sect.

He taught the world Chakra, hoping that the people could understand each other.

It's just a pity that after the death of the Six Dao Immortals, the ninja world fell into war again,

And entered the thousand-year-long Sengoku period.

As for the third era of peace..."

Naruto took a deep look at the Senjuku pillar:

"It was when you were alive.

With your mediation, I believe that no one in the ninja world will provoke a war.

Our history also proves that, although short,

But wars do break out after your death.

And the key three people in these three histories,

The Goddess of the Heavens, the Six Dao Immortals, and you...

You all have one thing in common, and that is absolute power.

In other words, if you want peace in the ninja world, you need to have an insurmountable mountain,

Makes countries daunted.

Only then will they throw themselves at the rat and dare not start a war. "

Thousand Hand Pillar said with some disappointment:

"But I can't never die, and I can't maintain the peak of my strength, can I?"

Naruto nodded:


Once you get old, countries will surely send temptations.

As long as they test your decline, they will definitely start a war without hesitation.

The scale of the war will also be unprecedented.

After all, it's been holding back for decades..."

Speaking of this, Naruto shrugged and said:


I am not here to discuss peace and no-no.

You know the history of the future,

As for how to make the ninja world peaceful,

I think you should think about it for yourselves.

It's almost time and I think it's time for me to leave. "

He was just a passer-by and didn't want to guide what to do between the columns.

Maybe one day, on a whim, he will come and take a look around.

But what the future holds here is none of his business.

And there are some things that you can figure out yourself, and you will do it with enthusiasm.

Good luck to him.


Thought that Naruto had a time limit to travel through time and space,

He wasted his time, and the thousand hands sincerely apologized.

And Naruto has already said a lot,

He was a teenager.

Asking such a profound question himself seems a little embarrassing for him.

I didn't know that I was underestimated by the Thousand Hand Pillars,

Naruto turned and looked at the Nine Tails and Uchiha Madara.

I saw that the two fought incomprehensibly.

Countless huge potholes were blasted out of a radius of more than ten kilometers, covered with huge ravines.

The Thousand Hands Brothers also looked at the one-man fox in the battle.

"The current situation, I'm afraid they won't be able to end for a while."

Seeing that one person and one fox seem to be evenly matched, no one can help the other, and the thousand hands are used as the above judgment.

The corners of Naruto's mouth fluttered,

Put your hands to your mouth and make a trumpet gesture:

"Nine Lamas, don't play with him, fight a quick victory."

Hearing this, the Thousand Hands Brothers felt a chill in their hearts!



That is, hasn't the Nine Tails given its full strength yet?


The other side.



Does it mean that the Nine Tails can beat me at any time?


Young people are also not afraid to flash their tongues. ’

Hearing Naruto's voice, Uchiha's face suddenly became unpleasant.

He has never been able to take the Nine Tails, and he already feels very humiliated,

Now I feel even more underestimated and insulted!

Uchiha's gaze froze,

Several high-speed spinning gouyu burst out from in front of Susano!

Eight-foot qionggouyu!

Seeing the attack coming from the high-speed attack, the Nine Tails snorted in disdain.

I have to say,

Uchiha is a rare opponent,

Therefore, knowing that he is inexperienced with the enemy, the Nine Tails,

In order to practice skills and accumulate combat experience, I have not used my full strength.

But now that Naruto has spoken, it can only stop brushing experience and end this game!

The kaleidoscope in the eyes of the nine-tailed eyes rotated at high speed,

All of a sudden,

Converge into a black pupil,

Then a circle of lines spread out from the black pupil in the center!

In the distance, Uchiha's pupils shrank!

Reincarnation Eye!

How can it be!

The stone tablet of Nanhe River, he has not completely cracked it,

So he is not clear about the way to open the eye of reincarnation.

Still exploring.

But he never thought that the Nine Tails already had the eye of reincarnation!

His mood at this time,

It's just what I've always wanted to ask for.

But when he found it, it appeared in a beast he despised!

That feeling, like eating Xiang, made him extremely uncomfortable.

I saw the Nine Tails stretch out its fox claws, and a suction force burst out.

Hungry Ghost Road!

The eight-foot qionggou jade that shot in front of it seemed to be attracted by something, turned into a chakra, and poured into the body of the nine tails!

After absorbing all the eight-foot qionggou jade,

Because of more than an hour of fighting, the chakra that consumed a lot was suddenly replenished!

'The Eye of Reincarnation actually has the ability to absorb attacks! ’

Uchiha felt cold.

He couldn't help but think of his Uchiha fan.


I saw more than a dozen mechanical cannon barrels full of science and technology stretching out of the Nine Tails,

A huge chakra condensed at the mouth of the gun, bursting into dazzling light!

Asura Dao Asura Attack!


A strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in Uchiha's heart,

Susanoo immediately flapped his wings and rushed towards the Nine Tails!

He firmly believes that attack is the best way to defend!

At this moment,

The nine-tailed condensation machine cannon was fully charged,

More than a dozen laser cannons shot out, striking out dazzling pillars of light!


The roar kept ringing,

Some mountain bags that slammed into the distance caused a powerful explosion!

Some of them exploded in the channel of the Nanga River, and huge splashes exploded and fell all over the sky!

The blue Susanoo was sensitively interspersed in more than a dozen laser cannons, rapidly approaching the Nine Tails.

The moment that is about to arrive,

Uchiha said proudly:

"Even if it is the eye of reincarnation, your accurate head is too bad!"

The Nine Tails' face turned dark.

Indeed, irrefutable!

It can't predict the opponent's actions like a ninja, and only knows how to aim at the opponent's body shelling.

The accuracy is indeed too bad!


The Nine Tails is the category of hypershadows,

After turning on the kaleidoscope,

Strength and insight have grown tremendously, and have reached the peak of Ultra Shadow.

Open the eye of reincarnation again, but with destructive power, he has already touched the corner of the pseudo-six paths!

The only drawback is the lack of skill.

But as long as the strength is strong to a certain extent, and the gap between the two sides is large enough, then this shortcoming can be completely covered!

Skill is not good, strength to make up!

Shinra Tenji!

A powerful repulsive eruption!

Cover hundreds of meters directly in front of you!


Susanoo, who could not avoid it, was immediately hit hard!

While flying backwards with a bang, the armor on his body shattered.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and unexpectedly, Uchiha was seriously injured!

Vientiane Heavenly Lead!

The Nine Tails waved his hand violently!

I saw Susanoo flying upside down, as if being dragged by something, and flew towards the Nine Tails!

Uchiha immediately urged Susano, his wings kept flapping, but he could not get rid of this gravity!

'Is this the eye of reincarnation?' ’

How many years have it been,

Uchiha has forgotten this feeling of being crushed!

I didn't expect that I could experience it again now!

I saw a huge ball of energy condensed from the mouth of the Nine Tails!

Immediately, the circle of qi burst out, and the energy ball burst out!

Tailed beast jade!

In the blink of an eye,

Seeing that the blue Susanoo being pulled by gravity is about to collide with the tailed beast jade that bursts out!

Uchiha immediately urged Susa to strengthen his defenses with all his strength!


Dazzling glare flashes!

It immediately turned into a huge mushroom cloud!

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