After Uchiha's match, the spectators in the stands left one by one, because there were only three games in the morning, and the next game would be until the afternoon.

Now is to free up time for them to solve their lunch problem, after all, they are not ninjas, they do not have the ability to fight hunger, lunch is definitely to eat.

Walking on the road to the Hui tribe, Uchiha Taki asked the clansmen in a low voice, "Nozomi's match is in the afternoon, are you ready?"

"Leave it to us, it is guaranteed to make him unforgettable for life."

"It is estimated that from today onwards, his reputation will be even louder than if he is not cut again."

"You guys are so bad, I like it."


"You're wrong!"

Seeing that the topic was about to deflect in an indescribable direction, Uchiha Taki quickly changed the topic.

"Now you can only eat at home?"

"It should be, now that there are so many outsiders, didn't Naruto-sama say before that we, the natives of Konoha, should try to solve it in our own homes."

"It's really unpleasant, this is obviously our territory, but we have to give it to others."

Uchiha Taki successfully changed the subject, and a group of people returned to their homes in complaint, waiting for the afternoon game to begin.

With the wonderful performance of the morning game, the rich businessmen in the afternoon game are undoubtedly much more expected than at the beginning.

This is true even for ninjas.

Because they knew that the strength of the six people in the afternoon was undoubtedly more than one notch stronger than that of the people in the morning.

Except for the slight weakness of Ma Yu in Shayin Village, the other five are the strongest guys in this Zhongnin exam.

From the examiners arranged by Konoha, you can also see that the level of morning and afternoon is different.

In the morning, Kakashi and Shisui took turns, but now, it was the two of them who served as examiners.

It is afraid that this gang of people will fight real fire, resulting in too late to stop when there is danger.

Uchiha Taki and their gang of Uchiha people also came to the audience again.

However, instead of sitting together this time, they scattered, and there were only him and Uchiha Shigeru and Uchiha Shizuku on Uchiha Taki's side.

After they were seated, they waited for about seven or eight minutes, and the first match in the afternoon was announced, and the two sides were Nozomi of Yunyin and Mayu of Sunahi.

In the eyes of most people, this game is a complete crushing game.

This is true even in the eyes of Yunyin and Shayin's leading team.

But when the battle began, Nozomi's performance surprised them.

When Kakashi announced the start of the match, he was still stunned, and he didn't react until Mayu attacked him.

After a thrilling avoidance, Yunyin's Shangren thought that he should almost find his state, but after a while, he began to lose his mind again.

This time he was not so lucky, Mayu's puppet, stretched out a dagger from his body, and successfully made him hang the color.

This gain made Mayu, a young girl, smile happily.

But the audience in the audience was not so calm, although they couldn't ninjutsu, but they still knew how to do it on paper, and Xi's performance was completely inconsistent with their previous analysis of him.

You know, the victory or defeat of this kind of competition, the outside is naturally open, and even the Konoha ninja have many people involved.

Especially for a star player like Nozomi, his odds are the lowest among the 12 candidates.

Because compared to other people's opponents, his opponent and his strength gap is the largest.

Therefore, many people, including Konoha ninjas, thought that it was his steady win.

So even if the odds are not high, there are many people who pressure him to win.

Seeing him like this, many people in the stands wondered if he had been paid off by the person who opened the game, so he was now completely playing a fake match.

Even Yunyin's leading team couldn't help but hammer into the wall with a heavy punch, hitting a spiderweb-like crack.

Just as he was angry, an untimely voice came: "Are you going to pay for destroying Konoha's walls yourself, or do we inform Yunyin?" "

“...... I'll go out by myself, you give me quiet! "

That said, after the emotions were interrupted, it always felt awkward to stay here, so Yunyin's leader Shangren left here to find Darui.

First, it is to warn Darui not to be like Xi.

Second, he also asked Darui if he knew what reason Xi said this.

When Xi fell into the downside again, the audience played fake matches, and the spit of false propaganda rose one after another.

The Uchiha people who were sitting separately before glanced at each other and began their actions.

Whenever someone complained, they said, "Do you want to know why this Nozomi became like this?"

Then they "quietly" told everyone in the audience as if they were passing on some secret, and they all showed an expression of understanding, and even a few people began to get excited.

Listening to the endless doubts coming from the field, Xi's state became worse and worse, and he even began to doubt whether he could defeat the other side.

Suddenly, a roar came: "Xi, you give me a little sober up!" When will your strength be the only one!

On the waiting table of the players, Darui raised his energy in a rare way and yelled at Xi.

Yes, my own strength is not only like this.

Xi's eyes showed a hint of clarity, and he discarded the distractions in his mind, intending to seriously solve the opponent on the other side.

And Ma Yu of Shayin looked at the momentum on the opposite side as if a sleeping tiger had finally woken up, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

Just when they thought that Nozomi would awaken and fight back in a desperate situation, Uchiha Shigeru made a move!

Along with another Uchiha clan, he pulled up a banner that read: "Women can hold up half the sky, Miss Xi, come on!"

And they also shouted loudly: "Come on Ms. Nozomi, even if you become a girl, it's not a big deal, there are many excellent female ninjas!" Seeing

that they began to "support" Nozomi, the rich merchants who had just been told the truth by the Uchiha people, the ninjas also began to support Nozomi.

The names of excellent female ninjas came out of their mouths, hoping to encourage Nozomi.

There are more guys with more unique tastes, directly confessing to Xi in the audience, and the sentence that comes up is "Miss Xi, I love you!" "

I almost didn't choke Uchiha Taki, the initiator, who was drinking tea.

With their support, more spectators were driven by them, and their uniform slogans continued to be heard throughout the examination room.

"Ms. Xi, come on! Ms. Xi, come on!

Even Mayu, who was opposite Nozomi, trembled and asked, "It turns out that... Are you a woman?! "

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