"It turns out... Are you a woman?!

This sentence was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Xi finally couldn't help it, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he passed out in the examination room.

"Watergate, what's going on?"

In the stands, the daimyo's eunuch-like voice came out, and he asked curiously about the wave feng shui gate.

Since the daimyo and Hokage were sitting alone in their exclusive seats, they naturally had no idea what was going on with Nozomi.

"I'll ask someone to find out."

After speaking, Bofeng Shuimen gestured to the dark part beside him with his eyes.

After a while, the dark department came back with inquiring about the news.

“....... You Konoha are really full of talents, all kinds of talents. For

the news that the dark department had inquired back, the daimyo bragged abruptly.

If it weren't for the fact that Bo Feng Shuimen knew that he spoke in this style, he would have thought that he was in Yin and Yang himself.

In this regard, Bofeng Shuimen can only respond with an embarrassing smile.

He also knew about Uchiha Taki's admission of defeat, and he was a little curious about what the reason was, but it turned out to be waiting here.

Originally, Bofeng Shuimen's first impression of Uchiha Taki was still relatively pure, the kind of person who would care about his companions, but he didn't expect his methods to be so insidious.

"It's cheaper, and it's a sand hide." Bo Feng Shuimen shook his head and complained, ending the topic.

Just like he said, now Sand Hidden Markey has a crooked smile.

Sha Yin Bai picked up a victory, so so far Sha Yin has won two battles and two victories, and this record is already better than Wu Yin and Yun Yin.

Although these people at the scene know what the situation is, but the people outside don't know ah, as long as they take the opportunity to publicize this battle result, Sha Yin's prestige will definitely improve a lot.

The discussion of Nozomi did not stop, but the time did not extend with their discussion.

Soon, the second exam of the afternoon began.

The ghost mackerel and the red earth jumped directly from their positions and set up a posture to fight.

Seeing this, Kakashi did not force them to form a seal of opposition, but immediately announced the start of the game.

"Water escape, burst water rush!"

As soon as the game began, the ghost mackerel came directly with a large shot, and a large amount of water erupted from his mouth and shot towards the terracotta.

"Tudun Tulu returns!"

Akato also immediately cast a spell to counter this wave of onslaught of the oni mackerel, originally just creating a wall, Tulu returned, and under his skillful operation, formed a towering wall that separated him from the ghost mackerel.

The walls are three meters high, dividing the examination room in half.

However, this move did not stop the wild waves brought by the ghost mackerel, and after only a few seconds, the water momentum crossed the wall and turned into a monstrous wave and continued to shoot towards the terracotta.

"Damn, is this the amount of chakra of the dry persimmon family, it can actually be so wasted."

Akato scolded angrily, jumped backwards, and quickly ran up the wall to avoid the huge wave.

The amount of chakra of the tailless tailed beast is beginning to appear today!

"Tudun Mountain Earth Art!"

After avoiding this wave of attack by the ghost mackerel, Chitu immediately launched a counterattack.

Two semi-circular walls suddenly rose on both sides of the ghost mackerel towards him, and if you look at it from the right angle, it is like a Pac-man underground is coming to eat the ghost mackerel.

This trick is a proud ninjutsu he learned from the loess, if the loess is to cast, it can even trap the tailed beast, and with enough Chakra support, it is not impossible to trap the outer path golem.

Unfortunately, he is not Loess, and his proud ninjutsu has not been able to trap the onimackerel.

After being covered by a large water about three meters high, the power of any earth that acts on the ground is greatly reduced.

Although in the setting, Tudun is supposed to restrain Shui Duan, but now it seems to be the other way around.

"Hey, are you going to hide on it all the time, you can't beat me." The ghost mackerel said defiantly to the terracotta that remained on the wall.

In terms of ninjutsu, he is the future tailless beast, and in terms of physical arts, he is the future master of the mackerel.

Only in terms of illusion he is slightly worse, but it doesn't matter, Terracotta is just as bad.

"Tudun Rock Iron Cannon Technique!"

"Water Dragon Technique!"

There was another wave of ninjutsu bombardments, and since both of them were in a relatively high position this time, many of the water and stones that exploded flew towards the audience, but all of them were blocked back by Konoha's other examiners.

"No, my Chakra amount is not as good as him, even if my attributes are superior, I can't fight ninjutsu with him." Terracotta secretly said in his heart, and then quickly ran through the wall, looking for opportunities.

Seeing this, the ghost mackerel dived back into the water to respond to all changes.

Regardless of whether Terracotta uses physical arts or ninjutsu, with the help of water currents, whether it is power or speed, it will decrease, and it is up to you to dodge or fight the waves when the time comes.

"Tudu Tuliubo!"

Terracotta observed it and decided that he still wanted to make a few places for himself.

With a foothold and can touch the ground, then he has the opportunity to use the least chakra to launch the most powerful ninjutsu, which is also the advantage of the Tudun technique.

"Five Foody Fish!"

Of course, the oni mackerel saw Akachi's thoughts, and immediately used the corresponding ninjutsu to parry.

But at this time, attribute restraint is reflected.

Even if the five sharks continue to eat, it doesn't matter in the face of hard rock, and the gnawing point can be made up for at any time.

Seeing this, the ghost mackerel immediately changed tactics, and the bursting water wave once again erupted from his mouth.

In the third round of examination room, a nearly sealed cylindrical place, the horizontal plane easily rose again, submerging the terracotta once again.

However, this time it was not able to rise another three meters, because after reaching a height of about five meters, the almost sealed cylinder also had a flood outlet, which is the resting place where the candidates were waiting before entering the field.

Therefore, whether it is a ghost mackerel or terracotta, they all understand that this trick can no longer be used.

But it is clear that this five-meter-high pool is like a heavenly barrier, and the current terracotta cannot cross the past no matter how hard it works.

His current Chakra amount is close to the level of those relatively weak special Shinobi, and it is completely incomparable to Chakra monsters such as the ghost mackerel.

Previously, the three-meter-high water escape had already destroyed most of his soil, and now the five-meter-high water dun has almost sealed more than ninety percent of his earth.

The remaining Issei, unable to do much damage to the ghost mackerel, in desperation, Akato can only choose to go into the water and fight the ghost mackerel.

Of course, the result is also obvious, the red earth lost miserably.

Before being sent to the hospital, Chitu did not admit defeat and said cruelly to the ghost mackerel, saying that he just took advantage of the environment, and if he came to a normal wild environment, he would compete with him again.

In this regard, the ghost mackerel was noncommittal.

There is indeed some truth in what Terracotta said, changing the environment and creating a favorable location itself is the biggest advantage of the Tudun ninja, and it is also the most restrained way to restrain the water escape.

But now this venue directly limits his advantages to death, so that he has nowhere to play ninjutsu, he will naturally feel aggrieved, and it is okay to say ruthless.

But Oni Mackerel doesn't think he's going to lose to him, knowing that he still has a lot of surplus in Chakra, and his knife made of Chakra metal hasn't been pulled out once in a battle.

If you really want to fight to the death, who loses and who wins is not certain.

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