But after mentioning the water stop, several Uchiha people around them quieted down, and compared with the noisy crowd around them, they seemed out of place.

No way, in the eyes of this group of people, Shuishui is still the traitor who helps outsiders deal with his own race.

In this regard, Uchiha Taki said that they are still too young.

Shuishui's kind can only be regarded as helping or not helping relatives, although it is the opposite of Uchiha's style of doing things without helping relatives, but at least it is still a normal category.

The real traitor is that he will neither do practical things to change Uchiha's atmosphere, nor will he persuade verbally, but silently defect to the upper echelons of Konoha, and then kill his father and mother, killing the entire clan.

Then because he left his brother not to kill, he was whitewashed by Kishimoto brand bleach for a reason.

The halftime quickly passed and those who went out returned to their places.

"It's almost my turn, then I'll go down first." Uchiha Shigeru got up and said.

His game is the third one, and the opponent is a guy from the Ghost Squad, so he has to go down early to prepare.

"It may be a little difficult, but you have to try to slaughter that mist." The guy who said this did not hide his voice, causing the people around him to turn their eyes in unison.

"Leave it to me." Uchiha said confidently, although he knew that it was difficult to kill the other party when someone was proctoring, but in front of so many people, he could not fall behind Uchiha's momentum.

The second match ended quickly, with the two sides being another teammate of Oni and Akatu's teammate.

Even though the strength of that ghost mackerel's teammates is not bad, he also shows a lot of water ninjutsu.

But maybe because of the practice of different techniques, each technique is not used so well, and the power is not so great.

In the end, he was defeated by the opposite Iwain, and that Iwa Shinobu used two techniques from beginning to end.

A Tudun Tulong gun, a Tudun Iwaku gun, two very similar ninjutsu.

This situation can barely be regarded as breaking the law of ten thousand people, although it is an extremely invincible low-end version.

Their performance also made the aristocratic and wealthy businessmen who came to watch shout to earn back the ticket price.

Soon, the time came to the third game, and Uchiha Shigeru and Kiri Shinobu formed a seal of opposition, and Kakashi announced the start of the match.

It may have learned the lesson of his teammates in the last game, and this time the fog ninja did not come up and used ninjutsu to bombard to get the applause of the audience.

Instead, he immediately stepped back, and at the same time quickly sealed his hands and cast the Mist Concealment Technique.

"Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!"

Uchiha Shigeru spewed out a ball of fire while rushing towards him, but it did not completely interrupt the opponent's Mist Concealment Technique.

The fog still pervaded.

However, compared to the complete fog concealment technique, this kind of fog concealment technique that has been interrupted and blown up by the Hao fireball is completely incompatible with the hidden in its name, and can only be regarded as a mist at most.

The ones who can best see that this fog can't work are those viewers who don't understand any ninjutsu, because they are still staring at the two intently.

If it were a complete Mist Concealment Technique, they would have scolded Niang long ago that nothing could be seen in the venue.

Although there was a huge fireball in front of him, the Mist Shinobu did not panic, after all, the fire could not kill people. Although

it is a joke that fire does not kill people, it is a fact that fire is slow and difficult to hit people, especially the art of fireballs, which just looks scary.

The Kiri Shinobu easily dodged, pulled out the short knife inserted in his waist, and attacked Uchiha Shigeru, who also immediately parried with Ku Wu.

But after a few moves, Uchiha Shigeru had a shallow wound on his body.

Even if it was a short knife, it was also a knife, which was still much longer than Ku Wu, and if it was an inch long and an inch stronger, Uchiha Shigeru would naturally be injured first.

However, Uchiha Shigeru did not open the distance and used the Uchiha throwing technique to duel, but opened the Sharingan.

Since in the duel between short knives and kunai, short knives have a slight advantage, then make up for it with hard power.

Uchiha Shigeru held the kunai with both hands, holding it with his left hand and holding it with his right hand, and his movements were much faster than at the beginning.

"Shigeru is doing well, but with this, it is still very difficult to get the opponent's life under Kakashi's hands." Uchiha commented.

The reason why Uchiha Shigeru chose hand-to-hand combat is because this situation is more likely to kill the opposite side, but his hard strength is still a lot worse.

"What about Sister Shizuku, how sure are you if you encounter Yunyin or Mist Yin?" Uchiha Taki asked.

The Uchiha clansmen sitting around also pricked up their ears one after another, wanting to hear how Uchiha Shizuku answered.

"Issei." Uchiha Shizuku replied without hesitation.

"Why? Sister Shizuku, can't your strength either?

"Yes, Maodu is more than Issei, Sister Shizuku, don't be modest."

The surrounding clansmen still thought that Uchiha Shizuku was modest, but Uchiha Taki reacted immediately.

So he reminded: "Don't forget who Sister Shizuku's opponent is. Hearing

Uchiha Taki's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly understood why Uchiha Shizuku said that.

Because among the remaining opponents, Shayin and Yanyin don't have to fight to the death, so it's almost enough to fight.

On the side of Wuyin, only the ghost mackerel remained, and with the strength of the ghost mackerel, it seems to be said in the past, after all, this is to kill the other party under the watchful eye of the examiner, rather than simply defeat the other party.

As for Darui, the same is true, the strength of the other party is not weak at all.

And Nozomi, instead of saying how many chances there are to kill him, it is better to say that Uchiha Shizuku will not kill him even if he can kill him, after all, let him enjoy the changes caused by Uchiha Taki's poison.

Offstage, after Uchiha Shigeru opened the Sharingan, the scene became a one-sided situation.

The fog on the opposite side wants fog and fog, water and water, and if he wants to shake off Uchiha Shigeru to perform ninjutsu, he can't shake it off, so he can only be beaten on one side.

It's no wonder that he, for these ordinary people who have no blood and no physique, what Wu Yin teaches is assassination, what is assassination? That is the technique that cannot be discovered by the enemy. (It's not an assassination if you kill all the enemies!)

As a result, the venue arranged by Konoha is a duel that allows you to be upright, which is undoubtedly a great weakening of Mist Yin, and the kung fu is directly wasted by fifty percent.

In the end, the match ended in a one-sided crush, and Uchiha Shigeru still failed to kill the opponent.

Just using the knife he snatched from his hand, he cut off his right hand, ruining his identity as a ninja.

Their battle has undoubtedly ushered in greater applause.

Although it is not as glorious as the previous ninjutsu confrontation, this kind of fist-to-flesh battle can also attract their attention.

What's more, the last fog ninja also broke his hand, which was not in the previous battle, and their battle was more like a point to the end, where is this kind of life and death battle wonderful.

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