Five days after the second round of exams, the third round was finally overdue.

This is no wonder Konoha, after all, after the second round of exams, the vast majority of candidates have been injured to various degrees.

The third round is an important exam where many foreign businessmen and even daimyo come to watch.

If they cannot be completely cured, it will undoubtedly attract the joint opposition of the major ninja villages, as well as the dissatisfaction of those high-ranking audiences.

In addition, Konoha had to make one final confirmation to see if there were any shadows from other ninja villages coming over, so the time dragged on for so long.

Of course, Konoha got the result that none of the other shadows would come.

Luo Sha was busy with Jiraiya and they were tracking down the big snake pill, Citrus Yakura was scared by Obito, Ai now has a chakra eye in his eye, these people naturally will not come over to find themselves unhappy.

Onoki originally wanted to come over, but seeing that the others were not going, he went alone to give Konoha a bit of a stinky foot, so Onoki also chose to stay in Iwain.

During this time, Uchiha Shizuku and Uchiha Lu were shouted away by the wave feng shui gate once, which should be to solve the problem of their killing.

Although they didn't say anything after they came back except to say that the matter was settled, Uchiha Taki guessed a little.

After all, they are legal and compliant no matter what they say, but morally a little unacceptable, instead of making Uchiha's reputation stink, it is better to take some benefits and reconcile.

It's not that the guy who died has a bad relationship with his family, but the system of this era is like this.

Commoners are divided into ordinary people, nobles and daimyos, and ninjas naturally have his rank.

Coupled with the wave feng shui gate to help adjust, it is easy to solve.

On the eve of the exam, there was a loud argument in the quiet Konoha Hospital.

"I said I won't go, my injuries haven't healed now, why should I participate, can Konoha still force me!"

"Then tell me where you're not okay! I found it for you, Sand Yin, Wu Yin, even Yan Yin I pulled down my face to ask them to help you check it, and the reply I got was that you have recovered, what are your problems!! The

sound of the argument in the ward aroused the curiosity of many people outside the ward, and they all pricked up their ears to listen to the next answer.

Xi Zheng in the room blushed, but he didn't say what was wrong with him, because he really couldn't tell.

Yunyin's leader Shangnin also looked at Xi with a sad face, originally Xi was his favorite junior in this group of Shinobi, calm, kind, strong strength, and various advantages came together.

But after the second exam, it seemed that he had changed as a person, not only began to fear the war, but also did not want to tell his situation.

Even he felt that Nozomi's voice had changed a little, and if he hadn't been paying attention to Nozomi recently, he would have thought that Nozomi had been replaced by some inexplicable existence.

"That's right." Nozomi suddenly thought of something: "You go to that Uchiha Taki, he must have a way, otherwise I won't be able to compete."

"Do you think I can't think of it, I looked for him before I looked for Yanyin, but he said that after so long, he had completely exerted the medicinal effect, and even he couldn't recover."

This is also the reason why Yunyin's leader Shangnin can still condone Xi's willfulness, because as the only two parties have said that there is a problem with their bodies, it is indeed possible that others have not checked it.

But now his patience is almost at its limit, the other candidates have recovered to their best condition, and Konoha has also set a specific exam time, if he doesn't go again, then they can't afford to lose this face.

And when he first asked Uchiha Taki, he also said that this poison has no effect on the performance of battle, and even prolongs life.

Although Yunyin's Shangnin expressed his disbelief, what poison can prolong life, but it does not affect the exertion of combat power, he still believes it.

Otherwise, why did the other four ninja villages all confirm that Nozomi had fully recovered.

"Without your game in the morning, you can stay a little longer, and in the afternoon I must see you at the venue of the third exam, this is the order!"

Finally, Yunyin's leader Shinobu told Nozomi his final bottom line.

“...... Be. Faced

with this situation, Xi could only helplessly.


Today, the whole of Konoha is overcrowded.

Because this is the Zhongnin Exam in which the five major ninja villages participate, it has attracted a lot of attention from the outside world.

Rich merchants and aristocrats from all walks of life flocked to the streets, and there were rich merchants in the streets and alleys of Konoha.

For a while, the guard department became the same tight manpower state as before.

However, it did not last long, and these outsiders poured into the scene of the third round of the Zhongnin exam, which greatly reduced the workload of the security department, because the dark department was responsible for the examination room.

Uchiha Taki and these candidates, whether they were eliminated or not, also came to the stands and began to watch.

Uchiha Shigeru looked at the two people in the audience and asked, "Who do you say will win?"

Uchiha Shizuku replied nonchalantly: "Who knows, these two guys are similar in strength, they are basically used for warming up." "

The two contestants in the audience, one is a member of the Hyuga family, and the other is a ninja of Sunahi.

But it wasn't the girl that Moonlight Blaster challenged last time, but a man.

He is also not a puppeteer, but is as good at wind escape as Temari.

And their next battle is the same as Uchiha Shizuku expected, that is, to play a warm-up role.

The sand here is a hurricane, and Hinata over there is a few punches, and it is like a turn-based game.

Uchiha Taki and these ninjas didn't look interesting at all, but let those merchants and nobles who couldn't ninjutsu watch with relish.

Every time there is a big scene that seems to be huge, you can always hear an exclamation.

Uchiha Shigeru's words about them are very much in line with their performance.

"It's not so much that they're competing as they are showing off their ninjutsu and physical skills."

Uchiha Taki also replied to him with three words concisely: "Exhibition match." Soon

, this "exhibition match" was over, and the ninja of the Hyuga family was slightly inferior and lost to Sunahi.

Uchiha Taki didn't know if it was the shinobi of both sides or their spontaneous performance, but judging from their expressions, they seemed to be quite satisfied with the result of this match.

With the end of the first competition, the focus of the topic of Uchiha Shigeru and others also shifted to the examiner of this competition.

"Kakashi's guy is really powerful, obviously he is about the same age as us, but now he comes to be an examiner."

"Isn't it the same to stop the water? He's four years younger than Kakashi. "

That's right, the examiner this time is taken in turn by Shishui and Kakashi.

It is not that I am afraid of accidents, so I specially arranged two instructors, but pure display.

Even if the people of your ninja village win the candidates of Konoha, it is only that all of my Konoha talents run to the middle ninja and go to the upper patience.

It would be better if I won, my Konoha geniuses have been promoted, and as a result, you still can't beat it, then doesn't that show that you are waste.

As expected by Konoha's high-level executives, the two candidates exited the arena and entered the intermission, except for those who left their positions to go conveniently, they all began to discuss Kakashi Konoha's heritage.

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