In the Xiao Organization base in Yuyin Village, Nagato and Xiaonan listened to Ye Cang's report with strange faces.

Originally planning to enter the low-key development of the Xiao Organization base, there should be no one else except Nagato and Konan.

Hakura should also return to the border of Kawanokuni and Kaze-no Kuni to continue targeting Sunahide.

But an oversized commission from the gold exchange office forced Ye Cang back.

The client this time is still their old patron, Yunyin. And this time the commission mission is also very straightforward, capturing or killing Uchiha Obito alive.

"What to do, do you want to pick it up?" Ye Cang asked after describing the content of the task.

Nagato, who had the appearance of Payne, was stunned when he heard Ye Cang's inquiry: "You go back to your room to rest first, this task makes me think again." "

Others don't know who Obito is, can he Nagato still not know, isn't it the masked man who said that he formed the Xiao Organization with himself, and then disappeared without a trace."

Originally, Nagato thought that Uchiha Obito was not coming because he was injured by the Wave Feng Shui Gate, but now that he looks at it, isn't this good, and he can also attack Yunyin.

When Ye Cang left and only himself and Konan, Nagato asked, "What do you think, do you want to take it?"

Xiao Nan didn't think about it, so he replied: "Although I want to do something to him, but we are not sure to leave him behind, not to mention that there is that black and white monster beside him, once we do it to him, our intelligence will not want to hide."

"Oh, yes, too." Nagato sighed, the commission fee given by Yunyin this time is very high, even higher than the price of the last commission, this is still the price of killing, if it is captured alive, it is even higher.

After they made their judgment, a surge of life energy surged from the ground and quickly left here.

In a desolate and uninhabited deep mountain, Obito was resting, and under the leadership of Hei Jue, he met Belyuhu and learned about the art of Ghost Buda.

"You believe that the spell can be completed?" Obito asked at Kuroje.

"If you can't finish it, you have to help him finish it, if you want to achieve infinite monthly reading, then defeating Nagato's power is a must."

While they were talking, the ground suddenly drilled out of a white absolute.

When Hei Jue saw it, he immediately asked, "What happened over there in Nagato?" Although

the others couldn't tell these Bai Jue clearly, Hei Jue was still easy to recognize, and this was one of the Bai Jue that he arranged on Nagato's side.

Bai Jue looked at the soil: "Yunyin has a high-priced bounty with soil, and the commission has been sent to the Xiao Organization." "

Xiao organized it?!" Obito heard this and immediately asked, he is not an opponent of the Xiao Organization now, even if Nagato does not move, any two people will be enough for him to bring soil to drink a pot.

"Hee-hee, are you scared Obito?" Bai Jue said simply.

"Say it quickly!" Obito glared at him.

"Don't worry, Nagato they seem to think that you have Kamui, so they didn't take this mission."

After knowing that the Xiao Organization did not take the task, Obito was obviously relieved, and his tense body began to relax.

"Why did Yunyin suddenly issue a task bounty with soil?" Hei Jue asked curiously.

Obito has been with him recently, and there is no chance to offend Yunyin at all, so Yunyin inexplicably began to offer a reward.

"Then I don't know, Ye Cang only said that Yunyin released related tasks, and did not say the reason."

Obito looked at Hei Jue: "Let the other Bai Jue investigate."

Hei Jue nodded: "I see." "


Konoha, the yakiniku restaurant of the Akimichi family, Uchiha Taki is having dinner with his new teammates.

His new teammate this time is also a man and a woman, the man's name is Uchiha Shigeru, he is a guy who belongs to the top level in normal Shinobi, he is good at fire escape, and the chakra eye has also been opened to Ergoyu.

And the female is more powerful, her name is Uchiha Shizuku, she looks more handsome, and she is a guy who has just fallen to Shinobi.

That's right, it just dropped! From the middle patience fell back to the lower patience, and the strength has reached the level of special upper patience, but the amount of tasks is not enough, so there is no promotion.

Since he knew that Yunyin had participated in the Zhongnin exam, the Uchiha hawks shouted to hunt Yunyin clean.

But although they shouted so, they also knew that there was no way to do this with Uchiha's current Shinobi, so they had the current situation.

They let some of the top and old Naka Shinobi deliberately fail in the mission, and then demote to Shimo-Shinobi on the grounds of punishment, and then retake the Chūnin exam.

Originally, it was illegal to do so, but this time the two major families of Hinata Uchiha rarely joined together, and three people came out, and Uchiha Shizuku was one of them.

However, they were soon discovered by the Konoha high-ranking officials, and although they were not disqualified, they were also ordered not to form a team.

Otherwise, three Naka Shinobi, and a guy whose strength is close to a special Shinobi formed a team to compete, Konoha's face would be gone.

For this request, Uchiha and Hinata also happily accepted.

They used to do this to dance on the tip of the knife, and now it is naturally better to keep the quota, they believe that even if the three are separated, they can still kill indiscriminately in the exam.

"I'm good at fire and wind escape, and the physical skills and illusion are not bad, and the Sharingan has been opened to Sangou Jade, so you have no problem coming to be the captain." Uchiha Shizuku introduced his strength, and then asked Uchiha Taki and the two.

Both Uchiha Taki and Uchiha Shigeru shook their heads, indicating that they had no opinion.

One is not strong enough, and the other is too lazy to compete, so the captain was quickly determined.

"I don't need to introduce myself, I should have told you about the water stop." Uchiha Taki said vaguely while chewing on the roasted meat.

Uchiha Shizuku patted his chest and said very confidently: "You only need to be responsible for treating us, and then prevent us from being poisoned.

"I'm slightly worse than Sister Shizuku, I can only get fired, and my eyes are also two-hook jade, but it's more than enough to deal with the Zhongnin exam." Uchiha Shigeru also picked up a piece of meat and said.

"That's right, we definitely have to make that group of clouds pay the price this time! Even if you can't rise to the rank of middle patience, you don't hesitate! So Taki, if you really accidentally didn't get promoted to Naka-Shinobu, I'll say sorry to you here first. Uchiha Shizuku's eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

Uchiha Taki waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, I'm a medical ninja, it's not a big problem to be a ninja, anyway, even Shinobi needs my treatment." There

is also a sentence that Uchiha Taki did not say, as far as he saw the group of selected people in Yunyin, it should be very difficult for the Uchiha clan to hunt them clean, maybe it may even overturn.

As if satisfied with Uchiha Taki's answer, Uchiha Shizuku put his arm around Uchiha Taki and rubbed his head: "Are you a very good guy." Feeling

the softness coming from the side, Uchiha Taki "worked hard" to break free: "After all, I am also Uchiha." "

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