In the training ground of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Shizuku and Uchiha Shigeru

are fighting, or it is Uchiha Shizuku who is directing Uchiha Shigeru.

Uchiha Taki was watching from the sidelines, he just needed to ensure medical ninjutsu and self-preservation instantaneous body art.

After simply showing that he was not weak in the instantaneous technique, Uchiha Shizuku had no intention of letting Uchiha Taki participate in training.

"Phew, sure enough, a little exercise after eating can really make people feel very comfortable." Uchiha Shizuku stopped and sighed.

Uchiha Shigeru opposite her gasped: "This is not a little exercise."

"You think my meal was for nothing?" Of course, in order to make our squad stronger, we have to exercise every day before the exam starts, of course, I cover all the expenses during this time. After

their squad finished eating, Uchiha Shizuku, as the captain, naturally paid for it, and then there was this scene now.

"But Taki, your instantaneous body technique is really powerful, it's almost close to Shinobu." Uchiha Shigeru said as he sat on the ground and drank water.

"Who made me a medical ninja, life-saving techniques always have to be learned first." Uchiha Taki responded.

While their squad was talking, the other Uchiha clansmen also came over in twos and threes to start training, and they were all participants in this Zhongnin exam.

Among them, there are many foreign people, such as Hinata, Inuzuka, and quite a few civilian ninjas and small clan guys.

These are all members of the team that teamed up with the Uchiha clan, and they were all invited to the Uchiha clan to train.

And they all supported the Uchiha clan's plan to hunt Yunyin and come here to train.

Now not long after the end of the war, these guys do not have the idea of changing the world by relying on the mouth of other heavens like Naruto in later generations, what they want is a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

"Taki, if we have trouble, remember to help."

"I try."

Uchiha smacked his lips and picked up the kettle on the side and poured it into his mouth.

"Taki you're really popular." Uchiha said enviously.

Almost every clan member who comes here to train has to come and say hello to Uchiha Taki, if nothing else, just to let Uchiha Taki help treat it when they happen to meet.

Uchiha Taki did not reply to him, but said to everyone: "In other words, there is a question I wanted to ask a long time ago.

"What problem?" Uchiha Shizuku was the first to respond to him.

"If you're all training here, what if the paper exam doesn't pass it?"

As soon as Uchiha Taki's words fell, the entire training ground suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

"You guys... Wouldn't you have all prepared for a paper exam? Uchiha asked tentatively.

Although the Chūnin exam occasionally changes, it is only a change in the subject, and it is impossible to change the two major categories of actual combat and paper.

"I'll come back next time." A Uchiha clan member put the words down and immediately left the training ground,

"Me too."

"And me..." In

an instant, the huge Uchiha tribe training ground suddenly became only a few people.

"That, I'll go back and prepare first." Uchiha Shigeru scratched his head embarrassedly and left here as well.

Uchiha Shizuku: "...

Uchiha Taki: "...

After a while, Uchiha Taki looked at Uchiha Shizuku and asked, "As a senior, don't you remind them?"

Uchiha Shizuku suddenly blushed: "I was promoted on the battlefield, what kind of paper exam."

"You're not prepared either?"

Uchiha Taki immediately realized the loophole in her words.

"Hmm." Uchiha nodded embarrassedly, and then said deliberately loudly: "Anyway, the paper exam is also a test of intelligence gathering ability, and it is not really a test of that knowledge, and I am very skilled in collecting intelligence." "

“...... Just decide for yourself. "

Although Uchiha Taki didn't plan to participate in the third game, but he didn't plan to fail the first game without passing, then he also took the Hammer Chu Shinobi Exam.

However, Uchiha Shizuku's strength is close to Shangnin, and he won't even be able to mix up the middle ninja exam, Uchiha Taki thought so, so he didn't say much.

And Uchiha Shizuku on the side had already gritted his teeth with a red face, vowing to make up classes all night at night, and he would definitely not lose face in front of someone younger than himself.

"There are no more people, then I will go back first." Uchiha Taki said to Uchiha Shizuku, then turned and walked towards his house.

Halfway there, sensing that there was no one around, Uchiha Taki immediately entered the Kamui space.

During this time, he had finally figured out how to dispose of Shoji Uchiha, so now he began to prepare the arrangement.

The first is to implant Uchiha Shoji with white absolute cells, which can be regarded as compensation for him, after all, he just mocked himself, and he will not be punished so badly.

"Sangou jade for Mu Dun, it's still you who earns it." Uchiha Taki chanted and began the operation.

Since having Kamui, Uchiha Taki has transferred all the experimental equipment to the Kamui space, which is a naturally perfect sterile room, and it can be accessed at any time, which is much more convenient than looking for bases everywhere.

Simply remove a little cell from Bai Jue's corpse and start transplanting Shoji Uchiha.

The identity that Uchiha Taki arranged for him was an experimental failure abandoned by Obito, but in fact, the experiment was successful, similar to the existence of Yamato, so naturally there will not be too many cells for him.

However, even if it is similar to Yamato, with the blessing of Uchiha's bloodline, the future achievements should be greater and higher.

After almost an hour, Uchiha Taki wiped the sweat from his head and put down the tools in his hand, although all the operations have not been completed, at least the most difficult cells have been transplanted, and the rest is relatively simple.

Taking out both eyes, Uchiha Taki began to perform transplanted eye surgery.

These two eyes are not Sharingan, but ordinary eyes, which Uchiha Taki came from Konoha Hospital by virtue of his status as a medical ninja and Kamui.

The next thing was done quickly, a simple eye transplant and a little more experimental marks on the body to prevent Konoha from noticing.

When Uchiha Taki came out of the Kamui space after completion, it was almost from two or three o'clock in the afternoon to four or five o'clock in the evening.

Just as he was about to go out to eat, he heard a voice from the courtyard next door.

"Ning Tai?" Uchiha Taki asked tentatively.

"Taki? Are you looking for me? Ningtai's voice came from the room, and after the sound of quick footsteps, the door of the room was opened.

"Are you still in Konoha? Shouldn't you go after the big snake pill with Jiraiya-sama? Uchiha Taki asked curiously.

You know, in order to let Ning Tai go out, the Uchiha family shared a lot of tasks for him.

"Isn't this about to take the Zhongnin exam, the village is worried that if the four shadows come over, they will be a little unable to suppress it, so let me and Jiraiya-sama stay in the village first and wait for the exam to finish before leaving." Ning explained simply.

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