On a giant tree in Yunyin Village, the three people of Bofeng Shuimen were discussing what to do next on the trunk.

The appearance of "Uchiha Obito" obviously exceeded their expectations, but they also quickly decided to go to the two abducted first.

Because the time-space ninjutsu of "Obito" is not something they will be able to solve for a while, when the time comes, let "Obito" run away, and it is easy to expose themselves.

"What we have to worry about now is whether 'Obito' will have three kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, so I am afraid it will be difficult for us to deal with it." Bo Feng Shuimen said with an ugly face.

Although Konoha had suspected that his eyes were taken away by Obito when he was eye-catching before, after seeing Orochimaru in the back, he did not find that he had a kaleidoscope chakra eye, so he re-guessed that the eye was still on Obito.

And after Ning Tai was defeated by Bofeng Shuimen, he also told Bofeng Shuimen about the ability to write the wheel eye of the kaleidoscope that he was taken away, so Bofeng Shuimen would make such a judgment.

Mind reading plus divine power blur, this thing can be comparable to the red king to a certain extent, especially the ability to read mind for the flying thunder god, not to finish the gram, but also called the natural enemy.

"Hinata senior, have you found the person who was abducted?" After choosing to save people first, Kakashi deliberately changed the subject.

Hinata shook his head: "Maybe it was disturbed by the chakra of the two tails, I didn't find any trace of the two of them." Bo

Feng Shuimen pondered for a while: "Let's change a few places to investigate, if we don't find it, then retreat!" When

Kakashi heard this, he immediately turned to stare at the wave feng shui gate, and the wave feng shui gate heard his movement and looked at him and explained: "I suspect that those two guys may have been taken away by Obito."

"That's right, even if there is a two-tailed interference, as long as I go to a few more places, I can see Yunyin clean, if there is really no one, then they are most likely not in Yunyin." The day difference also added.

At this time, the "Obito" in their mouth completed the examination of Yunyin and determined that Uchiha's bloodline did not leak out.

However, he is now having trouble dealing with Shoji Uchiha, because the identity of "Obito" is exposed, and he has no way to directly throw Shoji Uchiha back to Konoha.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to think again, anyway, Uchiha Shoji would definitely not be able to go back to Konoha for a while, it was better to collect the materials needed to make the nutrient solution here in Yunyin to ensure his life.

"Hopefully, the fight between Cat and Ai again didn't ruin these materials." Uchiha Taki let go of the captured Yunyin and ended the torture.

He learned from the torture just now that these materials were in Yunyin's hospital, and the place where Ai and Cat fought was very close to the hospital.

And he faintly felt that someone on the cat's side was trying to use magic to help the cat break free from his control.

"Is it Ai?"

Ai has now transplanted a three-hook jade chakra eye, and he can indeed use illusion to a certain extent, but he does not have the accumulation of illusion art accumulated by the Uchiha family for thousands of years, and can only use it most rudimentally.

So Uchiha Taki's side is a faint feeling, not an obvious perception.

So Uchiha Taki strengthened his grip on Nio and shifted the fight to the other side.

"How is the day difference, did you find anything?" They changed several places, but they found nothing.

Hinata replied with an ugly face, "Still no." "

I can't find it in so many places, which means that there is no way to stop the leakage of the blood of the Hyuga family.

Bo Feng Shuimen patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, and then let the spies collect intelligence." "

Uchiha is here with soil!"

Yunyin Hospital, Uchiha Taki did not hide anything at all, and walked directly in.

When these Yun Shinobi saw him, their eyes immediately turned red and attacked him.

Although Ai ordered them to protect Yunyin's important place, the "Uchiha Obito" had come to their eyes, and how could they be willing to let it go.

"Alas, empty courage will only lead to your death." Uchiha Taki said lightly, and walked straight in without opening the Shenwei space.

None of the Yun Shinobi who attacked him could hurt him, and everyone who came close to him died or was seriously injured for various reasons.

The most way to die is that people squeeze people, people hit people, and as a result, Uchiha Taki has not done anything, and they themselves are killed and injured.

"Strange... Monster, this guy is a monster! The

strange way of death made Yunyin, who was determined in his mind, feel afraid.

For those who escaped, Uchiha Taki was too lazy to chase, anyway, they were all unimportant supporting characters.

Soon, Yun Shinobu near Ai came over to report the message: "Lord Lei Kage, 'Uchiha Obito' has appeared in the hospital, and many of the upper Shinobi have died in battle.

"What?!" Ai was shocked and angry, but then thought of something, and immediately turned his head to look at the second tail who was shaking his head, and his eyes no longer had the pattern of the eternal kaleidoscope.

"Lord Thundershadow?" The surrounding Yunyin looked at Ai, who was not moving, and asked tentatively.

"Go and rescue the wounded, Uchiha Obito has already left Kumohi, I'm here waiting for Yugito to wake up." Ai said as if relieved.


Uchiha Taki woke up from the shop he had purchased after a long absence, two days after he caused a riot in Unnoa.

After continuously rotating from Scorpion and Yunyin, Uchiha Taki also took this opportunity to take a good rest.

As for why he was not in the Uchiha clan, it was naturally because there were a bunch of people in the clan land who asked him to take the Zhongnin exam.

Those who can now take the Chūnin exam have more or less spent some time on the battlefield, and they pay several times more attention to medical ninjas than Naruto Sasuke's class.

And the arrogance of the Uchiha clan made them unable to pull their faces to find medical ninjas outside the clan.

Except for those squads that originally had medical ninjas in their teams, more than ninety percent of the other clansmen who could participate wanted to find Uchiha Taki as a teammate.

So Uchiha Taki had no choice, and also came out directly from the clan land to live outside.

Even he heard that even Itachi was harassed by many people, and it was Fugaku who threw them out with a black face.

"I don't know what happened to the water stop." Uchiha Taki washed his face, grabbed a slice of bread and walked towards the clan field.

He had asked the water to help him choose his teammates, and now he woke up and was ready to see how his teammates were chosen.

After all, this is the Zhongnin exam, the most exciting chapter in the early stage of the original work, how could he miss it.

As for the question of strength? Naruto Sasuke's two saviors were both Shinobi when they fought Kaguya, and it was normal for Uchiha Taki to take the Naka Shinobi exam with an eternal kaleidoscope.

What the? Miracle to you? It is the Jojo world and cannot be used as a ninja level reference.

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