At this time, Jiaodu had already run out for a distance, and he saw that no one had chased him for so long, and he thought that the big snake pill's induction plan was successful, so the pressure in his heart was also reduced a lot.

Suddenly, Kakuto heard the sound of Ku Wu inserting into the trunk behind him, and suddenly his heart tightened, and he stopped and looked back.

When he saw that there was nothing behind him, he thought that he was too nervous and misheard, so when he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn around and go back to continue his journey, Orochimaru pierced his earth attribute heart with a powerful cyclone force, and Kakuto's body also flew out while swirling.

At the same time, Uchiha Taki also firmly caught the Hyuga clan he had held before and placed it firmly on the ground.

"Here it is." Uchiha Taki said in his heart.

Of course, it was not the Kakudu who was sent out, but Bai Jue, who planned to carry out the rescue.

Bai Jue's means of rescue are very chicken, he knows that he is not the opponent of "Wave Feng Shuimen", so he attacks the children of the Hyuga family with a wooden dun, and on the other hand, he surrounds the horns layer by layer, preventing the "Wave Feng Shui Gate" from entering.

"Come with me, I'm here to save you." Bai Jue emerged from the trunk of the tree and said to the horns.

Bai Je wants to bring someone, that must be that person voluntarily or unconscious, so he specially came out and said it to Jiao.

But Kakuto, who was experienced in combat, knew that it was completely impossible for these green vines to block the Wave Feng Shui Gate, so he did not respond to Bai Jue, but quickly formed a seal to cast a defensive ninjutsu.

"I said, are you a little too underestimating me." Uchiha Taki, who turned into a wave wind water gate, said.

Long before catching that Hyuga clan, Uchiha Taki had already engraved the Flying Thunder God Seal on Kakuto's body.

Although Kakuto's sealing speed is not as good as that of the Oni Dragon, it is also the top of the ninja world, but this is still not as fast as Uchiha Taki.

Before he could perform ninjutsu, Uchiha Taki had already arrived in front of him, and at the same time, he secretly triggered the Tongue Eradication Technique.

By the time Kakuto felt the sensation coming from his tongue, it was already too late, and Orochimaru had already shattered his head along with the tree behind him,

so that even the top autopsy master in the ninja world would not be able to know that Kakuto had been engraved with the seal of tongue.

By the way, Uchiha Taki also cut the last heart of Kakuto with Kumai.

At this point, the life of the centenarian Kakuto has finally come to an end here.

"Run fast enough?" Uchiha Taki said as he sensed the direction in which Haku was leaving.

Then he condensed Chakra with both hands, and then slapped it heavily on the ground, and in just a moment, he eliminated all the white absolutes around him.

The reason why he kept one was because he would use it later, although he did not show any flaws when he disguised the Wave Feng Shui Gate before, but there was a problem that there were people from the Hyuga family who had been abducted.

It makes no sense to say that all the white jue and the horn are solved, and then the person of the Hyuga family can fall into the hands of Hakura, so Uchiha Taki specially left a white jue.

However, he did not let go of this white jue, but forced it out of the dirt with a wooden dun, and then controlled it with illusion.

Leaving a shadow doppelganger to deal with the scene, and collecting a little of Kakuto's flesh and blood by the way, Uchiha Taki took the Hakura and Hinata clansmen to find Hakura.

"Alas, all the hard work is done by our shadow doppelganger, Uchiha Taki, you are really not a person." The shadow avatar complained while dealing with the scene.

His mission was to make the scene look like Bofeng Shuimen had arrived to solve this group of guys.


"What about the horns and scorpions, why haven't they arrived yet?" Konan, while wrapping the Uchiha clan that Ye Cang handed over with a piece of paper, asked.

Except for the big snake pill, who had determined to escape with the reverse psychic technique early in the morning, the others should have arrived at about the same time.

Ye Cang replied, "Something happened to him, he had a fight with others in Konoha before he left, I came with people first, and Orochimaru and Scorpion were helping us both drag the others." When

Xiao Nan heard this, he immediately turned to look at Payne and asked what to do.

"I let the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Hell, and the Dao of Beasts come over and take a look, and at the same time we are ready to retreat." Nagato thought for a moment and said.

"I'll also go find Kakuto, I saw the big snake pill go to help him before, I should withdraw." Ye Cang suggested.

Payne nodded: "It's okay."

Ye Cang turned to Xiao Nan and asked, "Do you want to come together?"

"She won't go, let's stay here and prepare to retreat with the results." Payne replied for Xiaonan.

Ye Cang nodded, and at the same time sighed with relief in her heart, this was also a temptation for her.

After all, if she casually went out to find a circle, and then the result was that Kakuto died, and she obtained the Hyuga clan, it would be somewhat suspicious.

But now that she has invited Xiao Nan, that can reduce her suspicion somewhat, as for Xiao Nan not going, then it doesn't matter to her.

This is also why she usually sees Xiao Nan and Nagato staying together all the time, so she dares to gamble like this.

As for if the bet is lost... Then the bet is lost, Ye Cang does not believe that Xiaonan can carry Uchiha Taki's illusion, and in the end, it can reduce her suspicion.

Looking at Ye Cang and Tiandao's distant figures, Xiao Nan complained: "This time is really not to take this task."

"Sorry, I was impulsive." In the absence of outsiders, Nagato did not put up a shelf, and honestly apologized.

A few minutes after Hakura and Konan, they separated, Uchiha Taki found her.

"Why did you come over, didn't you let me look for it?" Ye Cang asked.

"Whoever let the horn be so useless, was found by the water stop, okay, then." Uchiha Taki complained.

Then he released the Hyuga clan and Bai Jue from the Kamui space in turn, and then explained the script he arranged for Ye Cang with Ye Cang.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, the "Wave Feng Shui Gate" caught up with Kakuto, and after a fierce battle, Kakuto and the other Bai Jue were all solved, and only one Bai Jue managed to escape with the Hyuga clan under their cover.

Bai who escaped finally found Ye Cang, but was accidentally killed by Ye Cang who was on high alert, and then Ye Cang found the Hyuga clan and successfully completed the mission.

"If I beat him to death like this, he won't trouble me in the future, isn't he also a member of the Xiao Organization?"

The black and white surface identity Uchiha Taki had already told Hakura, so she asked curiously now.

"It doesn't matter, Bai definitely you are not a threat, Hei is definitely not here to deal with you, and Bai is definitely what they say, but when the time comes, you have to be careful with their surveillance, and after a while I will consider helping you transplant their cells, so that you can also obtain Mu Duan." Uchiha Taki explained a little.

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