Although Bofeng Shuimen felt that he was placed by the big snake pill, in fact, the big snake pill who came to Longdi Cave was also not very good-looking.

Jiu Xinnai's arrival was indeed unexpected by Orochimaru, because in his opinion, Jiu Xinnai should choose to protect her son instead of supporting Bofeng Shuimen.

Therefore, in order to prevent being sealed by Jiu Xinnai with a contract seal, the big snake pill could only choose to leave early.

Although Bofeng Shuimen can also contract seals, first of all, his contract seals are still much worse than pure whirlpool people like Jiu Xinnai.

Secondly, the big snake pill and the wave feng shui men have fought a lot, and they have also fought side by side, and they know his fighting style, and Jiu Xinnai's fighting style is because the big snake pill and the group are too close, and the ape flying sun chop has not let the big snake pill get close, so it will be more difficult to deal with.

Finally, the original difficulty is 1, and then when Jiu Xinnai comes, the difficulty becomes a state of 1+1>2.

"Alas." Orochimaru sighed, he could only hope that Kakuto and them could escape smoothly to complete the task, otherwise he would not dare to easily return to the Xiao Organization, and the current Xiao Organization was still very attractive to him.

Last time, Uchiha Taki's illusion was detected by Orochimaru, and he took this matter as Nagato's disgrace.

If this mission failed, plus Nagato had a festival with him before, Orochimaru felt that if he went back to Nagato, he would definitely find a reason to deal with him.

In fact, this is because Orochimaru thought too much because of Uchiha Taki's illusion.

Since Nagato regarded himself as a god in the second middle school, he actually didn't pay so much attention to the festival in the past.

In addition, the big snake pill did not really hurt them in the first place, so Nagato would not deal with him for such a trivial matter, and now the Xiao Organization is short of manpower.

If Uchiha Taki knew about the idea of the big snake pill, he would definitely complain that he was too capable of brain supplementation.

According to the plot in the original work, Nagato not only does not entangle with that little thing, but is also very generous.

Kakuto killed his teammates, he didn't do anything to the diagonal, not to mention that in this mission, Orochimaru had already done a good job.

Even in Uchiha Taki's opinion, the big snake pill sneaking up on Itachi in the original book is actually not something unforgivable, after all, Itachi did not really have an accident.

The reason why the big snake pill defected may be more because he can't get by on face, after all, he was solved by people who are almost his own apprentices and grandchildren, if this is still kept, the people of the Xiao organization can laugh at him for a lifetime.

Looking back at Konoha, after the Wave Feng Shui Gate was placed by Orochimaru, he immediately went to search for his accomplices, namely Kakuto and Scorpion.

"Haven't found it yet?" The Dark Commander and the people from the Guard Department and the Hyuga clan happened to meet, so they asked each other.

"Neither do you?"

"Neither do we."

"Hyuga doesn't have the family either? Go report to Naruto-sama. The dark captain said helplessly.

Just as they were about to go to the Wave Feng Shui Gate in disappointment, a Hyuga clan member ran from a distance in excitement.

"You found it?" The leader of Hinata's house asked, this guy who ran over, he was still quite familiar, and he could show this expression to indicate that he should have found something.

"Yes, we just found a trace in the northwest, and now the others have followed."

Hearing this, the Dark Captain interrupted excitedly: "Go, immediately follow me to inform Naruto-sama!"

"Are you okay, do you want to take a break?" At this time, Wave Feng Shuimen asked Hinata Hinata with concern.

In addition to letting the people under him search, Bofeng Shuimen himself also used the Flying Thunder God to search with Hinata.

However, the art of flying thunder god is not something that ordinary people can adapt to, if the number of times is small, even if the rapid transfer of many times will begin to faint, just like motion sickness or halo 3D.

Hinata Hinata was originally a physique ninja, and his resistance should be stronger than most people, but he couldn't stand it from having to use his white eyes to detect after each transfer, and then transfer immediately.

The huge amount of information hit his brain, making him spit it out without holding back.

"Really... I'm so sorry. Hinata gasped and said intermittently, "I really can't hold on."

"Well, you rest first, I'll find someone else." Bofeng Shuimen didn't feel anything bad.

He had long been accustomed to this situation, and many ninjas who cooperated with him could not adapt to this high-intensity spatial transformation.

Otherwise, he would not have seen the instantaneous technique of stopping the water, so he planned to let him try to see if he could cultivate the Flying Thunder God.

The perception of space can dissuade more than 99 percent of people just now.

Unfortunately, although the water stop can adapt to the changes of the surrounding environment, the understanding of space is somewhat insufficient.

On the contrary, Kakashi, who was nourished by Kamui, has made a lot of progress when learning the art of flying thunder god now.

"Naruto-sama!" When Bofeng Shuimen was about to find someone again, the shouts of the guys just now came from a distance.

"You found them?" It just so happened that next to them was the Flying Thunder God Seal left before, and the Wave Feng Shui Gate came directly to their side.

"Yes, just to the northwest, people from our squad are following."


On the other hand, Uchiha Taki also learned about Konoha's movements from Miraculous You, and he calculated that the direction should be the side of the scorpion, not here in Kakuto.

However, Kakuto was also targeted by another difficult thing here.

In Uchiha Taki's perception, Bai Jue was following Kakuto at this time.

Although Uchiha Taki can easily kill them, even he can't guarantee that he can kill all the Bai Jue, and when the information leaks out, the plan to control the organization will fail.

However, Uchiha Taki thought about it, although Bai Jue's death would be discovered by other Bai Jue and Black Jue, they were not synchronized with the information.

It is still necessary to rely on investigation to obtain information on the ground and then make a judgment.

Then as long as you pretend to be someone else to solve the corner with them, and now there happens to be one person who perfectly meets this condition, that is, Bofeng Shuimen!

The Flying Thunder God technique that made the wave feng shui gate famous, Uchiha Taki will also do it, and although the spiral pill has not been used, he has also mastered the technique in ordinary practice, and Uchiha Taki once specially used the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye to see with his own eyes how to use the wave feng shui gate.

It's just that he doesn't have the Sword of Patience in his hand is a troublesome thing, but he can barely accept it.

If it really doesn't work, first use Mu Dun to solve Bai Jue, and then come to disguise the scene.

Thinking of a solution, Uchiha Taki did not hesitate, used the transformation technique to turn into the appearance of Wave Feng Shuimen, and then chased towards Kakuto in an upright manner.

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