Letting Ye Cang

implant intercolumn cells is not Uchiha Taki's whim, and with the return of Black and White, whether it is Ye Cang or other undercover agents, it is difficult to avoid Bai Jue's detection.

Unless it is a spy like Itachi in the original book who has been in contact for a long time, it is difficult not to be discovered by Bai Jue, but that kind of spy can not meet the needs of Uchiha Taki.

Therefore, transplanting intercolumn cells for leaf barns has become a must.

"Okay then." After Ye Cang was confirmed by Uchiha Taki, he solved Bai Jue's life with a crisp and neat kick.

"After you bring them back, don't get involved in the next thing, just leave with Xiaonan and them." Uchiha Taki explained casually and left here.

Next he will go to the scorpion by the way to see, the role of the scorpion, he still likes it when reading the original, and he can still help without involving his own interests.

However, when he came to the vicinity of the scorpion, he knew that the scorpion no longer needed his help, and Kuro found the scorpion faster than himself.

In Uchiha Taki's perception, there are many white absolutes lurking around the scorpion, which is a large amount more than Kakuto's side.

As for why the main force of Black and White Jedi did not go to Kakuto with the mission target, but came to find the scorpion, Uchiha Taki guessed that there may be more opponents on the scorpion side.

However, the scorpion's next performance surprised everyone.

At the beginning, the scorpion was still honestly grappling with the wave feng shui gate who rushed over.

Don't look at the previous deal with the doppelganger, the wave feng shui gate solved quickly, but that was because the main puppet of the scorpion was not there.

And now not only is the strength of the body stronger than the doppelganger, but the quality of the puppet is also a notch higher.

If Bofeng Shuimen wants to kill a bunch in an instant again, it will definitely not be able to do it.

However, as time went by, the scorpion began to gradually fall into disadvantage, and Konoha's other support personnel gradually arrived.

At this time, Bai Jue also made a timely move, temporarily blocking the others for the scorpion, and a Bai Jue also appeared next to the scorpion and whispered something to him.

Just when Uchiha Taki thought that Shiro was going to use the ephemera technique to run away with the scorpion, the three generations of wind shadow puppets instantly erupted, filling the entire forest with iron sand.

Then the scorpion used puppet art to forcibly control Bai Jue, who was close to him to speak, and let him go to fight with Bofeng Shuimen, while he himself was a human puppet made of Bai Jue harvested when he recruited the Great Snake Pill before and ran away with himself.

Uchiha Taki was silent for a while before slowly saying: "This is really a talent, no wonder he is willing to act as bait like the big snake pill, it turns out that he has the confidence ah." "

How long has Bai Jue's body been in his hands to become a human puppet, and he can actually continue to use the ephemera technique, and the genius of the scorpion is indeed beyond Uchiha Taki's imagination.

With the departure of the scorpion, all his puppets were summoned by psychic, and for a while, only the white one who was sold by the scorpion was left on the scene.

Wave Feng Shui Gate summoned a Hinata Shinobu and asked, "Can you still see their location?" The

upper Shinobu of the Hyuga family opened his white eyes, and at the same time the other Hyuga clansmen also opened their white eyes to investigate, but they all found nothing.

After asking all the scouting ninjas and finding that no trace of the scorpion could be found, Bofeng Shuimen could only reluctantly order a retreat.

Uchiha Taki also took the opportunity to return to his home and disarmed all the shadow doppelgangers, including the one disguised as the guy who was taken away by Hakura.

"With the operation of scorpion selling teammates, Ye Cang is truly safe." Uchiha Taki complained, then returned to bed and began to rest.

Just as he expected, Hei Jue's mood at this time was really bad.

Originally, he expected that he had saved them, and if they were not grateful to themselves, they must at least have good feelings and respect.

As a result, Bai Jue in Jiaodu was clean, and the last one was solved by Ye Cang's kick, and the scorpion even used Bai Jue as a meat shield to cover himself and escape in front of himself.

These guys are more than excessive, and after merging with Nagato, they actually have no embarrassment or remorse, but they all show it for granted.

"So Kakuto is dead?" On the way to meet Yunyin, Nagato asked.

"That's right, it should be the hand of the shadow doppelganger of the wave feng shui gate, and when Bai Jue was just asked to investigate, there were obvious traces of spiral pills." Kuro said next to Nagato.

Then Hei Jue turned his head to scold both the scorpion and the horns: "Hey, I'm not dead yet, what are you discussing about!"

Ye Cang's expression was embarrassed, because the scorpion was asking her for the Bai Jue who was killed by her, and Ye Cang was indeed a little moved.

The scorpion didn't care, it was possible that the puppet couldn't see the expression, but his tone was also very natural: "Anyway, they are all dead, it's better to leave it to me to exert his residual heat." After

this escape, Bai Jue upgraded into a puppet of the same level as the three generations of Wind Shadow in the eyes of the scorpion, and now there is another Bai Jue in front of him, of course, he is not willing to let go.

At this time, Xiao Nan also stood up to help: "What the scorpion said makes sense, anyway, they are already dead, it is better to maximize the benefits, if you have any needs, we can also make up for you, I believe the scorpion will not refuse." "

When I first saw Black and White, Xiao Nan didn't like this guy, if it weren't for Nagato to cooperate with them, Xiao Nan would not have paid attention to them at all, and now there is a chance to disgust Black Jee, of course she won't let it go.

And even if you don't consider your inner emotions, from the point of view of reason, Xiao Nan also does this reason.

As long as there are more corpses in Bai Jue, then the Xiao Organization can not completely rely on them to provide intelligence, and the Scorpion and Bai Jue balance each other so that the Xiao Organization will not be unbalanced.

The scorpion also nodded when he heard Xiao Nan's words and agreed.

Hei Jue saw Xiao Nan's unconcealed favoritism, and immediately became angry, but he didn't dare to do anything to Xiao Nan, he could only snort coldly, explained that he would return to the organization after a while, and then left without looking back.

As soon as the sky was dark, the four members of the Xiao Organization rushed to the vicinity of the trading place agreed upon with Yunyin.

"Scorpion, Ye Cang, you go and trade with them, be careful with what they do, and bring everyone back once they do." Nagato ordered to the scorpion.

Since his identity was not revealed during Konoha's operation, he still did not intend to expose it next, so the matter of the transaction was handed over to Scorpion and Hakura.

"I see." Scorpion replied succinctly.

Ye Cang also nodded, took the two who were still in a coma from Xiaonan, handed one to the scorpion, and got up and set off.

After seeing them walking away, Nagato said: "Xiaonan, there is a heavenly path here, you don't need your protection, you can go over and take a look, but be careful not to be discovered by Yunyin."

"Good." Xiao Nan did not object, this is the first time that the Xiao Organization has made such a big transaction, and it is indeed prudent.

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