"Then let's join you, there are many people and it is convenient for you to carry supplies." Due to the bad impression that Orochimaru gave Xiaonan before, she now refuses to give an inch and begins to condense Chakra.

"Are you trying to do it with me?" As the big snake pill said this, the momentum on his body gradually rose, as if Xiao Nan was sure that he would dare to make a move.

However, Ye Cang and Xiao Nan were not frightened by this momentum, there were several people in the Xiao organization who were not subdued by fighting, even if they did not fight at the beginning, they would definitely have to do it later.

Otherwise, they are all famous ninja realms, ranked S-level powerful rebels, why should they obey the command, just because the leader has the eye of reincarnation?

Therefore, they did not flinch in the face of the threat of the big snake pill, but instead concentrated Chakra under their feet with great interest, ready to fight.

When Xiao Nan was about to open his mouth and continue to press the Great Snake Pill, suddenly there was a violent vibration from a distance, and the earth began to fall apart.

The purple ten thousand snakes rose up like a pillar of heaven, and around him were a huge amount of iron sand, as well as a dozen human puppets.

With the help of iron sand, these puppets move quickly in the air, constantly attacking ten thousand snakes.

Under the pain of eating, the big mouth spit out the big snake pill contained in the mouth.

When Ye Cang and Xiao Nan saw this scene, they immediately turned their heads back to look at the big snake pill, but they only heard a bang and a thick white smoke in place.

"Go!" Ye Cang greeted Xiao Nan and galloped towards the place where the big snake pill and the scorpion were fighting.

The distance between the two sides is not very far, it is almost the distance from one end of a town to the other, and for Ye Cang, he can run to it in more than a minute.

And Xiao Nan, who can fly, although one step later than Ye Cang, arrived faster than Ye Cang, and her arrival quickly changed the situation on the scene.

Originally, if the scorpion and the big snake pill were 1v1, they could be compared, but with the help of ten thousand snakes, he was easily suppressed by the big snake pill.

His poison directly reduced the effect by more than half for the Great Snake Pill and Ten Thousand Snakes, who were also good at poison, and the huge size of Ten Thousand Snakes suppressed the puppet to a certain extent.

Therefore, the scorpion has been at a disadvantage since the beginning of the battle, and if it weren't for the power of the puppets of the three generations of wind shadows, he might have let the big snake pill run away.

But Xiao Nan's arrival easily helped the scorpion ease the situation, and the overwhelming detonation charm directly blew up the mother of the ten thousand snakes, and it didn't take long to be directly blown back to the dragon cave.

Without the help of ten thousand snakes and the assistance of Xiaonan, the scorpion directly took back the initiative, and the human puppet launched an endless offensive in all directions of the big snake pill.

After Ye Cang's arrival, he further suppressed the big snake pill.

Ha Cang, who is good at physical skills, is responsible for the frontal attack, the scorpion's puppet is responsible for assisting and protecting Ha Cang, and Xiao Nan uses the detonation charm to fence the perimeter to prevent the big snake pill from escaping and limit his movement, and supports two detonation charms from time to time.

Under the siege of three experts whose strength was close to his own, the big snake pill only held out for a while, and then quickly gave up resistance.

Anyway, the other party is here to recruit himself, not to kill himself, there is no need to hand over all the hole cards.

After the big snake pill stopped, Xiao Nan also stopped the attack of Scorpion and Ye Cang, leaving the two on guard.

"How, have you figured it out now?" Xiao Nan continued to stand in the sky and asked at the big snake pill.

The big snake pill was also very crisp, and directly agreed, as for his laboratory things, then let his subordinates help deal with it first.

But this is not good news for Uchiha Taki, the big snake pill is not singled, so how can he use illusion to investigate his cloning technology, is it all controlled?

But on second thought, this is actually a good choice.

If you control it directly, then no matter how clever the illusion is, after it is lifted, a ninja of the level of Orochimaru can find himself controlled from the clues.

And if you wait until you get to the Land of Rain and start again, although it is also possible to be detected, Orochimaru will definitely think that Payne controlled him with illusion, and even if he wants to break his head, he can't think of himself.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible, so Uchiha Taki directly changed the plan and secretly used Mu Dun to solve Bai Jue.

Since he decided to go to the Land of Rain and start again, he definitely couldn't let Black and White interfere with his plan.

And after killing, he secretly exposed Bai Jue's body, pretending to be affected by the aftermath of the battle just now.

Otherwise, if he left Bai Jue's body to Hei Jue, he could also detect that something was wrong.

The first discovery was a scorpion, and after seeing it, he said directly: "Your discussion pauses for a moment, was that thing here in the first place?"

Then he pointed in the direction where Bai Jue was, and the remaining three looked at each other, except for Ye Cang, who really didn't know what Bai Jue was, the remaining two of them shrank their pupils in unison.

Xiao Nan pretended not to know, and tentatively said to the big snake pill: "Big snake pill, is that your person?" Or is it your experimental material?

The big snake pill quickly denied it: "I don't know what it is, but if you are worried about danger, I can help you test it, and multiple experimental materials are also good."

The scorpion interjected: "It's better for me to come, my puppet loss is not a big problem, if that guy's physical fitness is okay, I will turn him into my human puppet." Xiao

Nan did not refuse, compared to the big snake pill, a guy who may be mixed with black and white, it is obviously more appropriate to give Bai Jue's body to the scorpion.

Just casually instructed: "Confirm that you are dead, let's go, the movement here is big enough." "

Originally, the ordinary people who were shocked by their battle and fled, after seeing the movement subsided, began to gradually return to their homes, and a few daring ones even poked their heads closer to the place where several of them were.

After seeing the scorpion put away Bai Jue's corpse, the big snake pill was a little hungry, this is Mu Duan's corpse.

If it weren't for Hei Jue's promise before that he could give himself Mu Duan, plus now the three of them are a group, maybe the big snake pill really can't help but make a move.

Uchiha Taki, who was watching from the side, also felt a little funny, now there are only six people in the Xiao organization, and the result is that three of them are in great demand for corpses.

Kakuto is still slightly better, his ultimate goal with the corpse is only to exchange money and heart, so it is enough to have money.

But Scorpion and Orochimaru really longed for the corpses of other strong people or blood ninjas.

Especially the scorpion, his strength can be said to be completely linked to the corpse, if he gives him the corpse of Onoki or the second generation of Tokage, then he just didn't need the help of Xiaonan and Ye Cang, and one person could pick the big snake pill.

"When the time comes for these three guys to snatch the body, Xiaonan and Nagato will have a headache." Spit on the three of them, and the space beside Uchiha Taki twisted and chased in the direction they left.

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