After coming to the Land of Grass, Uchiha Taki once again formed a shadow avatar to divide the army into two ways.

The body is responsible for finding the big snake pill, and the shadow avatar is to confirm the condition of Xiangyu's mother and daughter.

If necessary, you can take them out, and if you do it, you can use it as a Jiu Xinnai, and if you don't do it, you can also use it as a radar.

And after Uchiha Taki's body came to the place where Ye Cang and the big snake pill agreed, he casually found a hotel to stay in, waiting for the arrival of the big snake pill.

It's not that he doesn't want to take the initiative to find Orochimaru, the main thing is that in addition to his strength, he can be regarded as an unqualified kind of ninja, especially tracking.

If it is black and white, it is good to enter his perception range at the beginning, then it is good to follow this goal all the time.

But let him find the big snake pill hidden in it from the nearby city, then he really can't do it.

The existence of the level of three ninja is basically without shortcomings, whether it is government affairs, strength, knowledge, skills, experience, after all, the three generations were trained as heirs at the beginning.

So he directly gave up the idea of looking for the big snake pill, anyway, when Ye Cang arrived, she had the spell mark she had carved on herself, and then she would be able to rely on Ye Cang to find the big snake pill.

However, Uchiha Taki's body was rotten, and his shadow doppelganger was not rotten, and soon passed back the situation of Kachi's mother and daughter.

The current Xiangyu mother and daughter have not been tortured too badly by Kusanagi Village, and Uchiha Taki estimates that if he takes them now, he will be hated by them, so he dissolved the shadow doppelganger and dealt with it later.

Almost a day after Uchiha Taki's body was rotten, Ye Cang finally appeared within his perception.

"That's pretty much it." Xiao Nan looked at the surrounding buildings, and then roughly judged based on the conversations among passers-by, this should be the town near the agreed place of the Great Snake Pill.

Ye Cang nodded: "It should be right."

After Ye Cang confirmed, a piece of paper quietly fell from Xiao Nan's clothes, which did not attract the attention of anyone other than Ye Cang, and then slowly drifted away with the wind.

Although the piece of paper seemed to float slowly, it didn't take long for it to float to the scorpion squatting in the distance.

After making sure that the news was received by the scorpion, Xiao Nan said: "Let's go, go find the big snake pill." "

The agreed place of the Great Snake Pill is not in the town, but a place not far from the town that can be regarded as an attraction.

However, because of the long period of war before, this attraction has basically been abandoned.

Coming to the attraction, since Ye Cang and Xiao Nan arrived early, the two began to wait quietly.

It's just that after waiting for a few hours, the big snake pill still didn't appear here, which made Ye Cang and Xiao Nan couldn't help but get a little irritable.

Xiao Nan: "Ye Cang, are you sure that the big snake pill is talking about here."

Ye Cang handed Xiao Nan a note: "This was given to me by the people of the gold exchange office, and the address they wrote on it is here, unless they are mistaken, otherwise I have not made a mistake."

Xiao Nan narrowed his eyes, revealing a murderous aura: "When I go back, I will let Payne use illusion to investigate whether the people who changed the gold house made a mistake, if it is them, then there is no need for them to continue to do it, if it is a

big snake pill..." Xiao Nan did not continue, but when it came to the big snake pill, it was obvious that her face became worse than before.

Strictly speaking, the big snake pill and the three people in their Xiao organization were a bit too festive before, if the big snake pill tricked them this time, it would almost be a new hatred and old hatred together.

Uchiha Taki, who was watching from afar, agreed very much, because Orochimaru was not only playing with them, but even he waited for hours.

If this does not come back, then his thoughts will not be accessible, his thoughts will not be good, his mood will not be good, his mood will not be good, maybe it may be possible to let the miracle release calamity at your will.

At that time, the entire ninja world will be shrouded in calamity, and everyone will be in great trouble, which is obviously not good.

So in order to guard the peace of the world, in order to prevent the destruction of the universe, shuttle... Cut the wrong line, in short, Uchiha Taki decided that he would definitely take revenge back.

Finally, when Xiao Nan and Ye Cang were impatiently ready to leave, a small snake made a crackling sound between the fallen leaves on the ground, and then turned into the appearance of a large snake pill.

After Xiao Nan saw it, he directly opened his mouth and mocked: "Is this the legendary three ninjas, you can't even figure out the time when you grow so big?"

The big snake pill yin smiled a little: "Ye Cang was the only one who asked me at the beginning, but now it has suddenly become two people, of course I have to make some preparations to come again." "

Orochimaru's words made Xiao Nan have nothing to say, he can't say that he instigated, this is not the pirate next door, it is normal for ninjas to collect intelligence.

"Okay, since you've arrived, let's get down to business, we're here to invite you to join and become one of our people on behalf of our organization." Ye Cang saw that Xiao Nan was choked and speechless, so he came out to bring the topic back on track.

"Organization? Yes, I promised. Orochimaru replied cheerfully.

And the big snake pill's response so crisply also made Ye Cang and Xiao Nan look at a question mark, he agreed so quickly, there would be no conspiracy, the two suddenly didn't know what to say.

Even Ye Cang originally planned to let the big snake pill give her some antidote to deal with Chiyo, but now she was a little speechless, for fear that the big snake pill would replace the antidote with another poison.

Seeing their expressions, Orochimaru explained: "Because I am indeed a little annoyed by Jiraiya, I plan to find a place to hide, and there is an organization that burns the leaf warehouse, it will not be too weak to think about, and I also have a need." Hearing

the explanation of the big snake pill, although the two did not let down their vigilance, they at least felt a little more reasonable.

So Xiao Nan opened his mouth and asked, "What requirements?" Seeing

that it was Xiao Nan who asked, Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, he originally thought that Ye Cang was the one in charge, and Xiao Nan was just her subordinate.

Now it seems that the strength of this organization may be stronger than he thought.

So he added to his request something that was originally deleted and more difficult to get.

But Xiao Nan only refused a few that were too difficult to get after listening, and all the others simply agreed.

Just when Orochimaru thought that this organization was wronged, or simply lied to him, Xiao Nan also made a request.

"Although I can promise these, they are not given to you for free, but it depends on your performance in the organization, since you have chosen to join, then leave with us, just in time for the next task to use you."

Orochimaru: "... Wait a minute, I'm not the entity right now, so let's give me an address.

Xiao Nan frowned: "This task is very urgent, since you agreed, you must contribute to the organization, or are you just lying to us?"

Orochimaru soothed, "I mean it seriously, and I still have a lot of experimental tools to bring, but as long as you are not too far from the country of grass, then give me a day." "

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