On the way back, in order to avoid being discovered by other ninjas, Konan's group was much faster than when they came, and in just half a day, they returned to the Land of Rain.

After coming to the Land of Rain, Orochimaru couldn't help but ask about Hanzo, and the other three didn't feel strange, because Ye Cang and Scorpion were similar when they first arrived.

Xiao Nan finally showed a smile at this time: "You will know when you get to Yuyin Village."

"Oh, then I'll have to look forward to it, and hope for some surprises." Orochimaru's words were sincere.

Because the information that Guang Hei provided him was enough to attract him.

However, before returning to Yuyin Village, a few people took a slight detour to change the gold house, and since the big snake pill was already in place, then the task on Yunyin's side was almost to be carried out.

The information transmission speed of the gold exchange office is very fast, especially this super high amount, and the gold owner has come to a super large commission.

Under the condition that they did not hesitate to spare, the speed of intelligence transmission was almost not weaker than that of the Five Great Ninja Villages, and it was transmitted to Yun Ninja in an instant.

"Miss Azabui, there is news from the gold exchange house that the big snake pill is in place."

Azabui: "I know, let them start preparing, I'll go and inform Lord Leikage." In

Yuyin Village, when Xiao Nan's group passed by, greetings such as Lord Angel continued to sound, and Xiao Nan also nodded his head.

Although the big snake pill was curious about why Xiao Nan had such a high reputation here, he didn't open his mouth to ask, anyway, he had already arrived here, so sooner or later he would know.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the chief." Xiao Nan said to the big snake pill.

After speaking, Xiao Nan turned into pieces of paper and floated away, and the scorpion next to him also said: "Let's go."

However, he didn't move first, it was obvious that as long as the big snake pill didn't move, he and Ye Cang would stare at him like this.

"Huh." Orochimaru let out his trademark laugh and followed in the direction of Konan.

Xiao Nan did not take the Great Snake Pill to the place where the Outer Path Golem was, that is, the real base of the Xiao Organization.

Instead, he chose the place where Hanzo lived before, which is also where the Xiao Organization is specially prepared to accept new people, after all, it is impossible for people to expose all their foundations just after coming over.

After arriving in Hanzo's courtyard, Ye Cang took the lead and said, "Since I have already arrived, then I will go to the gold exchange house and stare."

The scorpion followed: "I'm also going back to study the corpse I just got, I feel it will be valuable."

"Okay, the client will inform us immediately if there is news, scorpion, don't be too addicted, the task will come soon." Xiao Nan first instructed the two, and then said to the big snake pill: "Big snake pill, come in with me." The

moment Xiao Nan opened the door, the big snake pill only had one thought in his mind, escape, run away!

But in the end, Orochimaru's reason prevailed over fear, and he didn't run away or enter the door, but just sighed: "I didn't expect that the child had grown up to this point."

At this time, Orochimaru finally recalled the identity of these people in Konam Nagato, if it weren't for Jiraiya, he might have killed these people.

"There are some things you know yourself, forget it, don't talk too much." The Heavenly Dao of Yahiko's body warned the Great Snake Pill.

"Don't worry, my mouth is very tight, and I still don't lack the basic ninja quality."

The conversation between Orochimaru and Nagato did not last long, although the two could be regarded as a reunion after a long absence, but when they first met, the impression given to them by Orochimaru was not good.

Therefore, there was nothing to discuss the past together, but simply explained the rules and goals of the Xiao Organization, and then said that he would return to Konoha's next mission, and finally gave the ring to Orochimaru and directly let him go back.

By the way, the rings of the big snake pill, scorpion, and kakuto are the same as in the original work, and Ye Cang replaces the weasel and brings Zhu's ring.

After waiting for the big snake pill to go away, Xiao Nan spoke: "Nagato, there is something you should pay attention to, when we were fighting with the big snake pill, we found that his base had Bai Jue's corpse, as if it was accidentally affected by the aftermath of our battle, and then died."

Although he did not admit that he knew Bai Jue, I think this matter should not be so simple.

Nagato thought for a moment and said, "It's okay, it's probably that after the Obito who pretended to be Uchiha was defeated by the Wave Feng Shuimen, their new backer was much easier to deal with than the guy in the sometimes space." "

After seeing Nagato, the Xiao Organization did not monitor the Great Snake Pill as strictly.

One is that it is not necessary, and the other is to give Orochimaru a little space and time to contact his spy in Konoha.

After all, they agreed to recruit the Great Snake Pill, in addition to the strength of the Great Snake Pill, the most important thing was to complete Yunyin's commission.

This made Uchiha Taki, who had been dormant for a long time behind the big snake pill, lift a little spirit, and finally be able to make a move on the big snake pill.

By the time Orochimaru was taken to the room prepared for him by Nagato's Yunin, who they had collected, Uchiha Taki appeared directly behind Orochimaru.

When the big snake pill sensed that something was wrong and turned around, he directly controlled him with an eternal kaleidoscope.

This set didn't even take a second, and the guy who led the way for the big snake pill was even within a range of about two meters nearby, and was about to go back.

In this regard, Uchiha Taki also showed a satisfied smile, although the illusion resistance of the Great Snake Pill was still relatively weak among the top powerhouses in the ninja world.

However, being able to instantly control the Great Snake Pill who did not separate the soul out of the period still made Uchiha Taki very proud.

But the information he got from Orochimaru next disappointed Uchiha Taki.

Since the focus of the big snake pill recently has been on the body of the non-corpse, there is not too deep research on cloning technology.

Even if you don't need the technology of the level of Mitsuki in later generations, it can't meet Uchiha Taki's requirements at all.

In desperation, Uchiha Taki could only use pupil technique to hint that the big snake pill should develop more on cloning, and then think of other ways himself.

And he soon thought of two new candidates, but these two were the same as the big snake pill, and they would not be able to succeed for a while.

One of them is Orochimaru's old classmate, Bei Liuhu, a guy with white hair and red eyes, who looks like a Shota at first glance, but he is a person of the same generation as Orochimaru.

Compared to the big snake pill, this guy has a stable place that his talent is not good, so it is only enough for him to study a ghost bud technique, and there will be no messy things coming out to get in the way.

The disadvantage is also talent, so now this guy has not yet developed it.

As for the other guy, it has to be used together with the Ghost Bud Luo Technique to be effective, so let's not mention it for now.

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