Hakura passed back the content of this mission, also wanting to get the help of Uchiha Taki to prevent her from being discovered or even caught.

And the time of action for this mission is set when Yunyin redeems the prisoners, when the Yunyin mission is responsible for dragging the attention of Konoha's high-level officials, and Ye Cangjiao is responsible for taking people away without attracting attention.

Uchiha Taki thought for a moment, and then wrote in the scroll that he would provide the patrol table and other arrangements of the Uchiha Guard Department for the day, as long as Hakura sent out the ninja before the operation, he could know the situation of the day.

And, if necessary, he can also help collect the arrangements on the dark side.

Then he explained the matter of Orochimaru, and at the same time instructed that if he felt that he would be suspected of repeating it, he could add Mito Menyan's name as well.

Anyway, they have to come to Konoha Village to do tasks, and it is very reasonable to find a few people from Konoha to provide intelligence.

Soon, Ye Cang's side came to the time when she and Uchiha Taki agreed to exchange information with ninja crows every few days, and then she saw the message that Uchiha Taki gave her back.

Skillfully using fire to destroy traces, receiving Uchiha Taki's reply, she also had some certainty in her heart.

On the way to Nagato, Ye Cang saw a familiar blue, as well as an equally familiar puppet.

Xiao Nan was explaining something to the scorpion at this time, and after seeing Ye Cang coming, a smile appeared on Xiao Nan's originally serious face.

As the only two women in the official members of the Xiao Organization, and both have experienced the death of someone close to them, Xiao Nan and Ye Cang's relationship in private is actually very good.

"Ye Cang, why are you here, is there something wrong with looking for the leader?" Xiao Nan asked.

Ye Cang: "Yes, I have some thoughts about this commission.

"What thoughts?" Scorpion interjected and asked, he and Ye Cangjiao are the same, both are the personnel who carried out the mission this time, so he is still more concerned about the mission.

Hakura: "For example, recruit a few rebels from Konoha to act with us, or provide us with intelligence." I think the big snake pill I said last time is very good, and Mito Menitis can also be. "

Orochimaru? Ye Cang, do you value him very much. This was not to test Ye Cang, but Xiao Nan said casually, for Ye Cang, the first person to join their new Xiao organization, Xiao Nan still trusted very much.

Ye Cang glanced at the scorpion and replied frankly: "No way, who let me not get the poison and antidote I want from the poison masters in our organization." "

Since when he recruited the scorpion, he knew that the scorpion was the guy who killed the three generations of wind shadows and caused the third ninja world war, Ye Cang's attitude towards him was very bad.

Coupled with the fact that he couldn't get a poison or antidote against Chiyo from him, the already bad relationship became even worse.

Although the scorpion did not have any dislike for Ye Cang at first, when she knew that she was going to deal with her grandmother, she naturally did not give her a good face, and naturally she would not provide poison or antidote.

Originally, one of the reasons for the scorpion's defection was to avenge his parents.

So he actually attaches great importance to family affection, even if he really has to deal with Chiyo because of the mission, it can only be up to him!

Hearing Ye Cang's mockery, the scorpion snorted and expressed dissatisfaction, but did not say anything.

Seeing this, Xiao Nan also felt helpless, and then in order to avoid the two people quarrelling, he could only let Ye Cang go to Payne.

But whether in personal perception or from a rational point of view, Xiaonan supports Ye Cang.

Since you have such a deep relationship with your grandmother, then you came out as a fart rebel?

If it weren't for the three generations of Wind Shadow's puppet here, knowing that the Red Sand Scorpion was not a spy, and she really couldn't go back to Shayin, she would have pulled Ye Cang to kill the scorpion.

On the other side, Ye Cang found Payne and relayed to him the conversation he had just had with Xiaonan.

Nagato, like Konan, did not doubt Ye Cang's starting point.

After all, when Ye Cang joined, he promised well, without affecting the task, Xiao Organization wanted to contribute to her revenge.

As a result, now there are two new talents recruited, one of which is a thorn and does not cooperate at all.

If in this case, Ye Cang didn't react, then he had to suspect it.

It's just that he trusts Ye Cang, but without Bai Jue's help, although he Payne claims to be a god, he doesn't know where the big snake pill is.

He was also very curious about what was going on over there in Bai Jue.

When Obito's sneak attack on the Wave Feng Shui Gate failed, and the identity and ability of the rebel ninja spread throughout the ninja world, Nagato knew that this so-called Uchiha Ba was Obito.

So at the beginning, they didn't show up, Nagato still understood better, it is possible to be injured when fighting with Bofeng Shuimen and have to cultivate, which is a normal thing.

But now that so much time has passed, what kind of injury can keep him from appearing?

If the original book was shelved, Xiao Li had almost waited for Tsunade's treatment at this time, but they still had no news.

This is also one of the reasons why Nagato decided to take Yunyin's commission and take such a big step from the beginning.

Because there is no information provided by Bai Jue, he can only beat his own fame and attract others.

Although he knew that Xiao Nan's objection was reasonable, since they had not appeared for so long, he was unwilling to continue to bet his hope that they would appear later.

"I know, if there is their information, Xiaonan and I will go over to recruit them, you can also use your channels to find out, and you can directly notify me if there is intelligence."

Ye Cang nodded: "I'll go and inform the gold exchange office to help pay attention."

Nagato watched Ye Cang's figure get farther and farther away, and then his familiar blue figure appeared in his line of sight.

"How was the conversation with Ye Cang?"

"Her suggestion is good, if you really find the big snake pill by then, you and her will be responsible for recruiting."

"What about the Red Sand Scorpion? If Hakura really goes to deal with Chiyo, I feel that he will report even if he does not stop it.

Nagato was silent for a while before he slowly spoke: "Let Ye Cang tell me before acting, I will personally guard the Red Sand Scorpion during that period!" "

Because of this time of getting along, coupled with past experiences and current performance, Nagato and Konan finally decided to side with Ye Cang.

After leaving Yuyin Village, Ye Cang soon came to a gold exchange house that she frequented.

"Lord Ye Cang, is there any problem with the commission? Or is there something we want to communicate to the client? "

If this mission is completed, the commission of the gold exchange house will be enough for them to earn a lot of money, so they are especially enthusiastic about Ye Cang.

"Hmm... If you have to say it, it is indeed related to this mission, you go to other exchange offices to release news, if you see the big snake pill, say that I Ye Cang wants to find him, this is a commission fee for you.

Hakura took out a bag of money from the scroll, which Uchiha Taki had received from the wealthy merchant he controlled.

In order for her to develop smoothly, half of it was handed over to Ye Cang to use, but only this time, if she continued to provide it later, it would definitely attract suspicion.

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