On the border southeast of the Land of Fire, Uchiha Fugaku is dealing with the retreat of the army.

Since Yunyin, the leading bird, was repelled by Konoha, Mist Yin had no reason to persist.

Although there was no negotiation, both sides began to reduce the intensity of the battle, and then gradually ceased, and now, Kirihide and Konoha began to retreat in an upright manner.

The policy of the Hokage on Konoha's side has been based on peace, including the current Wave Feng Shuimen, so if you can, you won't fight.

On the foggyin side, there are materials paid by Yunyin in advance to fill, even if the materials consumed on the battlefield are more than Yunyin paid in advance, it is not much more, and it should be regarded as military training.

"Stop the water, you are with me during this time to guard the fog to prevent them from sneaking up when we retreat." Fugaku said to the water stop.

"Yes!" Stopper responded crisply.

During this time, Fuyue delivered a lot of tasks to stop the water, from the unfamiliar with the team at the beginning, to now commanding the team of 100 people with ease, the water stop is growing rapidly.

Knowing that Fugaku intends to cultivate himself, Shisui basically obeys Fugaku's arrangements.

The situation of Mist Yin's retreat soon spread throughout the ninja world, and Hei Jue, who had just arrived nearby, could only sigh helplessly.

"Aren't you going to continue to provoke the relationship between Kirihide and Konoha?" Shiro asked incomprehensibly.

They have been lurking here for a long time before, and they have collected a lot of intelligence, don't they try it?

"It's useless, it's too late, let's go." Hei Jue shook his head.

If Yunyin is still there, then maybe he can succeed, otherwise Wuyin is not a fool, knowing that he can't beat Konoha and go up to find death.

What's more, the third ninja world war has only been over a little over a year, and the major ninja villages are far from slowing down, and it is impossible to really start a full-scale war.

It's as if four countries are now at war, but no one says that this is the fourth Ninja World War.

Because this time, both in time and in strength, it is much less than before, at most, in the northeast of the Fire Country, Yunyin and Konoha fought a little more fiercely.

On the Iwain side, it was earlier than the Wuyin retreat, and as soon as they heard that Yunyin was defeated, they immediately withdrew to the Land of Earth.

No way, now in addition to Sha Yin, Iwa Shinobu is the least able to fight a war of attrition, and the bottom and middle combat power is much worse than that of other countries.

After seeing Iwahide retreating, Jiraiya did not follow the army back to Konoha, but after explaining, he went out again to "find" Orochimaru.

After the news was transmitted back to Konoha, Bofeng Shuimen could only accept it with a wry smile, who let this be his teacher.

However, since Konoha is willing to stand up when there is a crisis, there is no problem.

At least it is better than after the death of the next three generations, and he has only taken on the responsibility of the three ninjas.

Hakaze Mizumon raised his spirit and informed the dark ministry to set off for Konoha Gate together, today is the day when the troops led by Kushina and Nara Shikahisa return to Konoha.

At the same time, without the knowledge of the Wave Feng Shui Gate and the Enchantment Class, Uchiha Taki's body also returned to Konoha at this time.

After Uchiha Taki returned home, he dismissed the shadow doppelganger, closed his eyes and reviewed the memories transmitted back to find out how Konoha was now.

After knowing that Ning Tai was unilaterally crushed by Bofeng Shuimen, Uchiha Taki was not too surprised.

If the illusion could casually deal with people of the level of Wave Feng Shuimen, then Obito and Sasuke would have been able to single out Wave Feng Shui Men and Ai.

Among people of the same level, only a large snake pill whose soul has split many times, resulting in a decrease in illusion resistance, will be restrained.

But speaking of the big snake pill, Uchiha Taki remembered that he was going to find the big snake pill to obtain cloning technology, but I don't know what level of his cloning technology is at this time.

Thinking of this, he channeled the ninja crow again and passed the news to Ye Cang, now that the war is over, it is time for the Xiao Organization to expand its scale, so hurry up and find the big snake pill now!

But after he summoned the ninja, he found that Ye Cang's side also had news to him.

He picked it up and looked at it, and then his expression became strange.

It said above that Yunyin did not admit defeat after the defeat, so he used Yunyin's underground black market to find Yecang and Jiaodu, and asked them to help rescue Tutai and others.

That's right, now that Kakudu has joined the Xiao Organization, the scorpion has also joined in with the hind foot, and Xiao Nan has begun to contact Loquat Juzo, and it won't be long before he should also join the Xiao Organization.

Thanks to the fact that Ye Cang and Kakuto were the names of the underground gold exchange office, this mission naturally found them.

Of course, on the surface, they are still entrusted by rich merchants, but everyone with brains knows that this is Yunyin just in case, and if they are discovered by Konoha, they can use this as an excuse.

It's just that Yunyin didn't know that they had joined the same organization, so they were invited separately.

When Ye Cang and Jiao both received the news on their front and back feet, they themselves were stupid.

Yunyin, this is really looking at them!

What is the difference between letting them go to the hinterland of the Fire Nation and rescue so many people trapped in Konoha and directly letting them single out Konoha?

This time, even Kaku, who has a great pursuit of money, did not say that he wanted to do this task, and he didn't want to be beaten by Ji Lai again.

Nagato and Konan also supported Hakura and Kakuto's decision, although they wanted to make the name of the Xiao organization and then recruit more powerful rebels.

But this kind of task that comes up and lets you send to death, they will not blindly take it.

If all the members of the Xiao Organization were dispatched now, and then Uchiha Taki did not take action, they would indeed have the ability to complete this task.

But this will also make them a thorn in the side of the five great ninja villages, and Yunyin, who is now talking about business with them, may sell them in the next second.

When Ye Cang and Jiao both rejected Yun Yin's commission at the same time, Yun Yin did not continue to be whimsical, but replaced it with a more practical commission.

Capture a Hyuga clan alive and bring it safely to the client (Yunyin).

At the same time, if you can catch a Uchiha clan member alive by the way, there will be an additional reward, depending on how open the eyes of that Uchiha tribe are.

When this task was retransmitted back to Ye Cang and Kakuto, Xiao organized everyone to think about it and discuss it.

Although Konan's opposition has always been maintained, Hakura Neutral, Kakuto, Scorpion, and Nagato all feel that it is okay, so they finally decide to take on the task.

This level is not the super difficult task of rescuing Yunyin's large army and covering their retreat before.

Although the re-commissioned task is impossible for the vast majority of ninjas, it is still possible for the Xiao Organization.

In addition, as long as Ye Cang's identity is not exposed, then Yunyin, who has obtained white eyes and chakra eyes, is the guy who attracts the attention of the ninja world, and the Xiao organization is just a background board.

Although Nagato hopes to make a name for the Xiao Organization, he does not want to attract too much attention, which is just right for the Xiao Organization.

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