"How embarrassing is this, this is originally a task entrusted to you." The person in charge of the gold exchange institute said so, but his hand simply took Ye Cang's commission fee neatly.

People who work in places like the gold exchange house are basically immoral, and they are polite with you, and that is just politeness.

Ye Cang had long been accustomed to the virtues of the gang of the gold exchange office, and smiled and instructed: "You guys remember to implement it quickly, so as not to delay the task."

"Don't worry, I'll keep you informed." It is a huge commission of a big ninja village, and the borrowing office does not dare to grind in this kind of thing.

Due to the task related, Yunyin, who was the entruster, received the news of Ye Cang's commission almost the first time.

"Ye Cang's side needs to find the big snake pill to carry out the mission together?"

"Do you want to stop it?"

"No, no, it's a good thing, we just need to help and don't let Konoha know."

"Indeed, the Great Snake Pill, as a former high-ranking member of Konoha, must have a deeper understanding of Konoha than Ye Cang, and the success rate will indeed be much greater with his help."

"And I heard that he still escaped from Konoha because of his research on the human body and blood succession, and even if he is really discovered by Konoha, then he can be made to carry the pot, and Konoha will definitely not blame us."

"I think we can appropriately let the gold exchange and the black market increase their efforts, and we can appropriately add some more money, and even add an extra entrustment to the big snake pill."

"Well, it's good, the big snake pill is worth this treatment, let's notify it like this later."

Therefore, under the vigorous promotion of Yunyin, Ye Cang's search for the big snake pill suddenly became a well-known secret in the entire ninja world's gold exchange house and black market.

Similarly, this news quickly reached the ears of the big snake pill.

After all, the big snake pill has not yet started the Oto-Ninja Village, and many laboratories need equipment that needs to rely on these people to help.

Therefore, even if no one can see his transformation technique, he can still detect that there is a problem through the information he purchased.

So the big snake pill naturally got the news.

"Ye Cang." The big snake pill sat in the laboratory without saying a word, quietly thinking in his heart whether to agree to Ye Cang's invitation.

"What's wrong, why have you been sitting here since you came back today." Bai Jue suddenly appeared from under the ground, he had been with the big snake pill for a few days, and it was the first time he had seen the big snake pill like this.

The moment he saw Bai Jue, the back of the big snake pill seemed to split a bolt of lightning.

Yes, when Hei Jue came to the door, didn't he say that he would provide himself with information, so simply use this matter to try them.

So Orochimaru and Bai Jue recounted what happened in the exchange of gold, and asked them to help investigate Ye Cang.

Ye Cang, as a member of the Xiao Organization, of course Bai Jue knows her intelligence, but Bai Jue is stupid, this kind of information does not have Hei Jue's approval, he will definitely not talk nonsense.

Bai Jue nodded, accepted the request of the big snake pill, and then quickly integrated into the ground to deliver information to the other Bai Jue nearby.

"Ye Cang?" A few hours later, Hei Jue received the request of the Great Snake Pill through Bai Jue's powerful intelligence network.

"Where can the big snake pill pay what price?" Kuro asked.

Bai Jue: "He said that he could provide some of the poison we need first."

Hei Jue thought for a while, and quickly made a decision: "You can tell him to guide him in the direction of the Xiao Organization, and it's time for us to go back to the Xiao Organization." "


Recently, the atmosphere in Konoha has become a little impetuous, and after the front-line troops return with the captured Yun Shinobu, those who have a vendetta against Yun Shinobu can't help but want to go to those guys to take revenge.

As a result, the nearest security department has also become extremely busy, and almost every day I can catch a few guys who are probing their brains near the prison.

However, this time, the Ministry of Security did not punish them as harshly as before, resulting in their poor reputation.

This is not because the Ministry of Security suddenly changed its nature, nor because the Bofeng Shui gate pipe is good, purely because there are too many people, and there is no place to put it in prison.

Those Yunyin captives accounted for a large part of the prison's share, and then coupled with those recently, whether it was the Guard Department or the Dark Prison after merging with the roots, it was almost full.

And the heavy hand was strictly banned by Bofeng Shuimen and Fuyue, so in desperation, it could only become a verbal warning.

It's really excessive, and at most it is a warning of this level of damage from the Millennium Kill.

In addition to the matter of captivity, a major event is about to happen to the Uchiha clan recently.

Not long after Shuishui returned, Ning Tai took the initiative to come to the door and offer to discuss with him, and Shuishui readily agreed after knowing that Ning Tai opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Then Uchiha Taki, who was originally waiting comfortably at home for Ye Cang and them to come to the door, became connected to the water stop, Ning Tai, Fugaku found the door.

They hoped that Uchiha Taki would also be on the scene that day, so that in case of water stop or Ning Tai was injured, they could get the most timely treatment.

Originally, Uchiha Taki didn't want to mix this kind of thing, he wanted to push it, and then directly let the miracle be seen next to your avatar.

But he thought that his own people should not casually agree to outsiders coming in to watch the kaleidoscope level battle, but without medical ninjas, Uchiha's high-level is not at ease, and there will only be more people coming over at that time.

So in order to avoid more people above, Uchiha Taki could only agree.

However, outsiders are not welcome, but when it really came to the day of the duel, Wave Feng Shuimen and Jiu Shinna still came here with Naruto.

After all, if Ning Tai and Shisui really hit each other, then unless Fugaku or Uchiha Taki were willing to expose themselves, then no one from the Uchiha clan could stop them.

Moreover, Bofeng Shuimen has already "negotiated" with Ning Tai, and has also experienced his kaleidoscope, so there is no need to hide it.

Seeing the arrival of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, Ning Tai respectfully went up and bowed to say hello, and then returned to the duel venue prepared by the Uchiha clan.

"Does that kid have a lot of respect for you, what did you do last time you duel him?" Jiu Xinnai whispered in Bofeng Shuimen's ear.

Bofeng Shuimen replied with a smile: "I didn't do anything, maybe because I'm a Hokage."

"I don't believe it, I heard that guy is crazy about other people."

At this time, Fugaku came over and said to the two: "The two of them are ready, they are going to trouble you."

"Well, it's just a fight between two children, and Mikoto helped me take care of Naruto for so long." Jiu Xinnai waved his hand and said without care.

Then he handed Naruto in his arms to Wave Wind, formed four shadow doppelgangers to go in four directions, cast four purple flame arrays, and said, "You can start, just use your full strength." "

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