The big snake pill was a little curious, not knowing why Hei Jue suddenly mentioned those things.

But this is also the method that Hei Jue came up with after a period of thinking.

Orochimaru is different from Obito, although his pursuit has changed because of the death of his parents and Rope Tree, but after so many years, he is almost relieved now, and now he only pursues eternal life.

So if you want him to engage in some infinite moon reading plan to bless the peace of the ninja world, it will definitely be impossible.

Moreover, the big snake pill is not controlled by the spell mark like Obito, and the mayfly technique in front of him can only protect itself at most, and there is no way to control or restrict the big snake pill.

Therefore, Kuro can only use this information to guide the Great Snake Pill and let him advance Nagato's plan.

However, Hei Jue did not explain to the big snake pill, mainly because he really did not know the pursuit of the big snake pill, and could only hang the big snake pill with these things that seemed very tempting to him.

"If I say it casually, you must think that I will lie to you, so I think it is better to let you witness it yourself."

"Oh, so what are you going to show me is the eye of reincarnation, or the tailed beast above the nine tailed beasts?"

"Go to the Land of Rain, where you will get answers, not even the power of eternal life is beyond reach." Hei Jue casually drew a flatbread.

But he didn't find that when he talked about immortality, the eyes of the big snake pill were obviously much brighter.

"The Land of Rain, Hanzo's territory?" Orochimaru muttered.

"That's right, I just don't know if Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, has the guts to pass."

"Don't provoke me here, if there is indeed something you said, then I will definitely go, but I still don't know what you need." The Great Snake Pill did not have the obvious agitation method of Zhonghei.

"Well... When I need you in the future, I will tell you, now you only need to prepare a large amount of poison, in exchange, I can provide you with the power of Mu Duan. "

Mu Duan!?"

The big snake pill was a little curious, when he saw that Hei Bai could use Mu Duan's power so skillfully, he knew that the other party's research on Mu Dun was definitely much stronger than himself, but he didn't expect that the other party could actually give Mu Duan's power at will.

However, the big snake pill did not immediately agree to come down, if he used the wooden escape they provided, maybe he would put some trap inside.

"Just provide Mu Dun's power, I will be very satisfied if you give me a little information about your development of Mu Duan, I don't think a little poison can compare to Mu Duan."

Hei Jue secretly scolded a difficult sentence, but did not force it, just left a white absolute.

And instructed Orochimaru: "This is the guy in charge of liaison, if you kill him, then your position at every moment will be sent to the Five Kages."

"Of course I won't do that, I'm still looking forward to the tailed beast above the tailed beast you said." The big snake pill looked very sincere.

But this is indeed true, because the fundamental purpose of his action against black and white is to fancy their Mu Duan.

As a result, now that Mu Dun can be given by them at will, then there is no need for the big snake pill to do it until there is a greater temptation.

"Then, I will retreat, and when you prepare the poison, contact me through Bai Jue." Hei Jue's body slowly disappeared into the cave wall with his words.

"So that thing is called Bai Jue." The big snake pill looked at the stupid Bai Jue in front of him, and wondered if he could take it as a target for immortal rebirth.

After leaving the base of the Great Snake Pill, Hei Jue still did not go to Nagato and them, but went to awaken more Bai Jue, and then asked them to search for the information of the Great Snake Pill and the information of the Uchiha clan.

That's right, Kuro still hasn't given up on the Uchiha family.

Compared to the mature and cautious big snake pill, the Uchiha family, who were all mentally ill, were obviously better controlled.

Even Kuro has not given up on Uchiha Taki or Uchiha Stop Water, he left Bai Jue when he fled before, and he also saved a mind, that is, to contact Uchiha Taki through Bai Jue.

It's just that because Uchiha Taki habitually solved Bai Jue with Mu Duan, he didn't get in touch.


"Where is this?" Obito woke up a little groggily from the illusion.

During the conversation between Kuro and Orochimaru, Uchiha Taki could be considered to have eaten the spell mark of Madara's improvement, so after solving the spell seal problem, he solved the illusion.

"How is my illusion, what's the difference between it and the infinite moon reading of your dreams." Uchiha Taki asked with a mask.

Uchiha Taki's words are undoubtedly pouring a basin of cool water on the Obito in the beautiful world created by the still intoxicated illusion, making him a stirring spirit, and then completely sobering up.

"It's really you! You are already an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, why do you want to rob my eyes? And where did you know about the infinite monthly reading thing?

"Are you qualified to ask me?" Facing the excited Obito, Uchiha Taki asked back coldly.

Although wearing a mask, Obito couldn't see what kind of expression Uchiha Taki had, but even so, he could clearly feel the disdain coming out of his tone.

"Since you don't kill me, and all my things have been snatched away by you, then you definitely need me to do something, as long as you tell me the method of resurrecting Lin, I will do it no matter what!"

"Is it? Will you do anything?

"That's right, as long as Rin can be resurrected!"

"Then tell me what is the difference between my illusion and the infinite moon reading of your dreams."


This can't be passed, is it!"

"In... During my time in the illusion, I didn't feel anything wrong. But since you know the infinite moon reading, you should know that this is a technique for facing the whole ninja world, and the duration is infinite, and the short-term illusion art is not a level at all, if I have the eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye, I will definitely be able to do it!

"So you don't feel the difference?"

“...... Be. Obito lowered his head and blushed in reply.

In the illusion world created by Uchiha Taki, he really lived happily, not only did he successfully resurrect Rin, but the two also said goodbye to their ninja identities and successfully became a couple.

At the wedding, all the school mates attended, including Kakashi, and when they sent his and Rin blessings together, Obito swore that this was the happiest time for him.

However, when he and the red-faced Lin discussed how many children they would have after the wedding, and were ready to implement it, the dream woke up.

"So, what are you sure this is for?" Obito replied and asked rhetorically.

It's just that when he looked up, there was no one around him, not only Uchiha Taki, but even the "Great Snake Pill" had also disappeared.

"Damn, damn it, you guy is just kidding me, damn it!" With a little annoyance in his anger, Obito picked up everything he could and smashed it towards where Uchiha Taki used to be.

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