Ning Tai, who had finished the discussion, was on the way back, thinking about how to deal with Obito.

Mainly because the stimulation given by this wave feng shui gate is too great.

So Ning Tai remembered his mind-reading Okabe and Uchiha's Susano.

He felt that if he could read minds and then predict the future to a certain extent, he would definitely not be so powerless in the face of Bofeng Shuimen.

Ning Tai's two eyes are indeed complementary to a certain extent, and Otsube reads minds to seize the opportunity, and he decides the victory or defeat in one fell swoop, at least in the case of Taijia, he will not be deceived by the shadow doppelganger.

And at this time, the wave wind water gate in the Hokage office was not as relaxed as he had shown before.

Although he quickly lifted the effect of Ning Tai's panic root, the boundless fear brought by the panic root still existed in his heart.

"Only one kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is so powerful, how powerful should the two eyes of the water stop." Speaking of this, Bofeng Shuimen's next words are also unspeakable.

Because whether it is Obito or "Orochimaru", at least one of them has gathered two kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, and it is also a space-time type, and both of them are Konoha's enemies.


"Last time, they were actually seen by Bai Jue, and they were really lucky."

On Uchiha Taki's side, he has now completed the torture of Obito, and under the powerful illusion of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Obito has almost shaken out all the embarrassments of his childhood.

"Are you going to kill him?" After the torture, the miracle is that you suddenly ask questions, this is the first time you have spoken since the last time you showed independent intelligence.

"How? Is he still useful? Uchiha Taki asked rhetorically.

Obito now wants no eyes, no intelligence, and Uchiha Taki can't think of any use in keeping him.

"I just think that now the Wave Feng Shui Gate is the Hokage, so if you control him, it will work in the future to some extent." Miracles are said to you.

After thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Taki decided to agree to Miracle Thanks' proposal, not because he had a point, but because his ability made Uchiha Taki willing to gamble.

However, he will not just let Obito leave casually, previously because of the urgency of time and did not have time to analyze Madara's improved spell seal, but now that Obito has been controlled, and there are still assets left by Madara, Uchiha Taki intends to return to Konoha after taking full control of Obito here.

And Uchiha Taki also informed Ye Cang again, asking her to investigate the traces of Kuro, in his opinion, after Kurojie lost Obito, the first person to look for should be Nagato.

However, Uchiha Taki guessed wrong this time, although Kuro went to find someone, but it was not Nagato who was looking for it, but Orochimaru.

In the cold and damp cave, there is a part of the building of human civilization that looks out of place, and this building is one of the underground bases that the big snake pill has just built.

He himself is here, inspecting the situation of the underground base.

Although he didn't have a hard time before, when he was chased by Jiraiya and Shinobu, he couldn't spare time to build a base, so he couldn't carry out his various experiments.

You must know that in the original work, when the Great Snake Pill defected, he had already preliminarily developed the immortal rebirth and the Heavenly Spell Seal.

But because of the butterfly effect brought by Uchiha Taki, he has not even planted a spell mark on the red bean now.

Suddenly, the big snake pill heard some movement behind him, and directly waved his right hand back, and the latent snake hand rushed behind him, and then he himself quickly turned around to observe the surroundings.

Then he saw thin rattans popping up on all sides of the cave trapping the snake.

"Mu Dun, coupled with your appearance and appearance style, you should be the one who framed the Uchiha Nintai brother in the first place." Orochimaru said affirmatively.

Hei Jue's side also replied in a very polite manner: "It is worthy of being one of the three Shinobi-sama, I didn't expect that my appearance so carefully could be discovered by you." Seeing

that Hei Jue's attitude didn't seem to be coming to trouble himself, the big snake pill also put away his posture: "So, did you come to me for something?"

"I'm here to negotiate a deal with you, a deal that will definitely make you a lot of money." Hei Jue said with a profiteer smile.

"Tell me about it." Orochimaru came interested.

"I know you need to do experiments recently, I can provide you with materials, experimental equipment, and intelligence support to help you evade the search of Konoha and Suna, how about it, it's not bad."

"Huh... Not bad indeed, but I feel like I can get more!

As the words of the big snake pill fell, a powerful wind gushed out from his mouth, cutting those rattans into pieces in an instant.

At the same time after releasing the ninjutsu, Orochimaru himself quickly elongated his neck, spit out a large brown snake from his mouth, and rushed towards the black and white.

However, Hei Jue had already been prepared, although he did not collect the key information of the Great Snake Pill's desire for immortality because of the rush of time.

However, he did not lack some of the big snake pill's style of action and attack methods, and it was naturally expected that the big snake pill would attack him.

Hei Jue, who had been guarded for a long time, quickly retracted into the dirt, and even if the big snake pill hit a big hole, he did not catch Hei Jue.

On the contrary, he himself was parasitized by the white spores, and then quickly sucked his chakra, and then expanded into a ball, restraining the big snake pill.

"I advise you that it is better not to do anything to me, since I can find you once, I can find you ten times, a hundred times, then you will have to face the endless pursuit of Konoha and Sand." Hei Jue emerged from the other cave wall and threatened the Great Snake Pill.

"Hehe, I just want to try how many pounds my partner has." The big snake pill was not embarrassed, and after solving the spores that trapped him, he explained it for himself.

Although it was only a short confrontation just now, the big snake pill already knew that the mobility of black and white was definitely a big trouble, and before he came up with a way to solve it, the big snake pill was still willing to have a good talk with black jue.

"So, what do you need me to do?" Orochimaru began to change the subject.

Hei never answered, but threw out three questions to ask rhetorically: "Before saying this, I want to ask you how much do you know about the Sharingan, how much do you know about the tailed beasts above the nine tailed beasts, and how much do you know about the Reincarnation Eye." "

The Great Snake Pill in this period has not yet begun to use the Heavenly Spell Seal and Immortal Rebirth, and his resistance to illusion is not as weak as it was solved by a look from the weasel in the later stage.

Therefore, although because of Tuan Zang, he is indeed the number one person in the world who knows the Sharingan, he does not have much interest in the Sharingan.

And the eye of reincarnation he had also seen at Nagato, although he was very interested, but obviously not as attractive as a existence like the ten tails that he had never heard of.

"A tailed beast above the nine tailed beasts? It's kind of interesting, let's hear it. "

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