"Go contact the Kiri Shinobu guys and see if they are willing to do it." The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai said to the earth platform, and there were many high-ranking people around Yunyin, it was obvious that he was moved by Konoha's current situation.

But after Tutai heard this, he did not act immediately, but persuaded: "I'm afraid that the current Wuyin strength is not enough."

"Don't they even have the ability to hold Jiu Xinnai back?" You go and tell them that you don't need them to hit Konoha anywhere, as long as you drag Jiu Shinnai, we can give them three percent of the benefits. "In order to make the fog conceal, Ai can be regarded as a bloody capital.

However, this also shows that Ai has great self-confidence, after all, the current Yunnin is the ninja village with the least loss of strength in the ninja world.

He believed that as long as someone helped drag Jiu Shinnai, and then he and Bi dragged the Wave Feng Shui Gate, the other Yunnin would definitely be able to defeat Konoha's gang.

"I'm afraid that Shuishui will not stay in Konoha obediently, unless it is a perfect human pillar force like that, otherwise the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye's suppression of the tailed beast is too strong." Another unknown high-level official of Yunyin also expressed his opinion.

"Hmph, will they go all out? With Konoha's habits, there will definitely be people to prevent other ninja villages from sneaking attacks. Ai dismissed his opinion.

Other ninja villages need to guard against three other ninja villages at most, but Konoha has to guard against four, and these four are from different directions, so they must leave people in Konoha Village to guard against sneak attacks.

"Then don't you want to, let's go and get in touch..." Yun Shinobu, who said this, saw that Ai's eyes were becoming more and more dangerous, so he hurriedly explained: "I'm talking about Sand Shinobu, Sand Shinobu!"

"Hmph!" Ai snorted disgruntledly to express his attitude, and then said nothing else.

In fact, everyone present understood that the best way was actually to contact Kiri Shinobu, but also to contact Iwa Shinobu to strike together.

But before Yan endured their wave, let alone Ai, even the others present were very dissatisfied with it, so no one raised this matter before.

Tsuchidai glanced at the guy who didn't have the ability to see, and he had already calculated in his heart where to send him later.

Then he opened his mouth to explain: "Forget about the Sandenobu gang, I heard that they have been burned by that Ye Cang, and now they should not be able to start a war with Konoha again."

At this time, another Yunnin echoed, "That's right, if we tell them about those guys, maybe they will sell us to Konoha the next day." After

a long discussion, in the end, Yun Shinobu decided to discuss with Kiri Shinobu first, and then make a decision, after all, without Mist Shinobu's help, they really couldn't gnaw the hard bone of Konoha.


"What do you think about Yun Shinobu's proposal?" In Yuanshi's room, Yuanshi asked to the gathered high-level Mist Shinobi.

And his room can be said to be full of talents, including Citrus Yakura who has just inherited the position of the fourth generation of Water Shadow, the future fifth generation of Water Shadow Shine Meiyu, the dried persimmon ghost mackerel who has not yet defected, and the ghost lamp full moon that is not yet dead.

Although Mist Yin was crippled by Mater Dai and crippled the seven people of the Ninja Knife, but now Obito does not have a kaleidoscope chakra eye, once they grow up normally, Mist Yin's high-level strength will become very strong.

And Yuan Shi came to them to cultivate the current and future high-level of Wuyin.

"They only said that we can drag Jiu Xinnai, but they didn't say what to do when Uchiha's kaleidoscope hit, if Jiu Xinnai added a kaleidoscope, the benefits we got might not be able to make up for our losses." The ghost lamp full moon was the first to speak.

As a descendant of the second generation of Water Shadow, he is now the first day of the Ghost Lantern family, and the cultivation he has received since childhood is the top.

So he can react faster than Citrus Yakura, who has just become a fourth-generation water shadow.

"Actually, if we really join forces with Yunnin, it's actually better for that kaleidoscope to come to our side than to go to Yunnin's side, but if you want to hold back Jiu Xinnai..." The guy who said this was Qing, the guy with a white eye.

Without knowing the ability of the water-stopping kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye, the white eye is indeed the best choice to deal with illusion.

In the original work, he saw with his white eyes that Citrus Yakura was controlled by Obito with illusion.

It's a pity that the illusion of stopping water is another god, and like Izanagi and Izanami, it belongs to the technique that can be used once, and does not need long-term control later.

His last words did not finish, but turned his gaze to Citrus Yakura, the meaning is also obvious, the human pillar force will be handed over to the human pillar force to deal with, even if the nine tails are stronger, then at most it will give you a watermelon mountain puffer ghost to help.

"I can give it a try!" Citrus Yakura did not object, he had just become a water shadow, he really needed a strong enough battle, as well as subsequent victories, to stabilize his position, at least the next meeting should go to him, not to Genshi here.

When both Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Jiu Xinnai were "restrained" or contained, Wuyin agreed to Yunyin's proposal for this alliance.

However, if the alliance is agreed, the relevant interests will definitely have to be fought for.

It was as if Wu Yin contained the words of Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Jiu Xinnai at the same time, it was completely impossible for Yun Yin to satisfy Wu Yin's appetite.

Especially the statement of several percent profits, whether it is more or less is completely decided by Yun Yin, even if Yun Yin agrees that they send people to monitor.

Although Yunyin is not famous for illusions, the ability to control a few mist ninja must be there, and it is impossible for them to send out the young who are immune to most illusions, and I am afraid that it will not be a sheep in the mouth of the tiger at that time.

"Let's talk to Yun Shinobu, if you want to cooperate, you can! But we have to get the benefits, and they need to pay some of it upfront before we start! Yuan Shi made a judgment and said to everyone.

"Yes." Citrus Yakura didn't object either, and he didn't come up with a better way to deal with it.

After the two people with the highest power in Mist Yin agreed, Mist Shinobu, who was in charge of this area, quickly found the Yunyin Mission and began to negotiate.

In this discussion, Terumi and Dry Persimmon Ghost Fish didn't talk much, and Yuan Shi called them over more to let them sit in and study.

However, after leaving Genji's room, Terumi began to inquire about Konoha and her contemporaries.

This discussion between them in the room and the arrival of the Yunyin mission did not hide black and white and bring soil.

"It seems that all the preparations we made have been in vain?" Bai Jue asked.

In order to sow discord between the Land of Water and the Land of Fire, many Haku Je absorbed the Chakra of Konoha ninja and turned into their appearance, and now without their hands, the two countries are ready to go to war? There is even a country of thunder added.

"It's not in vain, when they are ready to ceasefire, we will add fire to them!" Hei Jue did not feel disappointed, but was very excited.

For him, the muddier the water, the better, so that he can take advantage of the opportunity.

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