Early the next morning, the only remaining high-ranking people in Konoha, plus the dark department, had not rested, and had been dealing with Mitomenitis affairs.

After Konoha F4 caused public outrage, many radical people demanded that Hakafu Shuimen execute Konoha F4's clansmen, especially Mito Menyan.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Mito Menyan's crime is worse than the other three, but that the other people's clans are basically not involved in Konoha F4's evil deeds.

Even if there is, it is too long ago to become untraceable, at least Konoha F4 hides his clan very well after sitting down.

But Mito's clansmen and cronies helped him spread the rumors, and the cover for his escape had just happened, and the villagers could identify who spread the rumors without even having to go to the dark to find out.

However, their request was pressed back by Bofeng Shuimen, after all, he was not a group hide, which is why Mito Menyan dared to let his people spread rumors to cover his defection.

Because he knows that even if he defects, and even disgusts the wave feng shui gate fiercely before defecting, but for innocent people, the wave feng shui gate will not do it.

As Mito Menyan expected, Bofeng Shuimen has always adhered to its bottom line.

It's just that for those guys involved in this matter, he didn't let any of them go, and they all left it to the mountain clan to read the memory.

So it wasn't until now early in the morning that the Wave Feng Shui Gate and the Dark Department were initially integrated.

"Now it's time to hunt down Mito Menyan, do you have any plans for Watergate?" Nara Shikahisa asked as he shook his somewhat sore hand.

"First ask Jiraiya-sensei and Tsunade-sama if they want to come back, and then wait for them to answer before making plans, now let's take the assets left by the roots." Bofeng Shuimen thought for a moment and replied.

Originally, he considered whether to send Sui and Kakashi to hunt down Mito Menyan.

After all, in the case that it's not convenient for himself, Jiu Shinnai, and Fugaku to move, only Shisui has the strength to bring Mito Menyan back.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he gave up this plan, and now the news of the death of the three generations has been spread by Mito Menyan, who had killed so many people by "Obito" and the Nine Tails before.

Konoha's masters need to be gathered together to prevent attacks from other Shinobi villages.

As they spoke, Fugaku jumped down from the roof and landed next to them.

"How, how many people have you caught?" Bofeng Shuimen asked.

Fugaku: "It's okay, I caught five, but that's certainly not all." "

They are talking about capturing a few people, not those Mito Menyan's men, but other ninja village spies who intend to pass on Konoha's information.

Every time something big happens in Konoha, it's a good time to catch a spy. And those spies, even if they know that it is dangerous to transmit news during this time, they have to take risks to pass it on, because outdated intelligence basically has little meaning.

"But the people of the Yamanaka family should be busy now, so let's bring them to the rest of the torture department first." Nara Shikahisa suggested to the two.

Bofeng Shuimen did not object, and when Fuyue saw this, he immediately went back to deal with the spies he caught.

However, the capture of these spies can only be suppressed for a while, and the escaped Mito Menyan will definitely spread all kinds of news about Konoha, and for him, only the more chaotic Konoha, the safer he is.

Several people in the upper echelons of Konoha are also well aware of this, and in addition to making the news spread later, they capture spies and get intelligence from these spies first.

For example, if you get the way they transmit information, you can send fake news to other ninja villages, and then your own side is sending a few different fake messages out, and when all kinds of miscellaneous news are mixed together, you can hide people's ears.


The matter of Mito Menyan came to an end for the time being, and after knowing that it was indeed when he awakened the eternal kaleidoscope that caused the Sarutobi clan to be cursed, Uchiha Taki's heart also relaxed a little.

But that still doesn't change your determination to strengthen your belief that miracles are in your hands.

So as is customary, he left a shadow doppelganger in the village, and then got up and rushed to the Land of Water.

There are many intercolumnar cells (white corpses) Uchiha Taki, but he does not want to continue transplanting into his body now.

After all, he will definitely be promoted to the eye of reincarnation after that, and I am afraid that he will not be able to suppress it when the time comes, unless he replaces half or even more of his body with white absolutes like Obito.

It's just that this is really difficult for Uchiha Taki to accept, especially now that the miracle is that you are barely under control.

So he suddenly planned to find the descendants of other Otsuki, not the Hyuga family, but a line that represented Yang Dun.

Although it is not specifically indicated in the original work, there are actually many descendants of Kaguya Otsuki in the ninja world.

For example, the golden horn and silver horn brothers of Yunying not only have horns on their heads, but also the ninja tools of the legendary Six Dao Immortals.

There is also the Taketori clan that Uchiha Taki is now going to find, that is, the people of the Kaguya clan, and their corpse veins are too similar to Kaguya's common killing bones.

And the person's name is Kaguya, if it has nothing to do with Kaguya Otsuki, Uchiha Taki will be upside down... Forget it, still don't stand the flag.

Therefore, Uchiha Taki's first choice is the people of the Kaguya clan, who let them now be the easiest group to get hands on, and a large family of people live in the village of Mist.

Look at the golden horn and silver horn in Yunyin next door, where is their last body, and whether there are descendants, Uchiha Taki does not know the slightest.


The two events of Mito Monyan's defection and the death of the third generation spread throughout the ninja world faster than Wave Feng Mizumon and Nara Shikaku thought.

Because Mito Menyan, who was afraid of the wave of wind and water gate, sent all his diehard loyalists to spread these news everywhere.

Although Konoha's movements were fast, Wave Feng Shuimon even used the Flying Thunder God Technique to personally dispatch and capture Mito Menyan along the source of the news spread.

But in the end, he only caught his diehard loyalists, and Mito managed to escape.

However, the other Shinobi villages did not immediately send troops to exert pressure on Konoha as Mito Menyan thought.

The reason is also very simple, because some time ago, during the night of the Nine Tails, the performance of stopping water was spread out like the opening of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Although Konoha F4 died and fled, the hard power at the top of Konoha was actually not much worse than before.

Konoha F4 has been cowering in Konoha Village, so Danzo occasionally goes out, or deals with small characters. (a small role in the perspective of Danzo and Hanzo) and

Shisui opened his eyes in advance because of the influence of Uchiha Taki, which has made up for the loss of top-level combat power to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that the two battlefield super killers of Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai are alive and well, which is enough for others to dare not start a war easily.

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