The death of the three generations, in addition to the Yunwu family, other ninja villages are also very concerned about it.

However, this has to be taken aside by Shinobu, because they really have no idea about Konoha right now.

He was crushed by Konoha during the three battles, and then he was severely attacked by Uchiha Taki and Hakura, and it can be said that they are now the weakest in the five ninja villages, both at the top and in general.

Don't forget that at that time, Fenfuku was planted with a spell seal, and Uchiha Taki's spell mark came either from Uchiha or from the root, all of which were Konoha's.

Chiyo didn't eat dry food, and although Uchiha Taki had erased all the spell seals, so that they couldn't recognize any spell marks specifically, it was still no problem to tell the one from that ninja village.

Even so, they still chose to suppress this matter, did not announce it to the public, but only strengthened their internal investigation.

Of course, this may also be due to the fact that Orochimaru went to Sand Shinobu in the back and drew their attention away, but anyway, Sand Shinobu at this time could no longer afford the war.

But Yanyin next door is different, they are interested in this matter.

In fact, many people regard them as militants because of their impression of appearance and Lei Ying's combat style that is good at close combat. But compared to Yun Shinobu and Yan Shinobu, it is really not a belligerence.

At most, Yunyin has a feud with Iwa Shinobu Konoha, and although there is friction with Mist Yin and Sand Yin, it definitely does not rise to the level of village hatred.

Iwa Shinobu is different, when the second-generation Tokage Wu crossed the entire ninja world and ran to assassinate the second-generation Water Shadow, and forcefully beat the misty hidden who had no hatred into a feud.

The relationship with Yunyin is the same, originally everyone dealt with Konoha together and fought well, but suddenly Iwa Shinobu was like a disease, and sent a large army to attack the three generations of Thunder Shadow, which gave Konoha more respite.

Not to mention the relationship with Konoha and Suna, Iwain and these two are geographically close, and the most important thing is friction and war.

Ren Konoha and the four ninja villages fight, that is all passively beaten, and then fight back.

Iwa Shinobu is good, except for a sand hidden that is not explicitly described (but hinted at) in the original work, all of them are actively beaten over.

Therefore, judging from the actual results, Yanyin is far more belligerent than Yunyin. It's just that the image of the Dwarf of Onoki, as well as the appearance of the loess, and the shadow of the legs give the impression that Ai is not warlike.

"Lord Tsuchikage, we have already been notified, if Yunyin or Mist Yin and Konoha go to war, we will know as soon as possible." Loess stood under the stage and reported to Onoki.

"It's not enough, step up! I don't want general news like starting a war, I want who Konoha sends to the front, and we Iwain will know immediately!" "



On the other hand, Uchiha Taki had already obtained a large amount of blood from the Taketori clan without attracting the attention of anyone else, including Junmaro, and a part of his parents' flesh and blood.

This is thanks to the fact that the entire Taketori clan is a battle freak, and everyone has to fight (cut) every day, so a little more blood, or one or two pieces of meat missing, is normal for them.

However, this time he did not transplant himself immediately like when he got the intercolumn cells.

There are many reasons, first of all, he cannot be 100% sure that the Taketori family is a descendant of Otsuki, even if this probability is 99%.

Secondly, Junmaru's blood inheritance disease is too terrible, even the big snake pill can't solve it, and there is no guarantee that other people of the Taketori clan will not trigger the blood succession disease.

There are a bunch of other miscellaneous reasons that I won't go into detail, in short, Uchiha Taki is now ready to go to Orochimaru to clone the technology, first make a clone, and then observe what the situation is.

So he used psychic magic to summon a ninja crow and took out a scroll: "Give this to Ye Cang."

"Got it." The ninja replied, then picked up the scroll and disappeared into white smoke.

The things recorded in it are very simple, that is, let her guide the Xiao Organization to find the big snake pill, and then send the location of the big snake pill back to Uchiha Taki.

Compared to looking for it like a headless fly, it would be better to leave this kind of thing to a professional person, anyway, the big snake pill will join the Xiao organization sooner or later, Ye Cang's induction is just to advance the result.

As for Ye Cang's joining the Xiao Organization, it has almost been a quarter, earlier than the time when Chisha Scorpion and Jiaodu joined the Xiao Organization.

However, it can also be understood who let this guy's hatred of Sunahide and Luo Sha is obvious to the entire ninja world.

Other traitors will run away when they run, and the more powerful ones will kill their own shadows and run away.

And she is different, after using Ichigo to fight back once in Sand Hidden Village, although she has been silent for a while, she still attacks Shinobu from time to time.

There was even a time when she went to attack the elder Chiyo Mother-in-law of Sand Shinobi Village!

Although it did not succeed, in this case, more than 99% of people would not consider her to be an internal traitor.

Among them were Nagato, Konan, and Kurojue, so she became the number one invitation of the Xiao Organization.

After several negotiations and tentative battles, Ye Cang successfully joined the Xiao Organization.

As the first person to join the re-established Xiao Organization, she naturally got a little privilege.

For example, without affecting the organization's mission, she is free to attack the people of the Shinobi Village, and if conditions permit, the people of the organization will send someone to help her.

Just like when Jiao was able to kill his teammates at will, and was in charge of the entire Xiao organization's economy.

Although some of them are indeed suitable for management, as one of the first members to join, he still enjoys certain privileges.

After passing the news to Hakura, Uchiha Taki hesitated to stay in Mist and return to Konoha, and finally chose to return to Konoha.

Although staying in Kirihide had the opportunity to get more cells from the Taketori clan, and even get the complete corpse,

Uchiha Taki decided to return to Konoha because he suddenly remembered the spell mark left in the hearts of those rich people after the previous mission.

Then Uchiha Takizawa realized that it was time to find them to harvest a wave.

After getting the money from them and getting the technology from the big snake pill, you can start preparing the laboratory and start experimenting.

Even the laboratory can be handed over to them to arrange, and then let them take cover.

As a high-level of the Fire Nation, although their combat power is not good, they are still very powerful in this kind of twisted thing.

And after adding a few more spell seals to them, there is no need to worry that they will betray their intelligence. For this reason, Uchiha Taki chose to go back.

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