"But what does this have to do with three generations of adults?" In the crowd, a sharp voice asked.

Bo Feng Shuimen waved his hand and signaled the others to be quiet: "The three generations of Hokage that you are concerned about, Ape Flying Sun has indeed killed him!" As

soon as this heavy news came out, it was like pouring a bowl of cold water into a hot oil pot, which made the Konoha villagers below explode in an instant.

"Three generations dead? How is this possible! It was the exclamation of Konoha's old man, who had been a ninja since the third generation had just become Hokage.

In his opinion, this ninja, who has been cowering in Konoha Village since the beginning of the Second Ninja World War, should be one of the most difficult people to kill in the entire Ninja World.

If it weren't for the outbreak of the Nine Tails in Konoha Village this time, he would have almost forgotten what it was like when the three generations fought.

"It won't be that Uchiha with soil, right?" This is a question from a ninja who survived the night of the Nine Tails.

The Nine Tails, who had been manipulated by Obito, impressed him deeply, and he was also very afraid of Obito's legendary time-space pupil technique.

Therefore, in his opinion, the ninja world has the ability and motivation to kill the three generations of guys who nest in the village, only the one who came and went without a trace.

There are all kinds of other random speculations, and even some people really suspect that Bofeng Shuimen killed three generations.

This guy is one of the diehard loyalists cultivated by the three generations, although the strength is not good, he does not follow the side of the three generations, but he is definitely in the forefront in terms of loyalty.

Bofeng Shuimen once again suppressed the noisy villagers' discussion, focusing their attention.

At this time, Nara Shikakuya cooperated with Sarutobi Yanagi and the doctor who was in charge of delivering the baby. In addition, he also put the corpse of the ape flying sun beheaded aside for later.

But in addition to these, he also prepared a bombshell news that he planned to release later.

Soon, these preparations of his came in handy.

After all, it is too strange for a person to turn into stone. (Myoki Mountain:?)

At the beginning, the three generations after petrification still failed to suppress the field, and in the eyes of many people, this was a prop in disguise.

Until Nara Shikaku lay in Watergate's ear and said his final preparations, and after getting Watergate's approval, he pulled out the king explosion he had prepared.

That is a clan member of the Ape Flying clan who was re-cursed after the death of Ape Flying Sun.

This is an unexpected harvest that Nara Shikahisa discovered when he helped the Bofeng Shuimon prepare various preparations.

When he saw this guy whose body had turned into stone, he directly exclaimed: "This wave is stable!" "

If it weren't for the fact that Bofeng Shuimen had already predicted the black material at the root in advance, then there was no need to expose the black material to prove that those spread by Mito Gate were all rumors.

However, he is not so opposed to exposing the black material from the roots now.

Because Konoha F4 died three times, the other one has obviously become a rebel and has become a feud with Bofeng Shuimen, so that these contents are sent, then it will not have much impact on Watergate.

And he knows very well that Bofeng Shuimen will absolutely ban the root of this organization.

In order to be said that after the death of the three generations and others, Bofeng Shuimen couldn't wait to seize the power and eat ugly. There is also a need to publicize the dirty affairs of this Bogen.

However, he himself knows very well that Bofeng Shuimen seems to combine the two departments together to double the power, but in fact, the current dark part and the root part together can be compared with the previous dark part.

As mentioned before, after being killed by Nagato, Uchiha Taki and Orochimaru at the root, they had actually fallen into a very serious shortage of manpower.

And when the third generation turned to be the head of the root department, he directly hollowed out most of the dark part.

Even if Bofeng Shuimen recruited new members of the Dark Department after taking office, it was not comparable to before.

In addition, when Uchiha Taki was eye-catching before, he killed more than ninety percent of the masters of the new root of the three generations.

In fact, the current root dark part merger, in terms of masters, is not as good as the previous dark part.

However, the intelligence departments of the two companies together will be much stronger than the previous root and dark department.

Therefore, even if Nara Shikaku looks at it from the perspective of the leader of the Inuga Butterfly, there is no need to worry about Konoha becoming a word of the wave feng shui gate, not to mention that the wave feng shui gate is not that kind of person.

The situation at the scene was also as expected by Nara Shikahisa, and when the petrified ape flying tribe appeared, all doubts suddenly stopped.

Even very hard-mouthed people, when they touched the petrified parts, they also closed their mouths.

So they changed the topic and began to regret the ape flying sun, and a few people were still comforting the semi-petrified ape flying tribesman.

However, there are still some people who do not care much about the death of the three generations and the ape flying people, they are more concerned about Mito Menyan, why they suddenly defected, and poured dirty water on the Bofeng Shuimen.

When they asked this question, Bofeng Shuimen did not answer immediately, but beckoned the dark part who had been waiting for a long time to come over.

"Didn't everyone wonder why I suddenly mentioned the White Fang-sama and the first adult's Mu Duan, now I'll tell you why Mito Menyan defected!" In the end, Bofeng Shuimen also showed his anger in front of everyone.

There were a lot of black materials in the roots, and the Wave Feng Shui Gate did not publish them all, but only picked out some things that only involved the inside of Konoha and had nothing to do with other Shinobi villages.

But even so, it still took him a long time.

When Wave Feng Shui Men came to the Hokage Building, it was just after noon, but by the time he finished talking about the roots and Konoha F4, only moonlight was left in the sky.

However, the hearts of the villagers of Konoha did not darken with the sun, but everyone lit a big fire.

Especially when he knew the truth about the cause of White Fang's death, saw Yamato Shimu Duan, and learned the source of his Mu Duan.

Fugaku on the side saw Kakashi's appearance, and his eyelids twitched, he was afraid that if he didn't pay attention, Kakashi would be able to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye again.

Of course, this is only an exaggeration, but it is enough to show the mood of everyone present.

Even if they are not like Kakashi who are the sons of the White Fang, there are many people who have received the blessing of the White Fang.

Even if there is no White Fang, Mu Duan's use of many living people for human experimentation can still arouse the anger of everyone.

It is true that after experiencing the first and second major wars in the ninja world respectively, the three generations and others felt great pressure to restore the glory of the first generation, so it was normal to conduct such a thing as the Mudu experiment.

Switching to someone else's position in the third generation may not be able to resist the temptation not to do experiments.

However, it was a person who did not want to be caught inexplicably for experiments that day, especially those at the bottom of Konoha, who were particularly angry about this matter.

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