"If you are talking about Kuro (codename), he is already dead, and it is because someone found his body that it is certain that Elder Mitomon defected." The dark part that broke in replied.

Nara Shikaku sighed with a face after hearing this: "Alas, it's still a step late, it's me who can't stop him." When

he said one step late, he meant that he had just learned about the dirty things in the roots, and if he had known that Konoha F4 was so frustrated, he would not have sent only one dark department to follow.

Although he had a little guess about the darkness of Konoha before, he was more inclined to Danzo's side, but he didn't expect that Mito Menyan would also attack his companions.

Due to the lack of intelligence, he had a miscalculation, which led to the death of the dark part.

Bo Feng Shuimen asked, "Do you have anything else to report?" If not, Shikahisa, you are responsible for handling these things, and I will go after Mito Menyan!"

"And, Naruto-sama! Elder Mito Monyan had his men hype the fact that the three generations were dead before defecting, and now the ninjas outside are gathered at the Naruto building, hoping you can give them an answer, and..."

Nara Shikaku was a little dissatisfied, this guy was still grinding at this time.

"And Mito Menyan also spread rumors that Naruto-sama assassinated three generations, so he had to leave Konoha temporarily, and also said that the entire dark department was an accomplice!"

"What? Are you kidding! "For the first time, Hakafeng Shuimon was disgusted by Konoha's companion, or former companion.

"I'm afraid it's more than that." Nara Lujiu said coldly.

"Yes." The dark ninja nodded: "Not only that, there is also a rumor that the night of the Nine Tails was arranged by Naruto-sama, the Nine Tails were not controlled at all, and Obito was also you who helped him fake his death in advance..."

The more the Dark Ninja spoke, the quieter his voice became, because he put himself in his shoes and thought that if he was in the position of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, I am afraid he would have been angry.

"Does anyone believe this?" Bofeng Shuimen asked incredulously.

"Not everyone has enough rationality and judgment, Watergate." Nara Shikahisa reminded, "Don't forget Jiu Shinnai.

"Did you say?" Bofeng Shuimen also reacted immediately.

Normally, this kind of rumor can be discerned by a ninja, because the night of the Nine Tails is not good for the Wave Feng Shuimen.

And that night the Nine Tails was vented at will, if it was arranged by Bofeng Shuimen, then why not focus on the output of the three generations?

What's more, this rumor also says that Obito was arranged by Bofeng Shuimen, if the Nine Tails cooperates with Obito, the three generations have long died and can no longer die, how can they live through the night of the Nine Tails.

But as Nara Shikahisa said, not everyone has brains, especially guys with family members who died on the night of the Nine Tails.

The main thing is that Jiu Xinnai is still alive and well!

For those who had some understanding of the tailed beast, but did not know about the Uzumaki clan, the Nine Tails left the body, how could that person still be alive and jumping like now.

"The matter of the Nine Tails is easy to solve, so many people were there that day, not all of them will be fools, but the death of three generations..." Nara Shikaku scratched his scalp with a little headache, this matter is indeed troublesome.

Then he sighed again: "It seems that you can't go after Mito Menyan." "

If it's just the matter of the death of three generations, although Nara Shikaku alone really can't handle it, but Wave Feng Shuimon can handle this matter with Nara Shikaku as long as he leaves a shadow doppelganger in Konoha.

But if he is caught assassinating three generations and planning the night of the Nine Tails, although it is simple to handle, he will not be able to leave Konoha for a while, and these things must be sat with all his strength, and he can't send a shadow doppelganger to hunt him down.

"Let's get all these things out there."

Wave Feng Mizumon shook his head, he originally wanted to give Konoha F4 the last trace of decency, but since Mito Menyan did such a great job, then he didn't need to be merciful.

"Got it, give me a moment, I want to think about how to deal with it, you go and pacify the villagers first." Nara Shikahisa also had no intention of opposing at this time.

What if there's a particularly breaking news story that you don't want others to pay too much attention to? It's simple, just press it with more explosive news.


In the Hokage Building, a group of people are bustling here, and the Uchiha clan is trying to maintain order, but their thoughts have also drifted to other places.

After they were guarded by the three generations some time ago, the vast majority of people were full of resentment towards the three generations, and after learning of the death of the three generations, they were almost applauding.

But if there is a grudge and there is a grudge, eating melons still has to be eaten, after all, they are also very curious about how the three generations died.

Although they did not get together with the villagers to discuss it, when they maintained order, almost everyone pricked up their ears to listen to the news that came out of the villagers' mouths.


This is the sound of Ku Wu sticking into the wall panel, and it stands to reason that this tiny sound should quickly be drowned out in the noise of the crowd.

But this time it was the opposite, and after hearing this voice, the noisy crowd quieted down for a moment.

Because the source of this sound is the ceiling of the Hokage Building, that is, this is the Sword of Shinobi of the Wave Feng Shui Gate!

People looked up, and sure enough!

The Wave Feng Shui Gate had already come to the ceiling of the Konoha Building, looking down on everyone.

"Lord Watergate!"


Various appellations spit out of the mouths of the crowd.

"Rest easy, everyone, I've learned what's going on. Next, I will solve everyone's confusion one by one, so first of all, from the most outrageous rumors, I guided the night of the Nine Tails to start talking about..."...

In the next ten minutes, Bofeng Shuimen used the most simple words to cooperate with dozens of parties that day, explaining to those villagers why he could not be the murderer who guided the night of the Nine Tails.

"Then Naruto-sama, is the third generation really dead?"

After understanding that the Wave Feng Shui Gate guiding the night of the Nine Tails was a rumor, many people thought that the other news was also a rumor.

Hakaze Shuimon didn't answer right away, but looked left and right and looked away until he saw Nara Shikaku gesture to him to be okay.

"Before answering this question, I want to ask you first, how many of you still remember Lord White Fang, and Mu Duan, the original adult?"

Although everyone didn't understand why Bofeng Shuimen suddenly asked this question, they still answered him very face-savingly.

"Lord White Fang, that must be known."

"Mu Dun is the strongest blood successor in the legend."

“...... "

White Fang, as the main hero of the Second Ninja World War, even if he committed suicide, his prestige in Konoha is still very high.

After all, the war had just ended, not Naruto's era when they hadn't experienced war for a long time.

And Mu Dun is not to mention, although a long time has passed, but as a technique that originally rewrote the ninja world, it can still make other ninja villages shake when taken out now.

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