After leaving the three generations, Wave Feng Shuimon returned to his Hokage office to start working.

Not long after he returned, two bombshell news came to his office.

Both of these messages are related to Uchiha Taki, and one of them is the previously mentioned report of the movements caused by Uchiha Taki in the south.

The other news came sooner than this, but it was also related to Uchiha Taki, who threw Gotake, who had lost his eye, back to his home.

Such a useful guy, Uchiha Taki is not willing to kill casually, maybe there will be a time to use their brother in the future.

Although Uchiha Taki is faster than Konoha's message transmission, because of Take's disappearance some time ago, there is no one in his family.

It wasn't until Ning Tai came back from training that he found that his brother, who had been thinking about him for a long time, was lying on the entrance.

Although he was very dissatisfied with the attitude shown by the high-level of Konoha, including the high-level of the Uchiha clan, he informed them as soon as he confirmed that his brother's life was not in danger.

He knew very well that without their help, he would have no way to take revenge now, at least until he opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

However, this caused Uchiha Taki, who had just returned home, to be shouted out by other clansmen before his butt was hot.

Because the Uchiha family is such a doctor as him, he is still the kind with very good professional ability, so he was immediately pulled to check the body for Gangwu.

When the Uchiha clan who came to the door first expressed their intentions, Uchiha Taki was actually confused.

Looking for a murderer to be a medical examiner? I really have yours!

It wasn't until the clan repeated it again that Uchiha Taki came back to his senses, "Oh... Oh, you wait a minute, I'll come when I'm ready.

In less than a minute, Uchiha Taki "cleaned up", went to Gangwu's house, and began to pretend to check it out.

"Taki, how's it going?" Seeing Uchiha Taki put away his tools, Ning Tai hurriedly asked.

"It's okay, it's just that I've been hungry for a long time and need to supplement nutrition right away, and the rest are two eyes gouged." Uchiha Taki did not hide it, and said it in one fifty-one-ten.

There is no point in hiding this kind of thing, and there will definitely be others to re-check it later.

Moreover, there is no need to hide it now, Uchiha Taki hid it before in order to prevent a miracle from your passivity to massacre in Konoha.

But since he transplanted the intercolumnar cells, he could completely control these bad lucks, so there was not much need to hide it, until another news that shook the ninja world came a few days later....

Not long after he finished his examination, Wave Feng Shuimon came with a few medical ninjas, not because he didn't trust Uchiha Taki, but because he was afraid that he would miss any information during an examination for the sake of safety.

"Doesn't he have kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, why do he still have Gangwu's eyes?" After the other medical ninjas had the same results, Bofeng Shuimen asked puzzled.

When he asked this, Uchiha Taki and the other medical ninjas had already left here, and Ning Tai could not participate in these high-level discussions unless he belonged to the family members of the parties.

Even if Bofeng Shuimen himself does not care about these, it is still limited by the times after all.

However, his question really asked Fugaku, and he couldn't directly expose Izanagi, Uchiha's hole card.

So he pushed back: "I don't know this for the time being, wait until I go back to check the information."

For Fugaku's words, Bofeng Shuimen did not doubt that he had him, but he was happy with this operation of "Obito".

In his opinion, this time to send back to Gowu, and the last time to send back Kakashi, all show that "Obito" is still saved, and has not been completely blackened.

On the other side, in the dormitory of the dark part, Kakashi was packing his bags and preparing to leave for the south of Konoha, he still held a scroll in his hand.

There is a large amount of the Sword of Shinobi of the Wave Feng Shui Gate stored in it, and Kakashi will set up teleportation points along the road to facilitate the timely support of the Wave Feng Shui Gate at that time.

According to the reports submitted by the border guards, it is clear that Kakashi can deal with it.

Therefore, the Wave Feng Shui Gate naturally will not let Kakashi and the other dark investigation points end the results, once Kakashi and the others find out the information, or when they encounter danger, they can save them in this way.

This is also an improvement made after the Wave Feng Shui Gate was taunted by Obito for being late every time, and he is still working on new development of the Flying Thunder God.

It's just that the Obito he wants to target has long been solved by Uchiha Taki.

Since Gomotake was sent back, Konoha's high-level has not done anything except to recall the group of people who searched Gotake, and then have a meeting to discuss the logic of Obito's behavior.

But for Ning Tai, the gouging of his brother's eyes was definitely something that made him feel extremely humiliated and angry.

When Uchiha Taki went over to "check" Gangwu, he found that this kid had come to the edge of opening the kaleidoscope chakra eye again, just give him another flashpoint.

This made Uchiha Taki feel extremely surprised, although he has opened the eternal kaleidoscope, but who would think that there are too many kaleidoscopes?

But before Uchiha could make a move, two days later he got something that shocked him the most since he crossed over.

Three generations are dead!

Dying is not the point, if it is a normal death, whether it is a recurrence of an old injury or a stabbing death, or other ways to die, it will not shock Uchiha Taki too much.

The three generations are petrified all over and have completely turned into a stone person, or even if they are really dead, Konoha has not yet reached a conclusion.

The reason why Uchiha Taki was able to know about this was that when Konoha held a mass funeral today, the three generations did not attend, so he felt suspicious, so he went to investigate.

"Fortunately, I went over and investigated, otherwise I might not even know how the three generations died." So what's going on? Did the stone man also cross over, or did you move your hand? "

When Uchiha Taki discovered the strange state of the three generations, he first made up for it, separated the heads of the three generations, and then immediately returned to his home, and opened the wooden perception ninjutsu he developed to the maximum.

After making these preparations, Uchiha Taki questioned you with a solemn face.

He is not afraid of stone people, but miracles that you do not obey your own commands and move freely.

The super intelligence that miraculates you in the original work makes people suspect that he is the essence, and the dragon is just the host he is looking for.

Uchiha Taki was also wary of Miracle to you when he first crossed over, but as time went on, Miracle Yu didn't show any problems with you, which made him let his guard down.

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